
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2015-07-02 stars in Bournville

Bournville: A Whirlwind of Pink and Tutus! πŸ’–βœ¨

Hello, my lovely TutuQueens! It's your favourite pink-tutu-wearing queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, and welcome to post number 5662 on the www.pink-tutu.com website! πŸ’… Today I'm bursting with excitement because, guess what? I'm in Bournville! 🍫 You've heard me talk about the chocolate factory before, but this time, I'm not just sniffing out Cadbury's newest flavour; I'm bringing a touch of sparkle to the West Midlands. ✨

As a self-proclaimed Queen of Tutus and all things pink, you know I can't travel anywhere without spreading a bit of my pink-tutu-magic. I left Derbyshire, with my usual arsenal of bright pink accessories (can you ever have too much pink, darling?), but this time I had to fit my ballet shoes too! Bournville just oozes elegance and I couldn't go without a proper performance! I envisioned myself gracefully leaping across a stage at Bournville’s Town Hall - picture it, the shimmering stage lights, a pink tutu twirling, and me, dazzling everyone with my signature moves. πŸ’–

And, as luck would have it, that's exactly what happened! It's amazing how even in the smallest of towns, you can always find a way to unleash your inner sparkle! After a whirlwind tour of the Bournville factory (where I had a particularly fabulous encounter with a giant chocolate statue of a squirrel...I'm not going to say I didn't lick it! πŸ˜‰), I was welcomed at the Town Hall. I was treated to the warmest reception by the local community, who just adored my glittery persona!

Let me tell you, it felt like I was performing at the Royal Albert Hall itself! I couldn't help but shed a tear, or maybe it was glitter? πŸ˜‚ The audience was spellbound! My pink tutu was spinning with the magic of the night. I really had the audience in the palm of my hand! There's truly nothing like the connection you share with your audience when the lights dim and you step onto the stage - even if that stage is a makeshift one at a Town Hall!

You see, this isn't just about being fabulous, darling; it's about sharing a piece of magic with everyone I meet. It's about showing that every single person has the power to sparkle, no matter their size, age, or shape. When you wear pink, it becomes a badge of honour, a sign that you're ready to embrace life with a bit of whimsy and joy. And wearing a tutu? Well, that just takes your inner sparkle to another level! πŸ’«

I truly believe that everyone has the power to be fabulous. The world needs more colour and excitement - and maybe a few more tutus. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't advocate for an army of twirling tutu-wearers just for the sake of it! There's an elegance and grace to tutus that requires more than just a few pink frills and some sparkly embellishments - you need to move with confidence and grace, you need to twirl with that irresistible sprinkle of fairy dust! And to get there, you have to have the courage to put on a pink tutu, whether you're on a stage, in a field of sunflowers, or just on a Tuesday at the supermarket. πŸŒ»πŸ›’

And speaking of sunflowers, can you imagine my joy when I realised there were fields upon fields of them on the outskirts of Bournville! Now, the true Pink Tutu Sparkles never misses an opportunity for a photoshoot, darling! You’ll find those gorgeous photos in a few days, just as soon as I get them from the fabulous photographer I hired locally (she absolutely loved my style - I knew I had to have her! She's adding her Instagram account to my next blog post!) Those sunflowers were like a beacon, beckoning me with their bright, vibrant colours, which of course just matched my vibrant outfit perfectly! It felt like something straight out of a fairytale! 🌸🌻

The sunflower fields were definitely the highlight of my day. Well, actually, that might not be true... The real highlight of my trip was the chance encounter with a lovely group of children. A bunch of school kids in their brightly coloured uniforms just stared, with their jaws literally dropping to the floor. They couldn't believe their eyes! The girl next to me, little Emma, had her hand held firmly to her mouth in sheer awe! It reminded me of why I started doing all of this. This isn't just about spreading pink-tutu magic; it's about bringing joy, and if I can inspire a young girl to find her own sparkle, then my heart just bursts with pride! πŸ’–

After my amazing encounter, it was time to head back. And as I left the bustling centre of Bournville, my thoughts drifted to my favourite tutu - a fluffy, cloud-like pink masterpiece with layers upon layers of delicate tulle. Every single one of those layers has its own unique history, from the time I first wore it on a stage in Derbyshire, to the countless smiles it’s brought to faces, to the memories I've woven into its fabric! I'm starting to think I should bring that tutu with me on every trip - think of all the incredible photo opportunities! πŸ˜‰

So, until next time, darlings, remember to keep your inner pink tutu shining! Embrace the bright side of life and remember, the world is a better place with a touch of sparkle, a lot of pink, and of course, plenty of twirling!

Love and glitter, Pink Tutu Sparkles πŸ’•βœ¨

#TutuQueen on 2015-07-02 stars in Bournville