
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2015-12-03 stars in Scarborough

Pink Tutu Sparkles: Scarborough Calling!

Post Number 5816

Hello lovelies! It's your girl Pink Tutu Sparkles, ready to dazzle you with the latest adventures in the world of pink tulle and glitter. Today, we're talking Scarborough! The seaside air, the crisp sea breeze, the salty kiss on your cheek - oh, the anticipation! You know I can't travel without my signature pink tutu, darling, and today is no different.

Packing my glittery suitcases (one pink, naturally!) is a real chore, but it's a joy all at the same time. Picking the perfect tulle for the journey is crucial! This time I've gone for a dazzling hot pink that really pops against the rugged coastline. Can you picture it? Me, sashayin' down Scarborough's promenade in a sea of pink, just me, myself and I - and maybe a seagull or two.

Speaking of seagulls, I've always said, Scarborough is the most elegant place to get peckish - fish and chips by the seaside is a truly iconic experience, just begging for a sprinkle of my unique sparkly magic! I can't wait to taste those perfectly fried chips with my pink tutu tucked under my arm (safety first, my loves!).

I just knew this would be a trip of a lifetime! Even before setting out, my imagination ran wild, imagining the grand Victorian architecture, the history of the town, and most importantly - the possibility of sparking a new wave of tutu lovers along the coast! My mission is simple, darling - to inspire! I just know those charming little cobblestone streets will become a fabulous stage for Pink Tutu Sparkles. I can picture myself performing on the historic cobblestones, maybe even doing a spot of pirouette on the steps of Scarborough Castle!

Ah, speaking of pirouettes, the grand theatre! I hear whispers of fabulous dance performances. I'll be twirling my way to a ballet class and soaking up all the inspiration. You know I'm always searching for that next level in tutu-wearing, darling! I want to share the magic of ballet with the world, to make it accessible to everyone, from the grand theatre to the everyday life of the high street!

The journey there will be an adventure in itself. Naturally, I opted for the train! I find there's just something magical about a train ride, watching the countryside zip past my window. I might even break out a Pink Tutu Sparkles special, perhaps a few spins in the corridor or a flash mob with the carriage occupants - never say no to a little Pink Tutu surprise! I imagine all the passengers, dressed in the same pink tulle as me! Wouldn't that be fabulous?!

Speaking of a good time, have you heard about the incredible music scene here? It's been bubbling with life. Imagine a full moon, shimmering moonlight, a cool summer breeze, and a concert full of fantastic musicians, and me, rocking that hot pink tutu. You'd think you've just stepped into a musical dreamscape! I can't wait to take in the vibe, to soak up the creativity. And who knows? Maybe I'll be making an impromptu appearance!

Don't get me wrong, darlings, I'm not afraid to do a bit of good old-fashioned sightseeing! I hear Scarborough has beautiful beaches and the grandest pier! What a glorious backdrop for a photograph, right? Just me, a majestic pink tutu, and a picturesque seaside panorama - a vision!

Now, don't think I'm just a pretty face, honey. The true story behind Pink Tutu Sparkles? A scientist by day! Yes, I am Alex, working with fabrics in a laboratory, examining their properties under the microscope, analyzing the microscopic intricacies. You could say my love of fabric extends beyond the tulle of my tutu!

And how did a scientist like me become obsessed with tutus? It all began during university, back when I was a ballet-obsessed student studying for a science degree. The student society had a charity fashion show, and a fellow student asked me to model this magnificent, hot pink tutu. From the moment I slipped into it, the world seemed to explode in vibrant, shimmering, iridescent pink! It was my "Cinderella" moment. That tutu, my darlings, became a spark that ignited a flame. That was when Pink Tutu Sparkles was born!

Since that day, I have dedicated myself to bringing my love of pink tutus and glitter to everyone I meet. The more, the merrier! I believe that a tutu can empower anyone to feel confident and happy, to embrace their inner sparkle and bring out the flamboyant performer in everyone! It's about celebrating individuality, letting go of the expectations, and living a life that truly reflects who you are, whether it's on stage or walking down a cobblestone street. I know a pink tutu could change your life.

And if you happen to find yourself in Scarborough, I invite you to come along with Pink Tutu Sparkles on this grand adventure! Let's discover the secrets of this seaside town together and share a dose of sparkle and happiness. Because in a world of grays, a little pink can go a long way!

Remember to keep it sassy, keep it fabulous, and remember that pink is the colour of joy, happiness, and most importantly, tutus!


Pink Tutu Sparkles

P.S Don't forget to check back for my next post and keep following the adventures of Pink Tutu Sparkles!


#TutuQueen on 2015-12-03 stars in Scarborough