
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2014-07-03 stars in Neath

Neath: A Tutu-ific Adventure! πŸ©°πŸ’–

Hiya lovelies! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, reporting live from the glorious town of Neath! This is post number 5298, and if you're reading this, then you're obviously as passionate about pink tutus as I am! πŸŽ‰

This week's journey has been a particularly exciting one. It started, as all my adventures do, with a twinkle in my eye and a good old-fashioned train ride. Now, let me tell you, there's nothing quite like gazing out the window at the world whizzing by, wearing a magnificent pink tulle masterpiece! The wind whips through my feather boa, the carriage rattles with each curve, and the rhythm of the journey just seems to fit perfectly with my pink-tinted vision for life.

And speaking of vision, the whole reason I ventured to Neath this time was for the annual Neath Theatre's Ballet Extravaganza! Now, you know how much I adore a good ballet show. There's something magical about watching the dancers glide across the stage, their movements so graceful, their costumes so beautiful, and everything just... twirling with perfection.

Neath Theatre didn't disappoint, darling. We were treated to a stunning rendition of "Swan Lake," with the most beautiful costumes I've ever seen. There was a fluffy pink swan costume that literally made me swoon. If I'm ever getting my own ballet company (watch this space!), I'm definitely going to make that costume my signature piece. πŸ¦’πŸ’–

Now, after the ballet, naturally, a trip to the shops was in order! It's simply a rule of Pink Tutu Sparkles that any adventure has to include a generous helping of retail therapy. And Neath, you beautiful thing, you did not let me down!

Firstly, I simply had to go to "Sew and Sequins," a delightful little fabric shop tucked away down a cobblestone alley. The shopkeeper, a wonderfully eccentric woman with a fabulous emerald green hair-do, had an absolutely breathtaking selection of silks and sequins. She was also quite impressed with my pink tutu, which always warms my fuzzy little heart! You never know how someone is going to react when you’re in drag but thankfully, Neath is definitely a tutu-friendly town! πŸ’–

I spent a good hour in that shop, oohing and aahing over satins and lace, dreaming of what I could create with the gorgeous materials. Just as well my sparkly pink tutu was holding the material bag together or I might have walked out with a lot more than my purse could handle. I found a divine emerald green fabric to replace my old curtain! You see darling, if there's a scrap of emerald green on the floor and a sparkly tutu nearby, there's only one thing for it – curtains of course!

Next, we ventured to "A Touch of Colour," the local fashion boutique. This place had absolutely everything a drag queen could desire: sparkly heels, flamboyant hats, and enough bright colours to give a unicorn a rainbow envy. The best part? The lovely ladies at "A Touch of Colour" had actually set up a "Pink Tutu" section. I tell you, my heart just melted! I couldn’t resist buying myself a gorgeous, sparkling pink boa, to add to my ever-growing collection.

The day wasn't over yet. My lovely Neath fans were holding a "Pink Tutu Tea Party" in the beautiful gardens of Neath Castle. Imagine my joy when I found myself greeted by dozens of lovely locals, all wearing some kind of pink tulle accessory! I danced and spun with the children, took pictures with families, and felt completely at home in this bubbly, pink-tinted atmosphere.

Later that evening, I held a little performance on the grounds of the castle, where I danced, sang, and made everyone giggle with my pink tutu jokes. This is why I do what I do – it brings so much joy to share the pink tutu spirit with the world, one giggle, one twirl, and one glittery smile at a time.

This Neath adventure is one that will forever be etched into my pink-hued memory. It’s a reminder that even a small town in Wales can be overflowing with magic, creativity, and most importantly, love for the almighty tutu.

Before I leave, I wanted to share a little message of inspiration for you, dear readers: never stop dreaming, never stop shining, and most importantly, never stop wearing your tutu! You never know what amazing things life might have in store for you. ✨

Now, it's time for me to hop on a train (maybe I’ll sneakily convince the conductor to let me ride on the roof!), to find the next adventure that awaits on my pink-tinted path. Until next time, darlings, stay sparkly and wear your tutus with pride!

Much love and kisses,

Pink Tutu Sparkles (Alex, to my fellow scientists πŸ§ͺ πŸ˜‰)

P.S. If you're in the area, don't forget to visit Neath Theatre. They're planning some fabulous shows! πŸ’–πŸ©°

#TutuQueen on 2014-07-03 stars in Neath