
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2014-03-15 stars in Paris

Paris, Oh lĆ  lĆ !

Post Number: 5188


Bonjour mes amies! It's Pink Tutu Sparkles here, back from a fabulous trip to Paris, the City of Lights! Oh my, it was like stepping out of a fairytale - the cobbled streets, the charming cafƩs, the incredible architecture...and of course, the fabulous fashion!

As you know, my motto is "Live Life in a Pink Tutu!" and let me tell you, Paris was the perfect place to embrace that spirit. From the moment I arrived, I was surrounded by stunning boutiques bursting with pink frocks, chic little shops selling exquisite ballet shoes, and of course, countless Parisian ladies sporting fabulous, oh so fashionable hats, dresses and jackets in my favourite colour! You know, you could even say I felt a bit...underdressed! ;)

It all started in Derbyshire, you know, right there in the heart of the Peak District. My story's quite an interesting one: imagine, a budding scientist like me, hunched over my test tubes and petri dishes by day, and thenā€¦ BAM! This fabulous, shimmering Pink Tutu world opens up, and everything changed. It happened during a University charity fundraiser - I donned this huge, gorgeous pink tutu for a fun little dance routine for a laugh. And guess what? The room burst into cheers, everyone was transfixed! I'd never seen so many happy faces, so much joy! And from that moment, well, Pink Tutu Sparkles was born.

Fast forward a few years and my dream job came true - I work as a fabric tester in a laboratory, so I get to get my hands on all sorts of amazing fabrics every day. Talk about a dream come true! And after work, the fun really begins, it's time to twirl, glitter, and be fabulous! And of course, travel the world!

My travel budget, you ask? Well, letā€™s just say I work hard, perform at fairs and clubs across the UK and even the odd music festival, and that means enough fabulous fun for Pink Tutu Sparkles! So you see, dreams can really come true. You just need to dream big, believe in yourself, and wear pink tutus whenever possible. ;)

I travelled to Paris by train this time ā€“ you know I just love those vintage carriages, all mahogany and plush velvet, the perfect place to let your imagination wander and create your next amazing performance! My fellow passengers were fascinated, of course, it is quite something, a pink tutu amidst all those sharp suits. Some even took pictures for their Instagram!

And oh my, the trip to Paris was nothing short of magnificent! Every corner I turned was a surprise! We took a beautiful horse-drawn carriage ride, just like in the movies. The clip-clop of the horses' hooves and the smell of the city in the crisp, autumnal airā€¦ It was so romantic!

After a quick change into a fab new pink tutu ā€“ a delicate lace creation bought from a vintage shop, perfect for the elegant French ambience ā€“ we headed out to see the sights, and I was mesmerized by the Eiffel Tower! Imagine all those steps to the topā€¦ It would be exhausting, but imagine how many fabulous Instagram pictures I'd get wearing this glorious tutu. Iā€™m saving that adventure for my next visit. ;)

That evening, we took in a stunning performance at the Opera Garnier - oh, what a spectacle of beautiful costumes, incredible music, and the elegance of the dancers' moves. The exquisite beauty and precision of classical ballet always fill me with a profound sense of awe. Itā€™s a world of magic, and I just want to be part of it.

Every afternoon, weā€™d make our way to the Palais Garnier, the majestic building that houses the Paris Opera. Just to enjoy a bit of ballet class with other enthusiastic fans. That's my kind of fun - all those beautiful leaps and twirls. Itā€™s good for the body, and even better for the soul.

Of course, no trip to Paris is complete without indulging in some indulgent, delightful pastries, right? We indulged in croissants, pains au chocolat and macarons at some fabulous cafesā€¦ oh my, those were absolutely divine.

We visited the Louvre, that amazing, awe-inspiring art museum - a definite highlight for me! They're a bit obsessed with classical paintings, not so much on the ā€œwearable artā€ aspect of tutus - they are, however, great at making museum selfies, though.

Shopping was a must, too! So many lovely stores and boutiques in Paris. From a vintage hat to a fabulous pair of glittery shoes and a little bit of vintage fashion, we had an absolute blast in those shops, creating my new Parisian look - with, naturally, a beautiful pink tutu for the perfect accent! It felt like a scene straight out of a movie!

Paris definitely lived up to its reputation as the fashion capital of the world, and with so much eye-catching, flamboyant fashion inspiration around me, I think I'll have quite a few new outfits coming to Pink Tutu Sparklesā€™ stage performances, donā€™t you? And itā€™s got me thinking about adding another tutu to my collection, maybe something with a bit of a French twist.

Before you go, I wanted to share with you my favorite memory from my time in Parisā€¦ It was such a simple thing, but it filled my heart with such joy! One day, while we were having coffee in a little cafĆ© near the Seine, this adorable little girl came up to me. She was looking up at my pink tutu with so much awe, and asked, "Are you a princess?" I looked down at her smiling face, her big eyes filled with such wonder and answered with "Well, in my world, darling, everyone can be a princess." And her smile? Oh my, that smile just lit up the whole cafĆ©.

Itā€™s small moments like this that remind me of my passion. It's not about me - itā€™s about creating magic, joy, and spreading sparkles to everyone who sees a pink tutu. That's what Pink Tutu Sparkles is all about. It's a reminder that anyone can embrace their inner sparkle, wear their dreams, and, of course, never forget toā€¦

Live Life in a Pink Tutu!

Stay fabulous, mes amies,

Pink Tutu Sparkles

#TutuQueen on 2014-03-15 stars in Paris