Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2015-06-27 stars in Aldridge

Pink Tutu Sparkles Takes Aldridge by Storm! (Blog Post #5657)

Hello darlings! It's your favourite Pink Tutu Sparkles, bringing you all the glitz and glamour from my latest adventure! This week, I found myself waltzing my way into the charming town of Aldridge, and oh my, it was a real fairy-tale! This fabulous trip marked my 5657th blog post, and believe me, every single one is bursting with love, laughter, and of course, plenty of pink!

Now, as you all know, I’m absolutely bonkers for ballet! And Aldridge turned out to be a veritable ballet haven. I tumbled onto this gem while poring over the internet, scouring for the most dazzling places to share my passion. My research led me to the gorgeous Aldridge Theatre, with a performance by the National Youth Ballet. It's hard to describe the pure joy of seeing these incredible young dancers pirouette and jeté across the stage, their costumes shimmering under the stage lights. Every pirouette and arabesque, every graceful move, was a celebration of artistry and sheer brilliance. Honestly, I was swept away!

My arrival in Aldridge was a bit of a fairytale in itself. The day before the performance, I’d had to go on a bit of a side adventure, taking the stage in a quirky circus event outside Birmingham! They needed a "sparkling surprise," and you know how much I love bringing a little sparkle wherever I go. I arrived on the train in a full pink tutu, naturally! They were a right laugh, this lot. All sorts of wacky acts! I spent the evening bouncing around with some talented unicyclists, jugglers, and a contortionist who could tie herself in knots - you can say I was absolutely starstruck! And of course, my outfit was a roaring success! So many people loved it and even joined me in a pink tutu twirl, it was brilliant!

The following morning, I was back on the rails for Aldridge. A full, pink Tutu and sparkly heels of course. Luckily for me, I am absolutely in my element when I get to ride the rails. Ever since I was a little lad in Derbyshire, I've been dreaming about this life, traveling to new places and sharing my love for ballet with everyone I meet. I feel as though I've found my true calling in life.

There's something special about stepping onto a train. It feels like the start of a magical adventure. I’m obsessed with vintage carriages - with their polished wood, comfy seats and old-fashioned brass handles, you feel transported to another time, a time of grand explorations and beautiful melodies.

Of course, it was all worth it because I got to visit the gorgeous Aldridge Theatre, with its rich history and dazzling stage. I’d discovered it through some of my fabulous readers! Apparently, they put on some amazing amateur and professional theatre productions, with ballet performances being a regular highlight. You've all been reading my blog long enough to know my heart skips a beat for any ballet show I can find.

Speaking of my darling readers, it was wonderful to bump into so many of you in Aldridge! There were hugs, photo opportunities and lots of "Oohs and Aahs" at my gorgeous pink tutu (you know how much I love that color!)

I’ve made it my life's mission to inspire everyone to embrace their inner sparkle and to give in to their wildest dreams. And let's be honest, a pink tutu is a brilliant place to start. You can rock it in your living room, in a local park, or at a high-profile ballet performance. You'll find it brings endless joy and sparks laughter from everyone you meet.

It wasn’t all pink tutus in Aldridge, however! After the ballet show, a group of my friends (who knew Aldridge like the back of their hand) and I hopped on to the local bus, heading for a traditional pub for a bite of fish and chips and some delightful gossip. They insisted on taking me to one of the pubs with the “biggest pint glasses in England!” and my friends are always up for a challenge!

Now, you might think that being a scientist by day and a pink-tutu-wearing drag queen by night is a bit of a strange mix, but for me, it works! There's a surprising amount of crossover between the two. Working with fabrics and textures in the lab? That's just like choosing the right materials for a magnificent Tutu. It's about detail, it's about creativity, it's about pushing the boundaries! And just like the dazzling tutus I wear, scientists need to find inspiration, just like all artists! We don’t always get that in a lab or behind a desk, but on the stage with a microphone and my tutu, everything’s possible.

Right now, I am writing this from my very glamorous, very pink hotel room in Aldridge, planning my next big adventure. (Just need to squeeze in a quick visit to a local craft store to replenish my sparkly accessory supplies! You never know when you’re going to need to bedazzle a lucky audience member's outfit.)

My journey continues to take me to some truly wonderful places, both near and far. The real highlight of my trip is sharing these magical experiences with all of you, so thank you for joining me! Don't forget, Pink Tutu Sparkles always brings the sparkle and joy, no matter where my journey takes me! And don't be afraid to embrace your inner Pink Tutu Queen - wear that sparkle with confidence!

Until next time, darling, keep your spirits high and your tutus fabulous!

Pink Tutu Sparkles, Out!

#TutuQueen on 2015-06-27 stars in Aldridge