Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2014-01-14 stars in Bulwell

Bulwell Bound: Pink Tutu Sparkles Takes On the Midlands!

Hello darlings! It's your favourite tutu-tastic blogger, Pink Tutu Sparkles, here with post number 5128! Can you believe it? I'm practically bursting at the seams with excitement, because today I'm taking you on a grand adventure... to Bulwell! Now, I know what you're thinking, "Bulwell?! What on earth could be happening in Bulwell?!" Well, darlings, you'd be surprised! It turns out there's a delightful little theatre tucked away in this charming town, and I'm ready to glitter it up for the lovely locals!

Before we get to the dazzling details of tonight's performance, I wanted to chat about how I got to Bulwell. A little bird (wearing a pink feather boa, of course) told me about this amazing opportunity to bring my dazzling show to the Midlands. Now, any chance to hop on a train and visit new towns, especially in my trusty pink tulle outfit, fills my heart with joy! There's just something magical about traveling by train, don't you agree? It allows me to fully embrace the journey and people watch, searching for any potential pink tutu converts! (Don't worry, dear reader, my efforts are strictly limited to gentle encouragement and perhaps a sprinkle of sparkly persuasion.)

I always feel like a glamorous travelling ballerina, ready to bring the magic of dance and a touch of pink to any place I visit. You see, the love for pink tutus doesn't just bloom in theatres or on stages; it’s an all-encompassing passion, one that thrives in all forms of expression!

As a matter of fact, I recently went on a thrilling escapade through the heart of the English countryside! It turns out the local horse riding centre in my Derbyshire village holds a weekly "Dress Up and Ride" event. Well, my darlings, let me tell you, I seized that opportunity like a ballerina catching a perfect arabesque! I dusted off my finest tutu, the one with the most glorious tiers of pink tulle imaginable, and saddled up. (Yes, even I, with my love for a good shoe, can navigate a saddle and a horse!).

I can assure you, the riders were astounded by my bold fashion choice, even the most stoic country gent couldn't resist a smile at the sight of pink tulle billowing behind me as I rode. But the best part was the pure, unadulterated joy it brought the younger riders. Watching their faces light up with excitement was simply priceless.

You see, it’s these experiences, the joyful reactions of others when a little bit of pink tutu magic touches their day, that drive my mission: to spread the gospel of pink tutus far and wide!

Speaking of joy and reactions, you might be wondering why my adventures, even ones that involve a saddle and a horse, are fuelled by this crazy passion. I mean, why not rock a sequin jumpsuit? (No disrespect to sequins, but I have to stay true to the tutu!), Why not trade the bright pink for a more traditional shade? (My dear readers, where's the fun in that?) Well, my love for pink tutus actually stems from my science background!

Now, you'd never guess this but by day, I'm a dedicated lab scientist. Yes, that’s right, a scientist in a pink tutu (at least I wish I could wear it to work!) My specialty is fabric analysis. For someone who spends their days testing the strength of different textiles, I was fascinated by the power of tulle. This delicate, yet sturdy material! The way it could dance in the wind, reflect the light, and move with such grace… I felt the power of it almost immediately! And then I discovered pink tutus.

Remember that annual charity fashion show our university held each year? I volunteered as the model and slipped into this gorgeous pink tutu. The minute I twirled, I knew it was my calling in life, to make people smile and feel wonderful in tutus of all shapes and colours, especially pink, But that’s a story for another blog post, darling!

Today, though, it's time for a fantastic show in Bulwell. Let me show you how this fabulous pink tutu takes centre stage in this exciting little town!

(Here, Pink Tutu Sparkles snaps a picture of herself posing by a pink door adorned with glitter, in a dramatic tutu and top, pink wig, she’s giving the reader a mischievous wink, with a dazzling smile.)

Now, I know some of you are worried, thinking "What kind of performance can a girl like you, with such an eccentric passion, put on?" Oh, darling, don’t you worry. Tonight is going to be amazing!

My performances are designed to bring a spark of joy to everyone's hearts! I might just slip into some ballet moves here and there, but don't expect me to do the full grand jeté, though that would be amazing, I'm a show-woman, darling, not a professional ballerina! Instead, we’ll be laughing together, dancing, singing, and of course, showing off the most fantastic pink tutus this side of Derbyshire.

Now, where was I? Ah yes, the venue! It’s tucked away in a cozy little building with a charming sign that says, "Bulwell Theatre," So exciting, isn't it? They're known for their eclectic mix of performances, and I’m hoping my brand of "tutu-fied" entertainment is exactly what they need. I might be small, but this Pink Tutu Sparkles can put on a big, vibrant, and joyful show, you just wait and see! (Oh, and for my local audience in Bulwell, look out for my pink feather boa toss!)

Once I finish dazzling the folks of Bulwell, I'm heading back to the comfort of my train ride, looking forward to more adventures in pink tulle. I'll be sure to post photos and videos on my Instagram, @pinktutuspsparkles, so follow along!

So there you have it, dear readers, a quick glance into the wild world of Pink Tutu Sparkles. You might think it's a crazy passion, this love for pink tutus. But I assure you, darling, the world needs a little more pink, a little more sparkle, a little more joy!

Remember, dear readers, even if you're not brave enough to don a pink tutu yourself, you can always spread a bit of Pink Tutu Sparkles magic wherever you go. Just try giving a little smile to someone you see, or tell a friend something kind! Even the smallest act of kindness can make the world a little brighter.

So, keep those smiles ready, and join me again tomorrow for another exciting chapter in the life of Pink Tutu Sparkles. I'll be sure to take you along for the ride (sometimes even the horse ride, because let’s be real, how many drag queens can rock a saddle?).

Stay sparkly,

Your dearest, Pink Tutu Sparkles.



#TutuQueen on 2014-01-14 stars in Bulwell