
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2014-01-04 stars in Prestwich

Prestwich, Oh Prestwich! My Pink Tutu Adventures Continue!

Hello darlings! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, signing in from the fabulous town of Prestwich! Can you believe it's post number 5118 already? Time truly does fly when you're living life in a pink tutu, doesn't it? ๐Ÿ˜‰

So, where were we? Oh yes, my epic journey continues! After a whirlwind trip to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival (the energy was simply electrifying!), I found myself longing for a change of pace. A touch of whimsy, perhaps? Some captivating history, maybe? And of course, the undeniable draw of a new batch of delicious cupcakes. ๐Ÿง

Well, darling, Prestwich delivered! It's a charming town with a touch of Victorian charm, boasting a vibrant arts scene and enough independent shops to make a fashionista's head spin. Not to mention the gorgeous park - perfect for a spot of ballet practice, wouldn't you agree?

I made my grand entrance, naturally, via a delightful horse-drawn carriage. I do adore a good journey by train, but sometimes, a bit of fairytale elegance is just what the doctor ordered. Imagine: me, in my signature pink tutu, flowing in the wind as we glided through the streets, a symphony of happy honks and appreciative smiles following our path! Truly, a scene fit for a princess.

My first stop? The stunning Prestwich Arts Centre, naturally! It's an absolute treasure trove of creative talent. You'll find everything from art exhibitions and theatre productions to workshops and community events. They even have a resident choir! I just know they'll be singing along to "Pink Tutu Serenade" in no time! (Spoiler alert: new song dropping soon!)

After a quick stop for some exquisite afternoon tea (don't even get me started on the cucumber sandwiches - chefs kiss!), I sashayed over to the local theatre, ready for a night of spellbinding storytelling. They were putting on a captivating production of "A Midsummer Night's Dream", and darling, let me tell you, the costumes were divine. You've got to admit, nothing makes Shakespeare more enchanting than a touch of whimsy!

The following day, I decided to delve into the local history. Prestwich has a captivating past, steeped in stories of Tudor mansions and charming weavers' cottages. I strolled through the picturesque streets, marvelling at the architecture and taking a peek into the delightful antique shops along the way. One particular vintage store practically begged me to take a closer look. It's always a pleasure to unearth a new statement piece!

Now, dear readers, you know my motto: a life lived in pink tutus is a life fully lived. And wouldn't you know it, my adventures weren't complete without a touch of tutu-themed excitement! I stumbled upon the most charming little ballet studio. It was an absolute delight! They offered classes for every level, from the youngest beginner to the most seasoned dancer. I practically jumped for joy - this was my kind of heaven!

I signed up for an introductory ballet class (just a few steps outside of my comfort zone, naturally), and let me tell you, it was magical. I've always loved the elegance of ballet, the delicate steps and graceful movements, the way it effortlessly conveys emotions through movement. Even with my pink tutu adding a touch of the whimsical, the instructors were all incredibly encouraging and welcoming. They knew I was a bit of a beginner, but they didn't treat me any differently!

Later that evening, I had the honour of performing at the local fair! The energy was electric. It felt wonderful to share a little piece of Pink Tutu Sparkles magic with the locals. You should have seen the little girls' faces light up when they saw my sequined tutu. Seriously, the joy in those tiny faces, the way their eyes just sparkled - priceless!

Before I knew it, it was time to bid farewell to this lovely town. I must say, Prestwich truly stole a piece of my heart! The people were incredibly warm, the food was heavenly (seriously, I must get that recipe for the cupcakes!), and I'm already dreaming of returning.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a few sequins to glue and some pink glitter to spread! It wouldn't be a proper Pink Tutu Sparkles goodbye without a little extra sparkle!

Stay fabulous, darlings! And remember: always embrace the tutu, embrace the pink, and most importantly, always embrace your inner sparkle.


Pink Tutu Sparkles ๐Ÿ’–

#TutuQueen on 2014-01-04 stars in Prestwich