Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2015-09-21 stars in Fulham

Fulham, Oh Darling, Fulham! (Post Number 5743)

Oh hello my darlings, Pink Tutu Sparkles here, reporting live from the fabulous Fulham! Now, I know what you're thinking, "Fulham? Really, Pink Tutu?" And let me tell you, my dears, this is where the magic happens! It's a real haven for a girl like me. Just imagine, cobbled streets, gorgeous boutiques brimming with frills, and a ballet school that puts the sparkle in my step!

But before we delve into the sheer delightful-ness of it all, let's catch up a bit, shall we? My trip to Fulham, as you might imagine, was a rather spectacular affair. A train journey is my go-to, honestly, just something about those vintage carriages...it's the ultimate drag queen transportation experience! Picture it, darlings: A pink tutu, some strategically placed feather boas, and a mischievous smile all on full display while I sip on some English breakfast tea. The stares are worth it, believe me! 😉

Now, as you all know, Pink Tutu Sparkles is always on a mission - spreading the glorious message of pink tutus and fabulousness, naturally! This trip is no different. I have, in fact, taken on the task of a very important ballet class at a local studio here. It's like a secret dance party just for us tutu-loving ladies! Let's just say the twirling, the pirouettes, and the graceful jumps? Pure bliss! And did I mention the entire studio was adorned in pink? Yes, darlings, the ultimate dream come true. You can almost hear the heavenly sound of my "Tutu" album playing in the background. (Hint hint: I'm writing it. Get ready to dance!)

Of course, any trip to a new city needs a little dose of Pink Tutu Sparkles fashion therapy. My darling, let me tell you, Fulham was a treasure trove! I practically danced down the King's Road with a giant pink feather boa, searching for that perfect vintage accessory. And oh my, did I find it! It's a genuine vintage hat adorned with an oversized feather in the most luscious shade of pink you ever did see. You can imagine the look on the shop assistant's face as I swept in with a twinkle in my eye, and let's not forget that ever-present smirk. "Oh my, darling, I simply must have this! It's positively fabulous!" I exclaimed, as I grabbed the hat with a flourish. Let's just say the shop was filled with delighted gasps from the onlookers and the shop assistant beamed a knowing smile my way.

My nights, darling, are the highlight of the trip! Picture this: Fulham Palace in all its grandeur, twinkling lights illuminating the magnificent gardens, and a Pink Tutu Sparkles performance to be remembered. My act, darling, is something special - it's an explosion of glitter, music, and dancing, a truly fabulous spectacle that captivates audiences! I’m talking sassy dance moves, a few dazzling spins in my tutu, and my trusty mic whispering sweet nothings about how fabulously you are. Oh darling, the crowd went wild! I was feeling all the love, and they were lapping up every bit of that Pink Tutu magic! Honestly, darling, after a night like that, even I, the seasoned diva that I am, get a little shy with all the compliments and the enthusiastic applause.

The days are equally dazzling, though. A wander around the bustling market, where I spotted the most exquisite bunch of pink flowers - perfect for my stage make-up bag! You know I always need a touch of that extra floral magic, just like I needed that vintage pink hat to add a touch of whimsical wonder to my collection. And speaking of collection, darlings, a visit to Fulham's iconic Chelsea Physic Garden was absolutely essential! Did you know that it houses an extensive collection of rare and exotic plants, including several rare varieties of orchids?! Oh, the possibilities for new Tutu outfits... just you wait for it. I’ll definitely post those new looks for you on the blog!

Darling, there’s something undeniably romantic about this part of London, with its grand Victorian buildings, secret gardens, and historic streets that whisper tales of a bygone era. It's the perfect setting for a Tutu Queen, like myself, to twirl, spin and make her mark. It was truly the most extraordinary time in the most enchanting city in the world. Fulham, oh Fulham, I love you.

So, darling, what have I learned from this fab trip? Well, life is simply too short to resist wearing a pink tutu. Every day is an opportunity to be fabulous, to spread the joy and shine like the sparkling diamond you truly are! Don't be afraid to twirl, to glitter, and to embrace your inner Pink Tutu Sparkles.

Until next time, stay fabulous, and remember - pink tutus are always a good idea.

Love and glitter,

Pink Tutu Sparkles


P.S. Don't forget to check out www.pink-tutu.com for more fabulous posts and the latest updates! I'll be sharing more behind-the-scenes glimpses into my exciting travels, my fabulous outfits, and some new music I've been working on! It’s just a taste of what’s to come!

And a shoutout to you lovely lot out there who've been with me on this wild journey! You're the reason Pink Tutu Sparkles shines, so don’t forget to leave me a comment or two and tell me about your fabulous adventures, your secret wishes to wear a pink tutu and just anything on your heart! 😉 Every little bit of sparkle means the world.

P.P.S I’m thinking of starting a competition, darlings, on the blog – Who’s got the Best Tutu Outfit? Get creative and get posting! Show me what you’ve got! You might be the winner and grace my next post! ✨

#TutuQueen on 2015-09-21 stars in Fulham