
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2015-03-30 stars in Greenford

Greenford: The Tutu-tastic Travels Continue! (Blog Post #5568)

Oh, hello darlings! It's your favourite pink-tutu-wearing, glitter-obsessed, travel-loving queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, back with another fabulous post from my latest adventure! Today's stop? The lovely Greenford!

Now, I know what you're thinking. Greenford? Not exactly the most glamorous of locations, is it? But believe me, dear readers, sometimes the most unexpected places can hold hidden gems! I just have this amazing knack for finding them โ€“ kind of like a sparkly pink fairy who wanders into the most unexpected gardens and stumbles upon magical hidden pathways.

This trip was a real treat, with a blend of all my favourite things. Remember my passion for all things tutus? Well, Greenford turned out to be a hidden tutu haven!

You see, it all started with a request to perform at a local community event. Now, I'm all about spreading the tutu love and joy, so naturally, I couldn't say no.

Greenford may not have the Eiffel Tower or Times Square, but it does have a beautiful little local park โ€“ all green and grassy, perfect for a pre-performance warm-up. I've always felt a bit more comfortable warming up with a pirouette or two amidst nature. And wouldn't you know it? During my pre-show routine, I spotted a small but delightful little vintage clothing shop called "The Bow & The Buckle". I knew instantly I had to go inside โ€“ there was just something in the air that screamed "tutus!".

Turns out my intuition was right. I could hardly believe my eyes! It was an absolute tutu wonderland โ€“ racks and racks of colourful, frilly, feathered, and sequin-covered tutus in every size, colour, and style imaginable. They even had tutus with little tutus sewn onto them! This was a true vintage gem.

I ended up finding a couple of gorgeous vintage pink numbers for my collection โ€“ one with delicate floral lace trim, the perfect romantic tutu for a slow ballad, and another one in a daring bright neon pink with glittering fringe โ€“ perfect for a more sassy dance number.

It just goes to show you, my darlings, there are treasures everywhere you look! The true key is to always have your "tutu radar" switched on. You never know when a chance encounter, like the vintage shop in Greenford, can lead to a glamorous find.

Later that evening, after a few outfit changes (because whatโ€™s a drag queen without options?), I took to the stage for my performance. The audience in Greenford was a delight! So warm and welcoming โ€“ all of them so appreciative of my performance and my message: to live life with joy, creativity, and yes, the glorious sparkle of a fabulous pink tutu.

But the fun didn't stop there! You see, Greenford also has a small but thriving ballet scene. The ballet company โ€œGreenford Swansโ€ were hosting their annual "Spring Dance Extravaganza" that very evening โ€“ a beautiful display of classical grace and talent, held at their own quaint little theatre. It was all I could do to contain myself!

They let me sneak backstage after their performance and, naturally, the place was filled with tutus! After all, who needs wings when youโ€™ve got a tutu, right? All shapes and sizes, in a rainbow of hues and colours - it was magical! Iโ€™m always so inspired by the dancers I meet on my travels, their dedication and passion, especially in places you wouldn't necessarily expect. Iโ€™ve gotta say, seeing their passion for ballet in Greenford felt like I had discovered a new kind of fairyland, where dance and sparkle were king and queen.

The evening culminated in a lovely little reception where I got to chat with the company's director, a lovely lady named Mrs. Cartwright. We were talking all things dance, creativity, and โ€“ of course โ€“ tutus. We even shared a laugh over a shared love of horse riding! Now, you might think that's a rather odd connection, but we were both former members of riding clubs. Me, way back in my Derbyshire days โ€“ long before I discovered the magic of pink tutus and my drag persona โ€“ and she, during her younger days in Greenford. It felt like a serendipitous meeting, a perfect convergence of passions.

As the night wrapped up, I bid farewell to the charming town of Greenford with a twirl, a skip, and of course, a very sparkly pink tutu. I even promised the swans I'd bring my own tutu-themed show to Greenford next year.

The truth is, the world is full of hidden surprises. It just takes a little pink sparkle and a bit of open-mindedness to find them. Remember my dear readers: it doesn't matter where you are, just spread some glitter and let your pink tutu spirit shine through.

So until next time, stay fabulous, keep sparkling, and remember: there's always room for a little more tutu in your life.

Love, Pink Tutu Sparkles

P.S. Iโ€™m always looking for new and interesting venues to share my performance with! If you're a theatre owner, community group organiser, fair coordinator โ€“ basically anyone who needs some dazzling sparkle โ€“ then please get in touch! You know where to find me - www.pink-tutu.com

P.P.S. Don't forget to join me on my journey, dear readers, by subscribing to this blog and spreading the pink-tutu love!

#TutuQueen on 2015-03-30 stars in Greenford