Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2014-03-26 stars in Cambridge

Pink Tutu Sparkles Takes Cambridge By Storm! (Post #5199)

Oh, darlings, what a day! I'm practically bouncing with excitement! It's Pink Tutu Sparkles here, fresh from my latest adventure, which saw me dazzling the fine folk of Cambridge in a glorious, twirling display of pink and sequins. My lovelies, I can't wait to tell you all about it!

Now, this wasn't just any old trip. This was a special one, planned to the tiniest detail (because let's face it, who doesn't love a bit of organization in their life? wink). As soon as I saw that Cambridge had booked a brilliant ballet performance, I knew I had to be there. Not just to be a spectator, darling, but to become a part of the magical, twirling, pirouette-filled spectacle!

Now, as you all know, travelling for me is always a whimsical affair. I can't bring myself to take anything less than a horse-drawn carriage when the option exists (yes, you read that right! I do own my very own gorgeous mare named Rosie! squeal) So, off we went, a picture-perfect spectacle in ourselves. Me, all pink and glittery, and Rosie, all chestnut and gleaming! I felt like a princess, except I wouldn't trade my trusty steed for all the crowns in the world.

And then there was Cambridge itself! This enchanting university city is bursting with history and charm, just begging to be explored in all its gothic glory! We walked past grand old buildings that whispered secrets from centuries past. We even managed to slip into one of those lovely little tearooms, tucked away on a cobblestone street, and indulge in a delicious, perfectly crafted cup of tea and a slice of Victoria sponge. Oh, to be English! swoon

However, it wasn't just the historic ambiance that drew me to Cambridge, oh no. It was the chance to perform my act for a completely new audience. You see, darling, I'm a drag artist, a creature of glitter and twirls and flamboyant declarations. And Cambridge, with its cultured crowd and passionate arts scene, is a haven for performances of all shapes and sizes!

You see, my journey started as a tiny little flame in my heart back in my hometown of Derbyshire. A love affair with pink tutus started with an old friend's dare (we were raising money for a local charity). One quick try-on at the charity shop, a flutter of pink tulle, and my destiny was sealed!

Now, the whole story might make you wonder how a humble girl from Derbyshire (me!) ended up becoming Pink Tutu Sparkles, the most sparkly and twirly drag queen this side of the Thames. Well, the truth is that when I’m not dazzling the masses in my pink tutu and rhinestones, I'm actually a bit of a scientist! Gasp! That’s right, I analyse fabrics for a living, the more glamorous world of fashion a stark contrast to the laboratory environment!

Back to the present, though! My Cambridge performance was a roaring success. I twirled my way through a repertoire of well-loved numbers, complete with dazzlingly pink feather boas and head-turning sequined ensembles. The crowd, oh they roared their approval! I must have gotten about a million “Bravos!" and "You go girls!". And even though my shoes were threatening to break by the end (blame the pirouettes!) it was worth every second!

To end the evening, a bunch of sweet ladies brought me a giant, shimmering bouquet of pink carnations. My goodness! I must say, it took all my will-power not to cry! sniff

Cambridge, you were simply delightful. My time there is one I’ll treasure. Now, I'm off to start planning my next big adventure. And yes, darlings, my eyes are firmly set on conquering another ballet performance – this time, the magical city of Paris! shimmery wave I can’t wait to tell you all about it in my next post.

Until then, remember to keep your spirits bright, your twirls happy, and your closets stocked with the very best in pink tulle.

Lots of love,

Pink Tutu Sparkles xx


#TutuQueen on 2014-03-26 stars in Cambridge