
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2015-02-14 stars in Stourbridge

Stourbridge Sparkle: A Pink Tutu Adventure! (Blog Post #5524)

Helloooo, darlings! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, and boy oh boy, have I got a treat for you today! Get ready for a whirl of colour, a sprinkle of glamour, and a whole lot of pink as I whisk you away to the wonderful world of Stourbridge, a beautiful town in the West Midlands of the UK!

You know I simply have to make a visit to any town where ballet shines brightly. I just had to sashay into Stourbridge to see a fantastic performance of "Swan Lake" by the Stourbridge Ballet Academy - swoon! It was positively dazzling! It's no secret that this tutu-loving queen loves nothing more than a good ballet show - those delicate, elegant movements are pure magic.

Oh, but it didn't stop there! Before I got my fill of those breathtaking pirouettes, I had to pop into Stourbridgeā€™s very own vintage shop - ā€œThe Dress Atticā€. Now, letā€™s just say the heavens opened, and down poured a shower of exquisite vintage finds, many of which I simply had to take home with me! You know how much I love a good vintage piece, especially if it has a hint of pink! I picked up the most divine embroidered floral blouse - a must-have for any discerning queen who knows a touch of vintage flair just elevates any look.

As any true devotee of pink and tulle knows, a visit to Stourbridge was not complete without a trip to their famous glass making district! Yes, the home of exquisite glass artistry! Now, you wouldn't catch me just admiring the work. I took a workshop, naturally, and made myself a stunning hand-blown pink glass heart, the perfect souvenir to keep the memories alive!

It goes without saying that a tutu-tastic trip to Stourbridge wouldnā€™t be complete without a little dose ofā€¦well, you know! Pink Tutu Sparkles in her finest feathers and flounces, twirling and glittering to the delight of a crowd who welcomed me with open arms. They just love a touch of sparkly pink magic! Itā€™s a bit of a tradition of mine: after each ballet, I pop up at the local bar and serenade everyone with a few show-stopping tunes! I truly believe that a bit of joyful chaos can make any place feel just that bit more special. You should have seen their faces as I took the stage in my new vintage find, just dazzling in a pool of pink light. Iā€™d say I caused a right stir, don't you?

Speaking of which, youā€™re totally going to love the stunning vintage pink dress I was rocking! I had to snap a selfie of course (itā€™s what every self-respecting drag queen does)! Look how gorgeous those delicate embellishments and that fabulous fitted silhouette are. A complete stunner, wouldnā€™t you agree? And you know what makes it even more spectacular? That tiny vintage brooch in the shape of a ballerina, a little nod to the beautiful ballet show I'd just enjoyed. It truly embodies the essence of elegance, feminine beauty, and a whole lot of pink!

My Stourbridge adventure wasn't just about the sequins and glitter. It's the feeling, isnā€™t it? Itā€™s about experiencing the world, connecting with others, sharing the joy of music and dancing. And whatā€™s better than travelling by train? Oh, those wide open windows, letting in the fresh air, the scenic views, and the rhythmic clinking of the rails ā€“ the ultimate way to travel! Especially when you can enjoy a little pink picnic while youā€™re at it. Iā€™ve always got my favourite snacks ā€“ little pink pastries, dainty pink macarons, and oh, did I mention the bubbly pink Prosecco?

And what is a journey to a lovely new place without bringing a little bit of that sparkle back with me? You know me, I love to share. Thatā€™s why Iā€™ve decided to write this special Stourbridge blog post, giving you all a glimpse into my pink-filled adventure!

Oh, but there's a secret mission I need your help with, darlings! I have a grand vision: to see the entire world adorned in a blush of pink tutus! Can you imagine? Pink tutus swirling across streets, twinkling in concert halls, and shimmering in the moonlight? It would be an absolute symphony of frills and whimsy!

So, whatā€™s the secret? Well, Iā€™m hoping that you'll all join me, starting right here, right now! Donā€™t be shy. Embrace your inner Pink Tutu Sparkle and share the pink tutu magic. You can start with just a little sprinkle of pink in your everyday outfits: a blush scarf, a rosy blush, even a tiny pink flower!

Donā€™t be afraid to twirl! Life is a ballet, darling. And the stage is your world.

So, remember to keep checking in with my blog! And most importantly: Spread the pink tutu love, my little pink-hued dreamboats! The world is waiting!

Love, Pink Tutu Sparkles

PS: Oh! Nearly forgot, I met the loveliest lady who made me the most delicious homemade pink cupcakes while I was in Stourbridge! Just imagine - they even had tiny edible pink ballet shoes on top! That was simply the sweetest touch, darling.

#TutuQueen on 2015-02-14 stars in Stourbridge