Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2015-10-02 stars in Southall

Southall Sparkle: TutuQueen Takes on the Tube!

Hey loves! It's your TutuQueen, Pink Tutu Sparkles here, bringing you blog post number 5754, live from the vibrant heart of Southall! This week has been a whirlwind of colour, tutus, and travel by tube (oh, the joys!), all in the name of spreading the pink tutu gospel.

This week's adventure started with a little dream. I've been yearning to perform in the heart of London, where the energy hums with a vibrant mix of cultures and styles. And, honestly, there's no better feeling than being surrounded by the sheer diversity that only London can offer.

So, armed with my trusty travel pass and a bag overflowing with tutus, I set off on a day trip from Derbyshire. There's something truly magical about a train journey. You know, that feeling of being whisked away on an exciting adventure, surrounded by strangers yet somehow part of one big, colourful human tapestry. My favourite part? Seeing the countryside flash by as the train picks up speed.

Reaching Southall station was like stepping into a vibrant canvas. It was such a visual feast - the markets overflowing with exotic fruits and spices, the vibrant street art that speaks of the community’s proud history, the friendly chatter of everyone in the market.

Southall reminded me a little of Derby, with a dash of spice! That’s what I love about exploring the UK, every corner of the country is unique. You see the common threads of humanity, but the beautiful difference makes every place special.

Now, where to start?! I’d planned to hit the streets in all my pink tutu glory and simply enjoy the day. I wanted to feel the pulse of Southall and soak up the local energy. But, wouldn’t you know it, fate had a different plan. I wandered through the market, soaking up the delicious scents of spices and fresh fruits, and BAM! A small stall caught my eye. A local craft market - perfect for a TutuQueen!

There I met the kindest soul - a woman with eyes full of twinkle who crafted exquisite handmade jewelry, everything adorned with the colour of joy… pink! Fate, darling, was simply writing my script! So, I decided to treat myself to a gorgeous set of pink flower earrings, perfectly complimenting my outfit - a tutu in a sunshine shade of pink, layered over a white vintage dress, the whole thing dusted with my signature glitter.

A crowd of intrigued onlookers, their faces etched with genuine curiosity and warmth, soon gathered around the market stall. My heart skipped a beat with a blend of nerves and excitement - here, in the heart of Southall, I felt a new kind of kinship. People approached, asking about my pink tutu, about my drag name, about how I manage to travel the country.

Turns out, it’s not just a pink tutu they were drawn to, but the energy of joy and kindness I tried to radiate with my flamboyant outfits and friendly charm. We talked about fashion, travel, even a bit of life advice.

“You know, darling, it’s not about the pink tutu itself. It’s about embracing what makes you sparkle,” I told them, "and finding your own personal expression.”

Suddenly, the stall was a whirlwind of tutus and stories! My story became a catalyst for conversation. A few laughs were shared, a few photos were taken. For that moment, we all felt a sense of community, bonded by shared experiences, shared joy, and shared love of the sparkly and extraordinary!

Then, the day took another delightful twist! The stall owner pointed out a local theater where an evening performance of the "Cinderella" ballet was taking place. As a ballet aficionado (who doesn’t love ballet, really?), my heart skipped a beat. I've spent my life around the world exploring various cultures through dance. To be in Southall and enjoy a local ballet was the ultimate blessing!

The theatre was a delightful little gem – cozy, intimate, and filled with the same welcoming atmosphere I’d encountered all day. The stage was small, intimate, yet full of potential. It’s not about the size, it’s about the passion. And the performance that unfolded on that small stage spoke volumes.

After the performance, the energy of the theatre was electric - every soul in the room felt connected, our spirits uplifted by the sheer joy of ballet! So, naturally, I couldn't resist taking a little trip onto the stage, striking a few poses for the cheering crowd. It’s in moments like these where the true magic of being TutuQueen takes over – making people smile, spreading that infectious glitter of happiness!

A few people came to me afterwards, a mixture of smiles, compliments, and gentle curiosity about my drag act, my travels, my passion for pink tutus, and my science career. Each person was different, yet they shared a common thread of genuine interest and appreciation. I reminded myself, again and again, it’s these everyday encounters, these random moments of connection, that make travelling so extraordinary.

As the sun dipped low, painting the sky in shades of rose gold, I knew it was time to return to Derbyshire.

Before hopping on the train, I took a moment to reflect, standing under the warm lights of Southall, surrounded by the colours of dusk and the whispers of an evening just past.

As I write this, I can still feel the energy of that special day: the kind smiles of the market stall owners, the vibrant colours of Southall’s multicultural community, the echoing applause after a stunning ballet performance. It wasn't just a journey; it was a tapestry of beautiful experiences, woven together with joy, a little sparkle, and the timeless power of a pink tutu.

Remember, darling, you can bring a bit of sparkle to any day. You can wear your heart on your sleeve, and embrace the power of your unique expression. Let your joy and creativity shine. You never know who you’ll inspire.

Until next time, stay glittery and remember to love your tutus!


Pink Tutu Sparkles

#TutuQueen on 2015-10-02 stars in Southall