
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2015-12-06 stars in Eltham

Eltham: Tutu Dreams Take Flight (Blog Post #5819)

Hello darlings! Itā€™s your Tutu Queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, signing in from sunny Eltham! And let me tell you, this place is positively sparkling with that kind of magical, whimsical energy that just makes a girlā€™s tutu twirl a little faster! šŸ˜‰

I've been itching to get back to London, and Eltham, oh my, just calls to me. There's something about the Royal Greenwich area that's always been so inspiring to me. Perhaps itā€™s the connection to the Crown, the history swirling through its ancient streetsā€¦ maybe itā€™s those enchanting parklands whispering tales of the past. But one thing is for sure: itā€™s perfect for my pink tutu vision!

This week Iā€™m sharing a glimpse into my journey. This is blog post number 5819! Who would have thought I could possibly create a new blog every day! It really takes a special kind of commitment, you know! But, darling, as they sayā€¦ where thereā€™s a tutu, thereā€™s a way!

Travelling in Style (And With A Tutu!)

This time, I opted for the quintessential London travel experience ā€“ a journey on the railway! The hustle and bustle, the quaint platform, the gentle rumble of the engineā€¦ oh darling, itā€™s simply delightful! And of course, no Tutu Queen goes anywhere without her full regalia ā€“ my signature pink tutu (with an extra layer of tulle for added oomph!), my sequined bolero jacket, my sparkling tiara, and a trusty pair of feather boas for dramatic effect!

Imagine my joy as I rode through the picturesque English countryside, looking like a confectionery-sweet, tutu-clad dream! I truly believe the trains of London deserve a pink-tutu makeover, so perhaps thatā€™s my next quest. Maybe we can create a whole carriage full of dazzling, pink-tutu-wearing passengers? Ooh la la! Now thatā€™s a vision worth fighting for, wouldnā€™t you agree?

From Labs to Lights: My Pink Tutu Story

Speaking of fighting for dreams, my journey here to Eltham started as many journeys do ā€“ with a vision!

Itā€™s funny to think I was toiling away in a science lab, testing fabricā€¦ just an ordinary lab tech from Derbyshire, blending chemicals to get the perfect color or sheen! Iā€™d have to admit ā€“ not exactly the glamorous world of sequins and sparkles!

But thereā€™s a secret even scientists can keepā€¦ Iā€™ve always been secretly (and now not-so-secretly) obsessed with dance and drama. Itā€™s no surprise to anyone who knows me, because I studied Ballet even when I was getting my degree.

It was in the university Ballet club, in one of those charity events for a good cause, that everything changed for me. The club decided on a ā€œTutuathon,ā€ where people wore tutus and donated for each hour they twirled in them.

Can you imagine it, darling? A tutuā€¦ on me? Well, I put one on ā€“ a beautiful pink one! And suddenly, it all made sense. My passion for dance, my flair for drama, the hidden artist waiting for her big moment. That tutu set me on this path.

Itā€™s not about the dancing itself; itā€™s about the way it feels while youā€™re dancing ā€“ the exhilaration, the joy, the sense of possibility. That feeling of magic is what I want to spread with my pink tutu, a feeling everyone can embrace!

The Tutu Kingdom in Eltham: My Adventures

Now, back to Eltham!

Letā€™s be honest, a girl can only stare wistfully at historic sights for so long! I, of course, came to Eltham because my inner Ballerina needs to be satisfied! Eltham is simply brimming with stunning spaces and venues that just begged to be tutu-ified!

My favourite finds in Eltham?

First, Eltham Palace - a beautiful, opulent palace, complete with secret passageways! And let me tell you, that place screams ā€˜balletā€™ to me. Itā€™s so full of that stately elegance and hidden romanceā€¦perfect for tutu-inspired portraits.

Next on my list is Eltham Court - another hidden gem that just begs to be twirled in. You could say this entire trip has been ā€˜tutu explorationā€™ in the best possible way!

My biggest surprise, however, was the Eltham Royal Ballet School. Now, youā€™re talking about serious Tutu Queen inspiration! I popped in to admire the sheer amount of energy, the dedication, and those beautiful dance spaces. Oh, I couldnā€™t resist just having a little twirl around there!

What would make Eltham even better in my pink tutu eyes?

Why, a performance by yours truly, of course! Thatā€™s right! Iā€™m dreaming of an Eltham gala, with me in a brand new pink tutu designā€¦ just a little sparkly for a London crowd, but also something a little edgy, perhaps something with lace, but still keeping that signature ā€˜Pink Tutu Sparklesā€™ feel!

And with all the incredible theatre venues and halls here, we can do more than just a stage performanceā€¦ letā€™s think outdoor performances in Eltham Park, flash mobs by the lake, even ballet lessons with the locals. There's just so much potential!

Imagine, my darlings, an Eltham drenched in pink tulle and sparkling with laughter!

Oh, I have to go ā€“ I hear the calls of inspiration! Thereā€™s a park to explore and I must get my picture by the giant ā€˜Welcome to Elthamā€™ sign with my pink tutu for social media! Donā€™t forget to follow me on Pink-Tutu.com ā€“ new blogs every day, with even more behind the scenes sneak peeks! Until next time, keep spreading the tutu love and remember: thereā€™s no limit to what a pink tutu can do!

With all the sparkles and sweetness,

Pink Tutu Sparkles šŸ’•

#TutuQueen on 2015-12-06 stars in Eltham