
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2015-10-24 stars in Paignton

Paignton, Oh Paignton! A Tutu-ful Time at the Seaside

#TutuQueen Blog Post Number 5776

Hello darlings! It's your Pink Tutu Sparkles here, bringing you all the sparkle and sass from the beautiful seaside town of Paignton!

Oh, how I love the coast. The salty air, the crashing waves, the delightful scent of fish and chipsā€¦ and the chance to wear a truly fabulous pink tutu, of course!

I must admit, getting to Paignton took me a bit longer than usual. It was all thanks to my darling Bertie, my trusty steed! Now, Bertie isn't exactly your typical "get me to the theatre in under 5 minutes" horse. He's more of a "take your time, sniff the roses, and enjoy the journey" kind of chap. Which, truth be told, I rather enjoy. Bertieā€™s slow but steady pace means I get to soak in all the sights and smells of the countryside. Plus, who doesnā€™t love a little scenic route, especially when your outfit is this spectacular?!

(Yes, darling, this post has a full pink tutu. The ruffled layers, the tulle frillsā€¦ I call it "Seaside Siren" and it is absolutely divine.)

Once I arrived at Paignton (and let me tell you, a good three hours late thanks to Bertie's "leisurely" walk!), it was time for some serious tutu-fication. This time, my show wasn't at a glamorous theatre or fancy nightclub. I was booked at a lovely local market, just outside a charming bakery that smelled of fresh bread and pastries. Oh, my love for the finer things in life knows no bounds, but this little bakery brought a whole new meaning to "sweet" for me.

Anyway, I set up shop just in time, with my twinkling fairy lights and a selection of pink tutus, just in case anyone wanted a little impromptu tutu makeover. Trust me, you donā€™t need much persuasion to convince someone to try on a fluffy pink masterpiece! My aim in life is, after all, to get the whole world wearing pink tutus, and Paignton is definitely making progress!

One of the highlights of my day was a delightful little boy, no more than five years old, with the most curious sparkle in his eye. He had spotted my tutu from across the market square, and immediately rushed over to admire the dazzling pink glory. He was shy at first, but I gently encouraged him to try one on. You would have thought I had just gifted him the most magical treasure! He bounced around like a bouncy ball, his laughter like a tinkling melody, and I was instantly transported back to my own childhood, those days of boundless imagination and joy. It really warms my heart to spread a little bit of that wonder.

But this trip wasn't just about dazzling little boys with the power of the pink tutu, oh no! My Paignton adventures were packed with exciting shows and sparkling performances.

I found a little local theatre group that had put together a lovely rendition of ā€œThe Nutcracker.ā€ I couldnā€™t resist adding a touch of Pink Tutu Sparkles to the whole event. After all, I'm all about making everything a little more spectacular, and ballet has a special place in my heart. It's not every day you get to see graceful dancers twirling on stage, with a full tutu-clad queen presiding over the audience, but Paignton has a certain je ne sais quoi.

Of course, I wouldn't be true to myself without a spot of shopping. I ventured into Paignton's vibrant shops, scouring for some beautiful fabrics to inspire my next fabulous outfit. Letā€™s be real, you can never have too much tulle, especially when youā€™re in the middle of the English seaside! I managed to pick up some gorgeous ribbons, sparkling beads, and the most vibrant pink lace ā€“ you can expect to see some truly exciting creations soon.

But alas, all good things must come to an end, and it was time for me to say goodbye to Paignton. Bertie was waiting patiently, with a twinkle in his eye and a bouquet of wildflowers in his mouth. It's all about the details, darling!

This time, I decided to try something new ā€“ I hopped aboard the train for my journey back home. Bertie, bless his heart, he's not quite the most train-friendly horse, you know. So I thought I'd give it a go, just for a change of scenery. And let me tell you, there's nothing quite like watching the countryside whizz by, especially with a good book and a cuppa tea. (Of course, I had a fluffy pink scarf and a selection of my favorite sparkling earrings for the ride. Because when Pink Tutu Sparkles travels, it's always with style!)

Paignton, you were a joy! Your charming shops, the friendly faces, the delightful smell of salt and sweet treats - all those moments will remain etched in my memory. And my lovely little "Seaside Siren" tutu? I think Iā€™ll save that one for a special occasion, you know, something with a hint of beach vibes and pink sparkle.

Until next time, darlings! Keep those pink tutus sparkling and be sure to check out my website www.pink-tutu.com for more daily doses of pink and sparkle! And don't forget to subscribe to my Youtube channel where I'll be posting my Paignton adventures in full. (Plus, it's a sneak peek at all those wonderful fabrics I snagged on my shopping spree).

Remember, the world needs more sparkle, and what better way to spread a little sunshine than with a pink tutu?

Keep shining, darling!

Pink Tutu Sparkles

#TutuQueen on 2015-10-24 stars in Paignton