
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2015-05-13 stars in Borehamwood

Borehamwood Bound! TutuQueenā€™s Adventures in Pink, Post #5612

Hello darlings! Your TutuQueen here, ready to whisk you away to the enchanting town of Borehamwood ā€“ a place that, believe it or not, truly lived up to its name. This week was all about getting out of my Derbyshire comfort zone, taking my pink tulle dreams on the road, and yes, maybe even conquering my fear ofā€¦ shuddersā€¦ public transport!

It's not easy being a drag queen on a budget. But like any true artiste, I'm not afraid to get creative! This trip, instead of flying the glamorous private jet (ahem, I can dream, can't I?), I chose a more economical mode of transport ā€“ the trusty old train! I mean, itā€™s not like weā€™re going to a gala, darlings.

But first, the packing! My outfit had to be fabulous, yet compact, because letā€™s face it, the last thing I wanted to be is sweating it out in my pink tulle masterpiece while crammed between grumpy commuters. A trusty carry-on suitcase, a cute handbag for all my necessities ā€“ lipsticks, lashes, emergency sequins ā€“ and voila! I was good to go!

You'd think getting dressed as a pink tutu wearing drag queen would be difficult on a train, right? Not at all! Thankfully, this train ride was as calm as a swan gracefully gliding across a still pond. Not a single judgemental glance in my direction, only polite nods of admiration! (Don't you just love the UK?) And of course, being Pink Tutu Sparkles meant there were many lovely strangers to entertain with a spontaneous, ā€œHello darlings!ā€ and ā€œHave a fabulous day!ā€ As soon as I was comfy with my glitter, I settled in with my good old travel companion ā€“ a very large mug of tea. Thereā€™s nothing like a bit of Yorkshire tea and the clatter of the rails to make you feel like a true queen on the go, donā€™t you agree?

Oh! My little fashion secret: When I'm in drag, my go-to fragrance isā€¦ wait for itā€¦ drumrollā€¦ bubblegum! Because let's be honest, a touch of sugary sweetness never goes amiss when you're shimmering in a tulle masterpiece! Itā€™s all about embracing your inner child ā€“ even if it comes with a side of nostalgia for a pink gumball from a fairground. And trust me, this completely sets the mood for a fun day ahead, making strangers feel happier with each scent puff that blows past!

Anyway, weā€™ve arrived in Borehamwood! And oh my heavens, darlings, itā€™s a whirlwind! Imagine, if you will, an enchanting blend of classic town charm mixed with a dash of modern-day wonder. Now, weā€™re all about the ā€œWonder,ā€ here at Pink-Tutu.com, so naturally, the ā€œclassic town charmā€ wasn't a highlight. But for those who enjoy quaint boutiques and cosy pubs, Borehamwood will certainly charm you!

Firstly, a ballet performance. I'm telling you, my dear friends, it's practically impossible to watch a ballet and not get lost in the magic! Each elegant pirouette, the graceful leaps - it was almost as though I was witnessing my very own tutu dreams come alive right before my very eyes! Talk about feeling inspired, it truly felt like a real-life fairy tale!

Now, for the cherry on top, darlingsā€¦ let's get into some shopping! This town is a haven for vintage clothes, offering everything from vintage lace and velvet that could be perfect for a stunning drag number, to beautiful lace petticoats, all perfect for an unforgettable performance. My credit card begged me to stop, but the beautiful fabrics? They called to me! I snagged myself a fabulous vintage hat, a velvet dress to transform for the stage (oh, you havenā€™t seen this masterpiece yet, wait until next week!) and of course, some vintage silk fabric. Whatā€™s a drag queen without a little touch of sparkle, right?

And for the grand finale, an extraordinary meal! You know me, darlings, I live for the food, the drama, and the experience. Well, a trip to a restaurant was just the right touch after a magical day filled with enchantment! Itā€™s a true reflection of the unique magic you discover when exploring these amazing towns across the country ā€“ and oh my goodness, you wouldnā€™t believe what I stumbled uponā€¦ A beautiful vegan pie shop! As soon as I heard that word ā€œpie,ā€ I had to indulge! I was absolutely floored with the delicious assortment ā€“ a testament to the truly delicious world of vegan cuisine, a hidden treasure, dare I say?

So, as I bid adieu to Borehamwood, Iā€™m leaving with a heart full of happiness and my spirit shimmering like a freshly polished pink tutu! I am, after all, Pink Tutu Sparkles ā€“ ready to spread my own little sprinkle of magic, one twirl, one step, and one fabulously flamboyant performance at a time. See you on the next adventure, darlings! Remember, ā€œLove. Sparkle. Twirl,ā€ always.

#TutuQueen on 2015-05-13 stars in Borehamwood