
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2015-07-31 stars in Plymouth

Plymouth Calling! ๐Ÿ’…โœจ๐Ÿฉฐ (Blog Post #5691)

Oh my darlings, you wouldn't believe the adventures Pink Tutu Sparkles has been having! It's been a whirlwind of a week, all thanks to a certain little coastal city that has stolen my heart: Plymouth!

You see, my lovely readers, Pink Tutu Sparkles simply had to venture down to this gorgeous spot in Devon. I'm telling you, Plymouth has an air of magic, a seaside charm, a historical grace that simply calls out to a girl like me! And you just know Pink Tutu Sparkles has to experience every bit of it, tutus and all!

Now, let's be honest, this journey started with a simple desire for some beautiful seaside vistas. But you know me, I couldn't just be ordinary. No, Pink Tutu Sparkles has to turn every outing into an epic spectacle! So, after hopping on a spanking-new train carriage (complete with plush seats and onboard wi-fi!), I settled in for a comfortable ride, twirling and adjusting my latest couture creation โ€“ a baby pink tutu adorned with sparkling seashells and fluffy pink feathers, all ready to paint the town pink!

Landing in Plymouth, I felt a giddy excitement bubbling up within me. The fresh salty air tickled my nose, and the sun shone bright, a perfect prelude to the show I had planned! My show was in a grand old theatre, just off the bustling waterfront. I'll tell you, darlings, there's nothing quite like the feeling of stepping onto the stage and being greeted by a sea of expectant faces. My act was a whirlwind of colourful tutus, upbeat pop tunes, and enough sparkles to blind a unicorn! The audience loved it, I could feel the energy bouncing off them as I twirled and danced, every step fuelled by a love of life and the sheer joy of performing.

But of course, it wasn't just about the stage. My adventure in Plymouth was about so much more! After my performance, I ventured into the charming old city, where cobbled streets meandered through centuries-old buildings. The scent of fish and chips wafted in the air, the sound of laughter echoed around the corners. And there I was, in my vibrant pink tutu, standing amidst the historical charm, a kaleidoscope of colour against the backdrop of grey stone.

Now, my lovely readers, you simply can't visit Plymouth without sampling its delights, and Pink Tutu Sparkles certainly did! The waterfront was a hub of activity, with brightly coloured fishing boats bobbing gently, while gulls swooped and circled above, calling out in their seafaring dialect. We dined at a cosy little restaurant tucked away down a quiet side street. The owner, a true character, insisted on sharing a glass of chilled sparkling cider with me โ€“ we even giggled over my rather comical attempts at pronouncing the name of a particularly fancy seafood dish!

The next day, I ventured out into the nearby countryside, exploring hidden valleys and winding country roads, my trusty horse carriage, "The Sugar Plum", leading the way. (Oh yes, Pink Tutu Sparkles isn't just a train-lover, I have a certain penchant for horse-drawn travel as well. Just picture me in a beautiful pink carriage, with flowing ribbons and silver bells!) As I rode along, the gentle countryside unfolding before me, it felt as though time had slowed down. The world was a blur of rolling hills and shimmering green fields, a beautiful vista against which my vibrant pink tutu popped out like a sugary delight.

This trip to Plymouth truly solidified my belief that the world needs more pink tutus. Imagine a world where tutus aren't just for ballerinas, but a symbol of fun, freedom, and pure, unadulterated joy! This journey filled my soul with such a wonderful lightness, such a radiant warmth, and I know I'm going to remember every minute of it! Iโ€™m already planning my next trip back โ€“ it's only a matter of time until Pink Tutu Sparkles graces Plymouth's shores once again.

Until then, darlings, I urge you to go forth and be yourselves, to embrace life with open arms and twirl like nobody's watching! And if you feel the urge to don a pink tutu and shimmy your way into the sunshine, then Pink Tutu Sparkles gives you her full approval! โœจ

Much love,

Your ever-so-pink Pink Tutu Sparkles ๐Ÿ’–

#TutuQueen on 2015-07-31 stars in Plymouth