
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2014-09-13 stars in Wigston Magna

Wigston Magna: Tutu-licious Travels! 🩰✨

Hello darlings, and welcome to my fabulous world! It's your girl Pink Tutu Sparkles, and guess what? I'm finally back from another magical journey, this time to the charming town of Wigston Magna! This makes post number 5370, and my oh my, do I have stories to tell you! ✨

But before we get into the glitz and glam, let's take a moment to reflect. Remember when I told you I wanted to conquer the world in my pink tutu? Well, my fabulous friends, Wigston Magna is another tick off the list! The whole place embraced the sparkle! πŸ’–

I had a vision, you see? I envisioned Wigston Magna filled with rosy tulle, the shops adorned with pink boas, the locals sashay-ing in fluffy skirts. I imagined everyone experiencing the sheer joy of twirling, the magic of tulle, the freedom that comes with a splash of colour in their life. And you know what? It kind of happened! 😜

So how did this journey to Wigston Magna unfold, you ask? Well, I set off from Derbyshire, naturally in a vintage pink coach adorned with shimmering diamantes - a little vintage glamour to brighten even the dullest of days! (Don't you agree?)

But before I share about Wigston, a quick update on life as a TutuQueen: it's not all glitz and glam, you know! By day I'm a scientist, hard at work testing fabrics for colour and wear. It might seem a million miles from sequins and stage lights, but it gives me the chance to explore colours and textures that then find their way into my show-stopping costumes! So it's all connected, darling. Every tiny detail in my world is somehow a stepping stone to bigger things.

Anyways, back to Wigston Magna! I landed in the centre of this lovely town, and right away it was a whirlwind of energy! My little Pink Tutu heart was racing as I caught the local theatre group in the middle of rehearsals. I must say, they looked fab in their costumes. Of course, my intuition kicked in and I immediately saw how they could take it up a notch with some strategic use of pink, even some matching boas...maybe? But more on that later! I think it's called tact... or something? πŸ˜‰

I set up my little pop-up shop, and as expected, a little magic started happening. People just love a touch of sparkle, even in sleepy Wigston! The whole place took on a little extra zing with me there, and everyone started wanting to be a part of it. This one family dressed their toddler up as a little princess in a pink tutu. My oh my, was it ever so cute! πŸ’– It’s official – toddlers in pink tutus make the world a more magical place! πŸ’–

Naturally, I had to visit Wigston's oldest building – the stunning church with its towering spire! I mean, the place had a touch of regal, almost majestic about it, just begging for a splash of Pink Tutu. Of course, a touch of pink is all it ever takes! We are a society of delicate refinement and finesse here in Wigston. πŸ˜‰ So I adorned myself in my finest pink feather boa and waltzed around the churchyard with the wind in my feathers! The church seemed to approve – at least the vicar had a smile on his face while he watched me twirl! I may be a TutuQueen, but I’m no queen without a wink from the church!

After the church, I ventured into a quaint local cafe and met this wonderful lady, Joan. She's an absolute sweetheart. Joan was so kind and treated me to a lovely cuppa. You know me – I’ve always got an eye for a good bargain. In Joan's case, I decided to swap her some sequins and glitter for her stunning antique pin. Let's be honest - sparkle should never be hoarded. And that's the kind of magic we try to spread around here, darlings. πŸ’•

I then headed for a performance in a little village hall. The crowd was lovely and everyone seemed to enjoy the show. I danced the night away with my Tutu posse. Now, you know how much I love to dance! The combination of twirling and sparkly pink? My little Tutu heart couldn’t resist! So we filled the dance floor, spreading Tutu magic to every corner of the hall. The only sound you could hear was the sound of us shimmying and shimmering and having the time of our lives. It was utterly fabulous! πŸŽ‰

And, of course, a day in Wigston Magna simply wouldn't be complete without visiting the famous market! What’s a girl to do after a show and before heading to the next destination? Shop, of course! Now, this was the real thrill for me. You know, all those amazing fabrics and trims… I simply couldn’t resist stocking up! Imagine - a pink velvet ribbon with just the right shade of iridescent sparkle? And a vintage pink chiffon shawl, perfect for that sassy dramatic reveal. I've already started working on my next pink costume – can't wait to reveal the magic at my next performance! πŸ˜‰ But hush – that’s a secret, until the right time, you see!

After the shopping trip, my journey ended on a sweet note at a local bakery, where I indulged in a delicious strawberry and pink-iced cupcake. Let’s be honest – there is simply no time for boring cake. Don't you agree? πŸ˜‰

So, darlings, that was Wigston Magna! From stunning churches to quaint villages, lively markets to theatrical venues – the town embraced the Pink Tutu magic in style! Wigston, you were simply wonderful! The sparkle you’ve gifted me is sure to shine bright in my next adventures.

Stay tuned for my next stop - who knows, it might just be your neighbourhood next. Keep following Pink Tutu on www.pink-tutu.com, and remember: Pink Tutu will always spark joy! πŸ˜‰ Until next time, my loves!

Lots of pink love,

Pink Tutu Sparkles. πŸ’–

#TutuQueen on 2014-09-13 stars in Wigston Magna