Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2014-06-22 stars in Royal Leamington Spa

Royal Leamington Spa: Pink Tutu Sparkles on the Promenade! 🩰👑💖

Post #5287 - www.pink-tutu.com

Greetings, my darling darlings! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, ready to paint the town pink...or should I say, sparkly pink! Today, I’m writing to you from the enchanting Royal Leamington Spa, a town brimming with charm and… well, pink! (Who am I kidding? Pink is EVERYWHERE.) I've got to tell you, darling, the Royal Spa Centre has my heart dancing a little faster. The elegant architecture and the grand promenade… I swear I could practically hear the strains of a waltz floating through the air. I even saw a flock of pigeons… in pink! (You can never be too flamboyant, even in feathered form, right?)

You see, this little journey started, as it often does, with a pair of fabulous ballet shoes and a dash of inspiration. We’re all about spreading the pink tutu love, remember? It's an unwritten rule in the Pink Tutu Sparkles code: Every day is a pink tutu kind of day!

But darling, before I gush about my fabulous performance (a rousing rendition of Pinkalicious, naturally!), let me take you back to how I ended up here in the heart of England. You know how I love to travel, preferably by train, so I packed my trusty trunk of pink delights and embarked on a whimsical adventure, chugging through the scenic countryside, feeling every bump and rumble of the rails…like a pink tutu-clad princess on her royal carriage ride! (I know, the imagery is strong, but when you’re a queen, it’s about embracing your fantasy! wink)

Speaking of royalty, did you know Leamington Spa has a long and rich history? It was founded by a royal gentleman, Charles Mordaunt, Earl of Peterborough and Monmouth… a very grand fellow, by all accounts! It only seems fitting that his legacy be celebrated with a touch of pink magic, wouldn’t you agree? I'm just here to add a dash of "sparkle" to the grandeur.

Now, let me paint you a picture of my day. It began at the delightful Royal Spa Centre itself, where I donned my latest ensemble. (Oh, my darlings, you HAVE to see the new tutu! Think shimmering metallic sequins and cascading tulle - absolutely stunning!) We performed for a joyous audience filled with locals and tourists alike. I must say, the town's enthusiasm for pink was undeniable…and the applause! Absolutely enchanting! But darling, it was more than just the applause that made my heart sing; it was the joy in the eyes of children as they twirled with me during "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star." They're the future of the Pink Tutu revolution, and their enthusiasm gives me hope for a brighter, more glittery world.

You know what else was fantastic? After the show, a friendly chap invited me to share tea with his family, a heartwarming moment with his wife and their two adorable children! You know what? They wore pink tutus too! My mission? Complete.

From the picturesque streets to the delightful shops overflowing with colorful delights, Leamington Spa has captured my heart! (Just imagine how perfectly those beautiful flowers match my outfit….)

Fashion is my passion! (Just ask my lab coat…which happens to be the most stunning shade of blush pink!) I have to mention the adorable little boutique I found while strolling through the promenade, filled with the most delightful garments. I couldn’t resist treating myself to a gorgeous pink cardigan and a hat with a big, feathery pink boa! (Absolutely necessary for adding a dash of whimsy to the ensemble!*)

Don't even get me started on the delicious treats! The bakeries had cupcakes that could melt the heart of the coldest-hearted curmudgeon...imagine layers of buttercream frosting and rainbow sprinkles, a confection that would put even the most decadent fairytale dessert to shame! And let's not forget the tea shop! I indulged in a spot of Earl Grey, perfectly complemented with a sparkling pink macaron…an afternoon delight fit for a princess!

As the day draws to a close, my love for this enchanting town grows. You can’t leave Leamington Spa without a stroll down the majestic promenade. With a gentle breeze swirling through my shimmering pink tutu, I felt like I was dancing a silent waltz in the heart of the British countryside. And as the sun set, casting a golden glow on the town, I realised I wasn't just sharing my love for pink, but also experiencing the magic of a community united by a shared passion for beauty, history, and a dash of pink!

Darling, there’s something about Leamington Spa, it simply invites you to tap your toes and embrace the sheer joy of being alive. If you find yourself near the Royal Spa Centre, I urge you to do one thing: slip on your own pink tutu, take a deep breath, and indulge in the enchantment of a place that knows how to celebrate life in a burst of pink and sparkly brilliance.

Now, if you'll excuse me, darlings, I've got a grand ballet class waiting for me...and you bet I'll be wearing a sparkly pink tutu! Until next time, keep your spirits high, your outfits fabulous, and your heart open to the magic of pink.

Pink Tutu Sparkles


#TutuQueen on 2014-06-22 stars in Royal Leamington Spa