Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2014-11-15 stars in Plymouth

Plymouth, You’re Pinktastic! (Blog Post #5433)

Hello my darlings! It’s your favourite pink tutu-wearing queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, here, reporting live from Plymouth! This stunning seaside town has stolen my heart (and maybe my credit card!), and I can’t wait to tell you all about it.

It's a journey that began with a hearty “Giddy-up!” as I clambered onto my trusty steed - well, the train to be precise. I always find a train journey gives me the perfect time to brainstorm outfit ideas, write blog posts, and dream up new moves for my act. I even found myself creating a whole new tutu routine inspired by the gentle rocking of the carriages.

Speaking of rocking, did you know that Plymouth is absolutely bursting with rock-n-roll history? It's like stepping into a time capsule! There are these gorgeous little cafes and tea rooms on cobbled streets, and then you come across a little alleyway, BAM! – there's a cool vintage shop. My fashion heart was overflowing with glee. I found the most amazing pink sequined jacket in one little boutique; I may or may not have tried it on with six different tutus. Let’s just say it’s now officially in my wardrobe, ready for its grand debut!

But let’s be real, folks, I didn't come to Plymouth for just the shopping (although, I’ll admit, it was truly delightful). The real draw for me was the ballet. My beloved tutus are practically part of my DNA now, and any excuse to immerse myself in the beautiful world of ballet is always a good one. The Theatre Royal Plymouth put on a dazzling production of Swan Lake. It had me entranced. Those graceful swans and dashing princes… the story was told with such elegance. And speaking of elegance, the theatre itself was simply breath-taking. I've already pencilled it into my diary for a return trip - the theatre, I mean. The tutu will find its way there eventually.

I’m also discovering that Plymouth has a hidden gem: The Ballet Theatre! They have these lovely classes for everyone – beginners to seasoned professionals, even me, and of course I’m attending as many as I can! Just picture this: a bunch of dancers pirouetting in the sun with Plymouth Sound as their backdrop… truly breathtaking.

But what would a trip to Plymouth be without exploring its rich maritime history, you ask? The Mayflower Steps took me on a journey back to 1620 when those brave souls set sail for the New World. To think those beautiful, sturdy wooden ships were once here in this harbour – I just love thinking about those brave sailors who dreamed big, much like me, only their dreams were bigger!

Oh, the fun isn't over! The food scene here is incredible. Forget your fancy London restaurants – this is real food, done right. A taste of Plymouth's freshest catch, followed by a delicious slice of locally-baked cake. Yum! I especially enjoyed the Cornish pasties; they’re absolutely legendary. Did I mention I’m a massive fan of the Cornish coastline? It’s the perfect spot to soak up the sea air and dream about the perfect tutu to go with that perfect sunset!

Of course, no visit is complete without a show for the good people of Plymouth. I found the perfect venue: a lively, energetic, and open-hearted pub. And that's where I showed Plymouth what Pink Tutu Sparkles is all about! I shimmied and twirled and spun to a packed crowd, showering them with sparkly magic and dazzling tutus, all while promoting my message of love, joy, and pinkness. My hope? That after seeing me, everyone will consider wearing a pink tutu – even just once! It's a delightful way to embrace a little bit of magic and whimsy, just like I did during my unforgettable time in Plymouth.

So, Plymouth, thank you for welcoming me with open arms. Thank you for the amazing experiences, for inspiring me with your beautiful ballet, and for proving that the magic of tutus can spread anywhere in the world! I will definitely be back, you can bet on it, Plymouth, my darling!

Till next time,

Pink Tutu Sparkles xoxo

P.S. Don’t forget to visit my website, www.pink-tutu.com for more pink-tastic adventures and tips on living life in a tutu!

P.P.S My next stop? Brighton!

#TutuQueen on 2014-11-15 stars in Plymouth