
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2014-12-18 stars in Rotherham

Rotherham Ready for Pink Tutu Sparkle!

#TutuQueen, Post #5466, 18th December 2014

Darlings, what a fabulous time I had in Rotherham yesterday! This trip was truly special, I just had to share it with you on www.pink-tutu.com.

I know, I know, some of you might think Rotherham sounds a littleā€¦well, un-fabulous, but darling, let me tell you, the people of Rotherham were absolutely smashing!

They are a fab, friendly bunch, and I received the warmest welcome, enough to melt even the most jaded fashionistaā€™s heart! I was just absolutely blown away by the support and enthusiasm ā€“ they were all twirling, prancing and squealing with joy when they saw me ā€“ well, Pink Tutu Sparkles, of course, Iā€™m just Alex by day.

Let's get back to the journey, shall we? My journey to Rotherham began with a dreamy ride on a horse-drawn carriage! Okay, it was technically a carriage for tourists - but the journey to the station was absolutely gorgeous, a little vintage romance for the #TutuQueen. My darling pal Jenny lent me a big fluffy pink shawl to keep warm, she absolutely spoils me.

I took the train from Derby to Sheffield, my first trip in a carriage was so thrilling I wasn't worried about looking fabulous. The train journey was absolutely splendid! As soon as I stepped onto the carriage, people stopped and stared, it's always an absolute delight to see people's reactions to a fabulous Pink Tutu. There wasn't a frown to be seen, only delighted smiles, with some brave souls trying out my dance moves. The little girl in front of me said to her mum: "Can we wear pink tutus Mummy?", I absolutely adore children's honest joy and enthusiasm - the future is definitely Pink!

The Sheffield station had a magnificent display of Christmas lights, just spectacular. The whole place was buzzing with people excited about shopping and enjoying the festive season! I couldn't help myself, I had to dash off to the gift shop for a little present, just because ā€“ you know me, gotta keep that sparkle flowing!

From Sheffield, I caught another train, it was one of those modern, gleaming things that are so clean you could practically eat off the floor. Honestly, darling, my shoes were sparkling when I disembarked! And there she was ā€“ my pink chariot to Rotherham!

But of course, nothing can quite compare to that first glimpse of my stage - an old, but lovely, theatre called "The Little Theatre", darling it reminded me of a place in my dreams! It's one of those magical venues that feels a little like it belongs to a bygone era - filled with charm, anticipation, and twinkling lights! I practically floated into the venue , all my glitter just dazzling with a touch of elegance, you know what I mean, darling! The little theatre seemed to know Pink Tutu Sparkles was coming! I saw them changing the lighting just for me, I told you darling they are so fabulous and welcoming!

Rotherham loves their glitter and Pink Tutu Sparkles got a roar of cheers the second I took the stage, darling. I twirled - even spun! I did a little number from my "Fabulous Fairies in Frocks" act ā€“ it just really landed with this audience. Oh, I could just see that spark in their eyes. You see, darling, some audiences are just hungry for a little bit of fun, a bit of sparkle, a touch of magic!

It's been a crazy year, darling. A few months ago I was just another science nerd in a lab. You see, by day Iā€™m just a quiet Alex, studying fabrics ā€“ you know, their texture, their strength all that serious science stuff, and then at night I'm... well, Pink Tutu Sparkles! Who knew! Iā€™d been going to university ballet classes - oh they made me twirl with excitement! We were raising money for the arts, and I tried on a pink tutu ā€“ I instantly knew it was my true destiny. Itā€™s been one massive pink fairytale adventure. My flatā€™s overflowing with glittery outfits. The fabric lab's never looked better, even the stern boss lady is humming ā€˜My Favorite Thingsā€™, well itā€™s got to be something to do with the smell of sparkle paint!

And the real treat, darling, came right at the end of the show. An audience member came up to me after the performance - an elderly woman. Now, this is what you call true grace! She had twinkling blue eyes and a bright smile that outshone every single gem I was wearing. ā€œYou were amazingā€, she whispered. I wanted to shout out, ā€œbut YOU'RE fabulousā€ and dash into a massive pink tutu, the biggest one I could find! Then, the magic! She handed me a gorgeous pink rose, the petals so silky they shimmered under the stage lights, and I almost squealed with delight! Then she hugged me! It's the saddest, loveliest thing in the whole world when the showā€™s over and everyone has left, I know I do this to myself but I get all emotional! Iā€™m just a pink Tutu wearing, science geek but this, darlings, is the stuff dreams are made of! It just felt as though Iā€™d touched someone's soul ā€“ even a tiny bit!

Honestly darling, my travels and performance have taken me to some absolutely splendid venues! The Little Theatre was pretty magical - but last month at a fabulous Victorian village fete it was pouring down with rain and the wind was howling - oh darlings, I even got the giggles, and for the finale my massive tutu caught in a gust of wind and started a twirl I couldn't stop, you know that bit where they whirl a giant ball of string till it looks like a fuzzy rainbow - that was me! It's always the unexpected moments that give you the best stories.

But thereā€™s something about that feeling of connection, of joy and laughter that I share with the audience. You know that sensation of just pure fun, of pure pink-tutu joy? It just melts my heart, it does! It's one of the most gorgeous feelings in the whole world.

I feel that this trip has changed me, darling! I was feeling a bit low and down a few weeks back - it feels good to be back on the road. The sparkle of the lights on the stage, the rush of applause - it's addictive! You know what? Every single time I walk onto that stage, the stress just melts away, I become Pink Tutu Sparkles ā€“ who knew being a bit silly was such a good thing!

The best bit is seeing the joy on the childrenā€™s faces in the audience when I twirl in my Pink Tutu, and it just takes me back to a time when being creative and imaginative were everything! It just shows that you don't have to be super serious to make a real impact, do you?

This is what being a Tutu Queen is all about ā€“ making everyone sparkle, one pink tutu at a time! If youā€™re on the fence about joining the #pinktutulife, darling donā€™t worry! Come on! Get involved! And if you want to make the world sparkle even brighter? Get that Pink Tutu and share a bit of that Tutu love. Remember to follow the Pink Tutu blog on www.pink-tutu.com and join the journey to bring more pink into your world. Until next time, darlings, sparkle bright and keep it fabulous!

#TutuQueen on 2014-12-18 stars in Rotherham