Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2013-09-13 stars in Hornchurch

Hornchurch Here I Come! (Post 5005)

Hello darlings! It’s your favourite Pink Tutu Sparkles here, back from a whirlwind trip to Hornchurch, a town with such charm I nearly cried! (Only kidding…mostly). But seriously, Hornchurch stole my heart and, dare I say it, my wig!

I know, I know, another week, another town. But honestly, how can a gal like me resist the siren song of the stage, the twinkle of theatre lights, and the click-clack of my fabulously high heels as I sashay my way to a new venue? This is life, baby! A whirlwind of sparkle, laughter, and enough glitter to coat a small village (or perhaps a larger village if we’re talking about Hornchurch – I hear those homes are huge!).

This week’s adventure began, as it usually does, with a dash of chaos. My suitcase was, well, let’s just say it was a "work in progress." I'm a big believer in the phrase "if it fits, it ships," but sometimes, well, my logic goes on a bit of a journey of its own. Picture this: feathers poking out from one end, sequins spilling like spilled confetti, and enough rhinestones to make a disco ball blush. It's all part of the charm, isn’t it? (I’ll tell you, those backstage folks at Hornchurch sure thought so – I even got a "bravo!" for my bag alone).

I chose to arrive in style, of course. There’s no place for dreary, drab travel in my world! I'm talking vintage steam train, tickets procured the moment I received confirmation for the gig. Oh, to breathe in the scent of old wood and feel the rhythmic clatter as we travelled towards Hornchurch! Truly, it was a vintage delight! But what really took the cake, you ask? It was the encounter I had with a lovely gentleman who swore he saw a pink unicorn on board – he said it even gave him a sparkly wink! Now I'm not saying I believe him, but it was just the kind of absurd magic this journey called for.

The venue in Hornchurch was a true gem! The atmosphere was electric, full of warmth and good vibes. And as soon as I stepped out in my custom pink tutu, you could practically feel the energy shift in the room. I have to admit, my heart did a little skip, a little “thank you” dance. It’s the reason I do what I do. I get to spread the love, spread the sparkle, spread the pink tutu-ness. And it really doesn’t get more magical than that, darlings!

This trip wouldn’t have been the same without my faithful sidekicks – the amazing, ever-so-glamorous, ever-so-talented ballet crew I work with! These guys know how to bring the heat to the stage, whether it’s a classic ballet routine, a cheeky modern piece, or a dramatic showstopping finale. You know, sometimes when they start warming up, their graceful movements actually bring tears to my eyes. Seriously! It's so beautiful, it feels like pure magic! We are a real-life, sparkly fairy tale happening in every town we hit, every fair we conquer, every venue we bring to life.

After a phenomenal show, it was time for a quick outfit change and a whirl through Hornchurch High Street! A gal's got to find a new fabulous tutu for next week, and this town’s independent shops definitely did not disappoint. We snagged some divine frocks – fluffy, sparkly, and absolutely perfect for my next show! Trust me, dear reader, when you find that one, that piece of magic, you just know, deep in your heart. And oh my word, was the shoe shopping good in Hornchurch! A truly heavenly place where shoes could get lost and hearts could break over the sheer glory of the shoe collection in those local stores. A real paradise, that’s what it is.

My darling, my sweet reader, I want you to go out there and embrace the fun! Go for the unexpected, dare to be bold. Take a pink tutu for a spin, maybe wear it with some leather trousers, or maybe, just maybe, wear it for a special occasion (though frankly, I think every occasion needs a dash of pink tutu, wouldn't you agree?)

There are no boundaries when it comes to sparkle and joy. Live life on the edge, wear that pink tutu with pride, and let the world know you're here to be seen, heard, and yes, definitely to dance.

Catch you next time, darling!

Yours always,

Pink Tutu Sparkles

P.S. Do you have any great ideas for towns and cities Pink Tutu Sparkles should visit? If you're feeling bold, come along for the ride and bring your friends - it’s always a sparkly party with the queen! Remember, the pink tutu life is waiting to be lived!

#TutuQueen on 2013-09-13 stars in Hornchurch