Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2014-10-25 stars in Bloxwich

Bloxwich, Here I Come! (Blog Post #5412)

Hello darlings! It's your girl, Pink Tutu Sparkles, back with another post from the fabulous world of pink tutus! Today, I'm bringing the sparkle to Bloxwich - a little town in the Midlands with big, bright energy, if you know what I mean!

Now, I know what you're thinking: "Bloxwich? Is that even a real place?". And honestly, darlings, sometimes I wonder that too! But let me tell you, it's bursting with charm and character - the perfect place for a pink-tutu clad adventure, if I do say so myself.

It all started a few days ago. I was, as usual, lost in a world of silk and chiffon at my favourite vintage boutique (don't you love that fabulous feeling when you find the perfect sequined scarf to complete your ensemble? Just me? Ok, never mind.) Anyway, I was sorting through racks of glittery delights when I bumped into a charming chap from a local events company. He was searching for someone special, someone unique, someone... well, you get the picture.

“We need some spark, some colour, some fun, in Bloxwich! " He explained with a wide grin, "And you, Pink Tutu Sparkles, are the answer!”

Of course, my darling, I couldn't refuse. He had a point - what better way to spread the message of pink tutu joy than to bring the magic to a place that might not have quite so much glitz and glamour on a regular day?

Now, Bloxwich isn’t exactly known for its fabulous nightlife (although I am on a mission to change that!). So how did I get there? You guessed it – by train! It may not be as glamorous as a horse-drawn carriage, but I have to tell you, there is something incredibly satisfying about watching the scenery fly by whilst indulging in a cup of tea and a few slices of cucumber sandwich. I truly do travel in style, my darlings.

Oh, I nearly forgot! As a little treat, I packed a box full of pink tutus to give away to the lucky locals. Yes, I am talking full, full skirts of fluffy pink goodness! Just a tiny gift from yours truly.

The event was held in a quirky, old theatre - you know the type, all high ceilings and red velvet seats? Oh, darling, it was utterly charming. I must say, it’s lovely to perform in a space where you can almost feel the echoes of past performances and grand theatrical gestures!

Before I took to the stage, I popped outside to greet my lovely fans. Everyone was absolutely delightful - genuinely kind and warm. I must say, some of the locals had quite the knack for posing! One chap even sported a pair of pink socks. I nearly swooned, honestly! He even called me "a ray of sunshine!" Oh, the power of the pink tutu!

Anyway, the performance itself was electric! You wouldn’t believe it - a woman in the front row even jumped onto the stage with me! The sheer joy, the passion for pink, it truly brought tears to my eyes (of glitter, of course). And as usual, the whole affair was punctuated by screams of joy, flashing cameras, and spontaneous bouts of "oohs" and "aahs".

What else happened in Bloxwich? Well, let's just say I found a fabulous vintage costume shop - it was overflowing with sparkly delights, oh my! I swear, the owner had to literally push me out of the door with a pile of pink tulle under my arm. What a darling!

Oh, and remember that box of tutus I mentioned? I left it by the local school! It’s always wonderful to give a little back and hopefully, a few youngsters got to feel the magic of the pink tutu, you know?

I’ll tell you, Bloxwich, you won me over! The people, the warmth, the genuine excitement – it’s proof positive that you don't need fancy, sparkly buildings or a glamorous stage to make something extraordinary. You just need a little bit of sparkle and a whole lot of love!

It’s not about the place you visit, my darlings, but how you spread the pink-tutu love, you know? Bloxwich has a little piece of my heart now.

Until next time,

Pink Tutu Sparkles (Alex)

PS: Oh, darling, I forgot! I bought a box of gorgeous pastel pink bath bombs from the local market, and guess what? It was my lucky day. Turns out the stall was owned by a wonderful lady who loves all things pink. You know what I mean, right? I've even got her wearing a pink tutu in my latest vlog. Oh, the joy!

pps. Did you know I have a brand-new YouTube channel? Go and check out the latest vlog – I’ve got all the latest news about the next pink-tutu extravaganza, and trust me, darlings, it’s a doozy!

#TutuQueen on 2014-10-25 stars in Bloxwich