
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2013-10-27 stars in Barnet

Barnet Bows and Ballroom Bliss: Post #5049

Oh my darlings! Fancy a spot of tutu-tastic travelling with your girl Pink Tutu Sparkles? Grab a cuppa, settle in and let me take you on a whimsical ride to Barnet! Now, you might be thinking, ā€œBarnet, honey? What on earth is there in Barnet?ā€ Let me tell you, my lovelies, this little corner of London is a hidden gem. It's the sort of place that surprises you with its charm, and trust me, it's brimming with enough sparkle to put a twinkle in even the most cynical of eyes.

This past weekend, I boarded a glorious vintage carriage (imagine the chuff-chuffing sound!), a train to be precise, and whisked myself off to Barnet for a magical, twirling adventure. I've been longing to get out of Derbyshire, explore some new stomping grounds, and spread a little bit of pink tutu magic, haven't I? You see, this queen believes in sharing the sparkle, making the world a brighter, twirlier place, one pink tutu at a time.

My first stop was the grand Barnet Barnet (did I say Barnet already? Oh my, must be the excitement!). Now, this building isn't just any building. This is a theatre, my darlings! It was a stunning example of classic Victorian architecture, all grand red brick and sweeping staircases, just the sort of place you imagine an Edwardian gentleman taking his lady for an evening of Gilbert and Sullivan. But even the fanciest theatre could use a little dose of Pink Tutu magic! The show they were putting on, a beautiful ballet production of The Sleeping Beauty, looked simply delightful, but it was missing just a tiny something ā€“ a splash of Pink Tutu!

Donā€™t get me wrong, those ballerinas were absolutely wonderful, graceful as swans and light as feathers. They wore these beautiful, traditional costumes ā€“ think flowy white skirts and a hint of shimmering sequins, but even then, they were missing that certain je ne sais quoi. Now, you see, thatā€™s where my talent comes in!

It wasnā€™t even my turn to perform that evening (which is saying something, my dearies! Pink Tutu Sparkles rarely turns down a chance to shimmy!) I just knew I needed to make my presence known. After all, whatā€™s a grand theatre opening without a little pink tutu fanfare, am I right? So I found the perfect moment, a grand pause in the music during a scene change, to pop up from the back of the stage and perform a graceful, elegant bow! It might not have been the highlight of The Sleeping Beauty, but trust me, darling, it was the moment that stole the show! It was pure magic, my darlings, an injection of pure Pink Tutu joy, bringing an already beautiful performance to a whole new level. You see, sometimes a dash of sparkle and a flash of pink is all you need to elevate things to a whole new level. Even if the cast didnā€™t appreciate itā€¦the crowd loved it! They all rushed to get a picture after. I mean, who can resist a queen in pink tulle?

The following day, my darling, I decided to take a stroll through Barnet's quaint streets, soaking up the local vibes and taking in all the pretty sights. There was such a charming little boutique ā€“ full of vintage hats, frocks, and frothy gowns. I have to admit, I went absolutely bonkers, finding a glorious bejewelled tiara (perfect for a certain pink tutu-wearing queen) and a couple of the most gorgeous pastel pink tulle skirts youā€™ve ever seen!

But, my loves, Barnet isnā€™t all grand buildings and boutique finds. I couldnā€™t resist getting some proper British takeaway (Iā€™m not sure if the people in Derbyshire would approve of thisā€¦) Fish and chips from a lovely chippy called ā€œBarnet Codā€ā€“ And honestly, my dearies, it was divine! All that crispy fried goodness was a perfect ā€œrefueling stationā€ before my grand afternoon.

My grand afternoon was spent exploring Barnet's historic Market Square. Now, for the history buffs among you (and I know youā€™re there!), the market square is simply buzzing with stories, having hosted markets and fairs for centuries, a beautiful, historic reminder of the area's past. The area was packed with local artists and performers, including street buskers, dancers, and even a troupe of clowns ā€“ talk about a day of entertainment! I found myself quite the centre of attention. I mean, imagine it - the entire square is crammed with performers and in walks me, pink tutu swirling, ready to add some glamour! There were a few giggles, of course, and some shy smiles from the performers. There was this sweet busker, she had a fiddle tucked under her chin and she looked up at me, mesmerized, eyes wide with surprise. I mean, who can resist the charm of a Pink Tutu, even in the middle of a busy market square?

By this point in my journey, I was exhausted, darling! But you see, this queen never shies away from an adventure, especially if it includes a spot of retail therapy!

Barnet, it seems, is just as much about its shops as its historic square. I spent the afternoon meandering through the lovely shops - so many lovely fabrics for tutus, but none could match the sparkle of my favourite. There were gorgeous independent bookstores brimming with captivating titles (imagine a beautiful ballet novel in pink! I just might have to pick one up next timeā€¦)

In the evening, I headed for one of the area's fantastic pubs - and when I say pub, darling, you know it's got to have that quaint British charm. With exposed brick, a crackling fire, and friendly locals ā€“ the perfect end to my adventures in Barnet. And as if by magic, darling, someone offered to play me the most gorgeous, waltzy tune on the piano.

By the time my train pulled out of Barnet station, I knew Iā€™d fallen in love with this charming, energetic, little town, filled to the brim with beauty, charm, and hidden treasures waiting to be discovered. The perfect place for Pink Tutu Sparkles! Who needs Derbyshire anyway? Well, darling, there's only one thing that would have made this weekend even more fabulousā€¦ And that, of course, is YOU! I do so love it when my readers come to the shows ā€“ I have to tell you, youā€™ve already given me some incredible inspiration for the next Pink Tutu postā€¦

Next time you need a change of pace and a whole lot of twirling fun, darling, grab your brightest pink tulle, get yourself a ticket to Barnet, and let your heart be swept away by this adorable, eclectic town. After all, my lovelies, as we all know: itā€™s not about the destinationā€¦it's about the pink tutus we wear along the way! Until next time, darlingā€¦ ta ta for now!

#TutuQueen on 2013-10-27 stars in Barnet