
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2014-11-17 stars in Wolverhampton

Wolverhampton, Oh Wolverhampton! - Blog Post #5435

Hello my darling darlings! It's your favourite pink-loving, tutu-wearing drag queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, here, ready to spill the tea on my latest adventure. This time, I ventured north, all the way to the heart of the West Midlands: Wolverhampton!

Now, Iโ€™ve heard stories about Wolverhampton, whispers of its industrial history and buzzing nightlife, but nothing could have prepared me for the sheer charm and energy of this place! Iโ€™d heard the theatre in Wolverhampton was one of the most beautiful in the whole country and, let me tell you, they weren't exaggerating. From the moment I stepped into that grand building, I felt a buzz of excitement and, I swear, I felt the ghosts of famous actors who graced that stage whisper a "welcome" to me.

Of course, being the Pink Tutu queen that I am, my travels couldn't just involve theatre and grand architecture! I made sure to squeeze in a visit to the Wulfruna Shopping Centre, and I'm happy to report: I did not disappoint! Pink, pink, pink everywhere! I mean, who needs a rainbow when you've got a sea of fuchsia, rose, and magenta, right? My fabulous outfit (which, as per usual, involved a custom-made tutu) caused quite the stir! A whole posse of teenage girls were awestruck and we snapped some selfies - because let's be honest, a little bit of Pink Tutu Sparkles can brighten up anyone's day.

But enough about me, darlings! What about my grand entrance to the stage at The Grand Theatre in Wolverhampton, huh? It wasn't just a simple arrival, oh no. It involved, you guessed it, a pink horse and carriage, complete with my personal stable of four, darling black ponies, all of whom sport pink saddles and, you won't believe it, matching pink tutus! Let's just say it's a little easier to transport your stage props when they fit perfectly in the carriage! I tell ya, this whole 'pink tutu' thing is like, catching on everywhere. Even the horses love a good tulle-draped bottom, eh?

And what did my Wolverhampton crowd see, you ask? Well, a spectacular spectacle, darling! I started my set with a grand ballet number (because, as you know, Pink Tutu Sparkles loves her ballet!) set to the beautiful music of Tchaikovsky's Swan Lake. But this wasn't your typical ballet routine. Think swirling tulle, a little bit of jazzy contemporary, and a whole lot of pink feathers - because who needs birds when you have tutus? I brought the house down, my darlings, with a finale involving, wait for it... a whole team of local children all in... yes, you guessed it...pink tutus! Can you even imagine the cuteness? It was a perfect blend of traditional ballet and my own playful pinkness, leaving everyone (including the grown-up gentlemen, bless them) with huge smiles.

Speaking of grown-up gentlemen, did you hear the story about the dapper fellow who asked for a selfie with me? It was hilarious! He was all, "Can I have a picture with the queen?," but the second he looked up close, he saw my fabulous tutu, and his jaw hit the floor. It was such a darling moment, and the crowd around us all chuckled. I have a gift, my darlings, for getting people to loosen up and embrace their inner fun!

After the performance, I was showered with pink rose petals and hugs, and even a local reporter gave me a cheeky interview (because letโ€™s face it, the more the world knows about Pink Tutu Sparkles, the better!) The reporter asked if my dream was to spread the joy of tutus to every corner of the world. You know me, darlings, my motto is: "A world without pink tutus is a world without sparkle! And Iโ€™m here to change that!โ€

So, dear readers, there you have it, another successful Pink Tutu Sparkles mission accomplished. I am already plotting my next grand adventure and planning my next dazzling performance. As for now, I'm off to the theatre, watching Swan Lake for the 100th time, while perfecting my next move!

Join me for the ride, darlings, it's gonna be a sparkly one.

Until next time,

Pink Tutu Sparkles.


#TutuQueen on 2014-11-17 stars in Wolverhampton