Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2015-02-24 stars in Barking

Barking Calling! TutuQueen Travels To London's East End

Pink Tutu Sparkles here, reporting live from Barking! (Or should I say… "Barking" fabulous!)

You might be thinking, "Barking?! Who goes to Barking?" But, darling, let me tell you, you don't want to miss out on this East End adventure!

It's definitely not about the name. The real treasure is always in the experience, and this adventure was, dare I say, sparkly. Post 5534 for those counting, and this glamorous blogger was absolutely living for this train trip! The platform echoed with the exciting chitter chatter of people ready to enjoy their Tuesday night, which gave me all the feels of "right place, right time."

Honestly, I love travelling by train. The journey itself is part of the excitement for me. I've said it before and I'll say it again, a train is a mini catwalk, just ask any of the fellow tutu enthusiasts on board who've seen my showstopping outfit! Today? A coral-coloured lace top, my favourite hot pink tutu and matching sparkling heels.

Why not, right? Why be demure and subtle, darling? Let's get those pink tutus out there!

The best bit about traveling by train, of course, is the opportunity to observe and people-watch. That's where you discover those beautiful, sometimes funny moments you want to bottle up and remember forever. Like the old lady, all done up in emerald green, reading her copy of “Pride and Prejudice.” It was like stepping into a Jane Austen novel! Or the gentleman in a tweed coat, lost in a world of crosswords, totally unaware of the fabulously-dressed (yours truly, that is) queen standing near him. Those moments make my heart flutter!

As always, I took to social media as the train rattled towards London. A little behind-the-scenes of my journey, a bit of outfit talk, a snippet of a performance I'm perfecting…it's about being there and sharing that sparkle with everyone! Because darling, let's be real - sometimes the most sparkly moments are in those everyday adventures!

When I reached Barking, my destination was The Queen's Hall - a majestic venue that was all red carpets and chandeliers. (Honestly, who needs Buckingham Palace, right? Just sayin'!) It felt like the perfect setting for my "Glitterball" performance. You know the drill: a whole lot of sparkle, feathers, glitter, dancing, and joy. But more about the performance later! The day's biggest thrill was, naturally, my encounter with a fellow tutu enthusiast. You just know, sometimes, those pink tutus call to each other! This was definitely one of those moments.

A gorgeous little girl, no more than 4 years old, all in a shimmering purple tutu and shiny white shoes, approached me as I was leaving the station. She stared up at me, all wide-eyed wonder and giggled, "You look like a princess!" My heart melted!

And there you have it, darling, why I love this gig! Seeing the joy, the excitement, the way that a little bit of sparkle can brighten up someone's day… That's what it's all about! And seeing those little girls with their tutus...It just warms my heart like a steaming mug of cocoa on a cold Derbyshire evening! (A little nod to my humble origins!) I told the little girl she looked beautiful too, with a playful "Your tutu's got glitter! How fab is that?!" and for a second, we were in our own sparkly world,

And it reminded me, darling, that every moment in life, every occasion, is a chance to spread a bit of pink tutu magic. That's the mission of the TutuQueen, my friends!

Now back to Barking, my beloved Barking! So, where to start? The Queens Hall is truly something special. We did sound check and stage preparations, and it already felt so... magic. All that vibrant red, and then a little bit of glitz added by the lighting. I did a quick costume change, and let me tell you, all the stress of my train journey vanished!

You guys already know what's coming next: the performance! And it was nothing short of magnificent! I started with a medley of dance-pop classics, each movement a sparkling kaleidoscope of joy, laughter, and glitter! (My feather boa almost flew into the crowd, by the way! I do love a dramatic exit!) The audience, with all their excitement, responded beautifully! The energy of the place was pure joy! It felt like everyone was on stage, their happiness adding another layer of magic to the entire atmosphere. And then there were the lights. All that dazzling pink lighting against the black backdrop was something else!

But the most heartwarming moment of the night, truly a magical highlight? You guessed it! The tiny ballerina with the purple tutu was there! After the performance, a little shyly, she asked, "Can I touch your dress?" and my heart just about melted into a puddle of pink sparkle. (And who's complaining about that, right?!) And so, after our “official” meet-and-greet photo, we had a chat - she asked about my favourite tutu, and I got to give her the ultimate TutuQueen advice: "It’s not about how many tutus you own, but how many you wear, darling!" We’re so much more than fashion, darling. It’s about making each and every day a spectacular adventure.

As I left The Queen's Hall that night, the energy of Barking had totally enveloped me. A vibrant, charming blend of old and new, a world buzzing with genuine charm.

Don't be afraid to break free from the ordinary, darling. And by the way, have you considered a pink tutu for your next adventure? Until next time!

**Much love,

Pink Tutu Sparkles!**


#TutuQueen on 2015-02-24 stars in Barking