Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2013-12-16 stars in Kenton

Kenton Calling: Tutu Adventures Await! (Blog Post #5099)

Hello my darlings! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, your favourite tutu-wearing, pink-loving, ballet-obsessed queen, ready to whisk you off on another glittering adventure! Today, we’re leaving the familiar shimmer of my Derbyshire home and venturing to the charming town of Kenton, a destination that, as soon as I saw it on the map, had my inner Tutu Queen whispering "Oh darling, this is going to be divine!".

And it IS divine, darlings! The air is crisp, the leaves are turning those gloriously fiery hues of autumn, and Kenton itself is just brimming with history and charm. My heart, of course, skipped a beat when I spotted the majestic, hundred-year-old oak tree standing proud in the town square. Picture it, darlings: majestic branches reaching towards the sky, each one adorned with the softest, pinkest fairy lights. Pure magic!

It's these little details that make my tutu-wearing heart flutter. Just like how the town square comes alive at night with street performers - I'm particularly fond of the busker playing his fiddle, the melancholic strains of the music weaving their way through the twilight air like threads of pink silk.

Now, speaking of silk, darlings, let me tell you, the shopping in Kenton is divine! We're talking boutiques overflowing with exquisite fabrics, vintage stores bursting with delightful surprises, and a haberdashery that practically calls my name from across the street with its vast selection of feathers, sequins, and every colour of pink imaginable. I can just see a glorious, fluffy pink tutu, just begging to be born within these very walls, shimmering like a dream come true!

But enough about me, darlings, this post is about YOU, my precious Tutu Tribe! So, where to even begin? Let's talk about our journey, shall we? I opted for the grand old steam train journey to Kenton, my fluffy pink tutu perfectly contrasting against the red velvet seats and plush interiors. Honestly, darling, there's no feeling like settling into a carriage for a long journey with a good book and a cuppa!

Now, Kenton has this darling theatre, tucked away like a hidden gem, waiting to be discovered. And what's even better? They're holding a ballet performance this very night, featuring "Swan Lake" with a twist. I just had to snag tickets! There’s something absolutely divine about the grace of classical ballet that truly sets my soul alight, darlings. Watching those dancers flit across the stage, their movements echoing the fluttering of a butterfly’s wings... Oh, the inspiration! It sets my heart ablaze for all things creative and fantastical!

I mean, come on, even my drag act is heavily inspired by those ballet greats! Who can resist the allure of a twirling, shimmering tutu, a flurry of feathers, and a touch of pink, a symbol of joy and lightness? Remember, my loves, this is the Pink Tutu way: Spreading sparkle and kindness wherever I go, one fabulous twirl at a time!

Oh, darling, but I must tell you! As I was sipping a steaming cup of hot cocoa in the cafe, the aroma of freshly baked gingerbread and spiced plum cake wafting through the air, a darling couple spotted me, my pink tutu bouncing as I hopped over a particularly daring cobble. They were awed! I could tell that just a single glance of this fabulous tutu had stirred something magical within their hearts! The little boy's eyes widened with excitement, his fingers reaching out as if to touch the delicate, flowing pink tulle. I smiled and took a curtsey, inviting him to touch it, to understand the enchantment.

That, darlings, is why I wear a tutu. It's a beacon of joy, a reminder to embrace the playful side of life. It’s a spark, a catalyst for creativity, for adventure, for expressing that inner joy that resides within us all. I hope you’re all embracing your own version of joy today! I know I’m wearing mine – quite literally, darlings, with a fabulous pink tutu in a shade that makes even the sun jealous!

Of course, darling, my Tutu adventures never stop. This evening, I’m going to be spinning a few tutus of my own. I’ve got a show at a local pub, and you better believe I’m bringing all my pink sparkles to brighten up the night! So, be sure to check out my Instagram (@PinkTutuSparkles) for a few snippets of the fun and mayhem, and keep a look out on my website, www.pink-tutu.com, for all the behind-the-scenes gossip.

Until next time, my loves, keep sparkling! Love, Pink Tutu Sparkles xoxo

#TutuQueen on 2013-12-16 stars in Kenton