Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2014-04-18 stars in Hastings

Hastings, darling! A Pink Tutu Odyssey, Post #5222!

Oh, darlings, I’m so excited to share with you all my latest adventure! This little Pink Tutu Sparkles has been hopping around the country lately, bringing joy (and lots of pink!) to everyone I meet. Today, it's the charming seaside town of Hastings that's caught my fancy. It’s truly a fairytale setting – think cobbled streets, a grand old pier, and a bustling atmosphere that’s bursting with personality.

Speaking of personality, you know Pink Tutu Sparkles is always looking for ways to embrace a theme, and Hastings truly lends itself to it! Think, “Alice in Wonderland” meets “Victorian seaside resort,” all spun with a generous dash of sparkle. This isn’t just any town, my loves, it's a wonderland for tutus and pink.

It all started when I heard about a local arts festival that was embracing the whole “quirky and colourful” theme, right up my street! This Pink Tutu Sparkles wouldn’t be caught dead (pun intended!) missing a chance to shimmer and shine on the beautiful Hastings stage.

Getting here was half the fun! I chose to travel by train, my absolute favourite way to soak up the scenery and have a bit of a ‘Pink Tutu Express’ extravaganza. Imagine a carriage with all the charm of a Parisian salon, adorned with vibrant pinks and a collection of twirly tulle. People kept craning their necks to see who was creating all this excitement - it was like a Pink Tutu road show!

But before we delve into the highlights of my performance, let me share my latest shopping escapade. My dear friend Emily (the brains behind the whole Pink Tutu empire!) took me on a whistle-stop tour of Hastings’ hidden fashion gems. We discovered this incredible vintage boutique, nestled in a cobbled backstreet, brimming with treasures from a bygone era. It was like stepping into a time capsule! And trust me, the moment I laid eyes on this amazing pink floral-print silk dress, it was love at first sight. Picture it – all wispy and floaty, perfectly fitting for a day of waltzing along the seafront.

The excitement reached its crescendo in the evening as I got ready to take the stage at the Hastings Town Hall! My fabulous make-up artist, Polly, transformed me into a breathtaking spectacle. Think vibrant fuchsia eyeshadow, sculpted cheekbones dusted with shimmering rose gold, and lashes so voluminous, they’d give Marilyn Monroe a run for her money! But, of course, the crowning glory was my sparkling, pink tutu.

Oh, the thrill of it all, darlings! It was a true joy to bring my Pink Tutu magic to the stage! The audience roared with laughter, cheered with delight, and I could swear a few tears were even shed. The highlight? When a young boy in the audience – eyes wide with wonder – declared I was the “sparkliest fairy princess he’d ever seen!” My heart truly soared! It’s these moments, darlings, that make my tutu twirl a bit higher!

You see, Pink Tutu Sparkles doesn’t just stand on a stage and dance. We’re a symbol, an embodiment of fun and joy. We bring a dash of colour to a sometimes grey world. And with each performance, we spread the love for pink, for twirling, and for letting loose and embracing your inner fairy princess!

Now, after a night of fabulous fun, it’s time for this little Pink Tutu Sparkles to relax and recharge. But don't you worry, I have plenty more stories and pictures from my Hastings adventure to share. After all, every journey, big or small, is an opportunity for a Pink Tutu story, isn't it?

So until next time, remember, darling, the world needs more pink tutus and a little bit of sparkle. Spread the joy, embrace the unexpected, and remember – it’s never too late to twirl your worries away!

Love, Pink Tutu Sparkles


#TutuQueen on 2014-04-18 stars in Hastings