Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2015-11-08 stars in Loughborough

Loughborough, darlings! Post #5791 - A Tutu-tastic Adventure!

Oh my gosh, darlings! It’s your girl Pink Tutu Sparkles, back with a brand new post from the lovely town of Loughborough! And believe me, this trip has been EVERYTHING! I've been so excited to tell you all about it – get ready, this is a pink tutu whirlwind!

You know me, I love travelling, and getting there by train is always so glamorous! Watching the countryside go by in my fluffy pink tutu and matching stilettos, it’s like a scene straight out of a fairytale, don’t you think?

But let’s rewind a little. How did I end up in Loughborough, you ask? Well, you see, the universe works in mysterious ways. I received a tweet (did you know I’m on Twitter @PinkTutuSparkle? You HAVE to follow me, darlings!) from a lovely little theatre group in Loughborough. They were hosting a "Celebrate the Arts" event and wanted me to perform! How could I resist?!

Before I even set foot on that train to Loughborough, I was already in full tutu-making mode. I wanted something truly special. Something that would make even the most serious of critics twirl in their seats! So I rummaged through my fabrics (I may or may not have a whole spare room dedicated to tutus!), and, lo and behold, I found a bolt of shimmering, pink velvet! I added some sequins, a little bit of glitz, and let me tell you, my darlings, this tutu was pure magic. I even managed to find a little feather boa to match, for extra flourish. It felt perfect for a town as charming as Loughborough!

But this wasn't just about the costume. I spent weeks learning a brand new routine for my Loughborough performance. You see, darling, I am dedicated to my craft, to making sure that every single performance is better than the last. So I took my trusty ballet shoes and practised my pirouettes until my legs screamed “enough!” (although I probably just imagined they were screaming, honestly, those legs have never known hardship!).

Anyway, the big day arrived, and I strutted onto the stage, feeling like a true ballerina queen! The crowd went wild. Seriously, darlings, it felt like everyone in Loughborough was in the audience. I’ve never felt such warmth and love.

After the show, I had to do my very important duties - signing autographs, taking selfies, and spreading the gospel of pink tutus! A lot of the little ones came up to me, so shy but beaming. I even saw a little boy sporting a mini-tutu (what a sweetie!) This, my dears, is what it's all about.

Of course, my trip to Loughborough was much more than just a performance. I wandered through the streets, a vision in pink, admiring the architecture. Even popped into a local bakery and tried the most amazing cherry and almond tart (I know, sounds like a strange combination, but it was DELIGHTFUL).

It wouldn’t have been a proper Pink Tutu Sparkles adventure without a trip to the theatre, darling! I managed to snag a last-minute ticket to the ballet! Of course, it wasn't just any ballet, this was the legendary "Swan Lake". You all know how much I love ballet, and this performance had me spellbound from start to finish.

Oh, I nearly forgot! Loughborough had a local arts festival, with artists showcasing their work and musicians serenading everyone. I even found a street performer in a full suit of armour (just like a knight, but in full drag! What a fashion icon, wouldn't you say?), juggling apples while wearing pink platform shoes. Talk about embracing the tutu life!

As I said earlier, darlings, Loughborough really had a special charm to it. It’s almost like everyone I met had embraced the Pink Tutu Sparkle way of life!

And you know what? I came back from my trip brimming with inspiration! So many new ideas for my act, for new tutus, new looks! It's this amazing, creative energy that I get from travelling that feeds my passion, you know?

As I board my train back home, with the pink sunset shining on my fluffy tutu, I can't help but think how incredibly lucky I am. Lucky to travel the world, to share my love for pink and my passion for dance, and to bring a bit of sparkle to the lives of everyone I meet. It's truly an amazing life, darlings, and I'm so thankful to all of you for joining me on this journey.

If you’re feeling the tutu life today, don't be shy! Come on over to www.pink-tutu.com to read all my past adventures. Until next time, darlings, stay sparkly! And remember, the world's a better place in pink tutus. xoxo, Pink Tutu Sparkles.

#TutuQueen on 2015-11-08 stars in Loughborough