
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2014-06-01 stars in Stourbridge

Stourbridge Sparkle: Pink Tutu's Back on Track!

Hello darlings, and welcome back to Pink-Tutu.com, the ultimate destination for all things pink, sparkly, and twirly! This is post number 5266 (I'm just loving the fact that this blog's become a record of my adventures!), and I'm bursting with excitement about my recent jaunt to the gorgeous town of Stourbridge.

Now, let's be honest, Stourbridge isn't exactly known for its bustling drag scene, is it? It's more a place for canal walks and antique shops (though, let's be real, the antiques shops were quite a fabulous treasure trove, with enough vintage brooches and beads to kit out a whole cast of Drag Race!). But for this little Pink Tutu, the allure of a new town and the promise of some fabulously fun performance opportunities was simply too much to resist.

Speaking of fabulously fun, have you seen the outfit I picked out for this Stourbridge adventure? Think baby pink, fluffy tulle, a dazzling rainbow sequin top, and a pair of pink sparkly Mary Janes. All that topped off with my signature, ever-so-slightly crooked, pink feather boa! Because even on a train journey, a queen's gotta look fabulous, darling. And let me tell you, that train ride was an adventure in itself. Thankfully, the journey wasn't too long, so I didn't have time to get stir-crazy (the last time I spent over an hour on a train, I nearly started a full-scale "Swan Lake" performance in the carriage!). This time, however, a nice gentleman kindly offered me his seat after I accidentally knocked over my bag of pink hairspray (a total accident, I assure you!). It was like a scene out of a romantic comedy. He was, of course, completely charmed by my apologies (which included a mini pirouette in the aisle, I admit!).

Arriving in Stourbridge, I felt a twinge of that old-school excitement you get when you step into a new place for the first time. There was a beautiful canal leading right through the centre of the town and so many little independent shops - it truly felt like the type of town where everyone knew each other.

Stourbridge might be a bit of a backwater compared to the bright lights of the London theatre scene, but this little Pink Tutu is always happiest when she's sharing a bit of sparkle with people who don't necessarily expect it. So, the performance venue was... let's say, unique. Imagine a converted old warehouse with exposed brickwork, industrial lighting, and the lingering smell of sawdust (never fear, my Pink Tutu signature perfume kept all traces of the "industrial" far, far away!). This place had been transformed into a vibrant community hub, and the atmosphere was buzzing with excitement as the crowds filed in.

Now, let me tell you, the performance itself was absolutely bonkers! I danced, I sang, I twirled, I even threw in a bit of stand-up comedy (that part's a bit of a secret talent of mine). It's fair to say I was practically vibrating with energy and delight throughout the whole thing. I think I even inspired one little girl to ask for a pink tutu for her birthday - how pink-tastic is that?! It really reminded me why I love what I do - spreading a little joy and reminding people of the magic of embracing your individuality (and, of course, the absolute necessity of wearing a pink tutu from time to time!)

The evening finished off with a fabulous celebratory meal with the Stourbridge residents I met (all wonderfully kind and surprisingly up-to-date on the latest trends in pink tulle!). I had a chat about their lives, swapped some amazing stories about my travels, and promised to come back for another show very soon (with more sparkly outfit changes!). It really felt like I'd become part of the local community.

So, until next time, darlings! Remember, if you see someone with a big smile, an even bigger pink tutu, and a passion for spreading sparkle, it might just be this little Pink Tutu doing her thing. And remember - if you ever see a Pink Tutu walking down a street near you, say hello! The more sparkle in the world, the better!

Lots of love and twinkle, Pink Tutu Sparkle

P.S. You know how much I love pink, tutus, and travel? Well, my love of tutus is a big part of why I wear them! You might be surprised to know I was originally trained as a scientist, and you know what a real scientist tests? Fabric! Imagine my shock and joy when I had to try on a pink tutu for a charity event in university. The pink tutu turned out to be incredibly soft and pretty and suddenly it had all this amazing history and artistry - my lab was dull! And here we are, years later. And if thereโ€™s a new type of tutu fabric, you know Iโ€™m gonna wear it!

P.P.S. It's probably obvious from my travel blogs, I'm also in love with horses. Horses have that power to take you on such amazing journeys. I feel like such a classic English eccentric! One day I'd like to make it to a horse race - wouldn't it be incredible to take all these fabulous tutus to a race? But hey, why not wear a tutu on a train - itโ€™s fun to look fab in even the most unexpected of places.

#TutuQueen on 2014-06-01 stars in Stourbridge