
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2016-01-08 stars in Great Yarmouth

Great Yarmouth - Tutu Time! ๐Ÿ’–

Helloooo darlings! ๐Ÿ‘‹ It's your favourite pink-tutu-clad queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, back with another fabulous blog post! This one's number 5852 - we're on a roll, sweeties! Today, I'm taking you all on a trip with me to the beautiful seaside town of Great Yarmouth! It's a little different to my usual dance performances at theatres, but who doesn't love a good bit of fresh sea air and fish and chips, right? ๐Ÿ˜‰

Now, let's rewind a bit... you all know my obsession with tutus. And how I believe everyone should embrace the pink tutu power! It started way back in university when I was a budding scientist, fiddling with beakers and beakers (not the alcoholic ones, darling - just those filled with weird concoctions!). The uni ballet club convinced me to try on a tutu for a charity fundraiser. The rest, as they say, is history! Pink tulle bliss! Now I'm performing my drag shows, living life in the pink, and rocking every tutu with my fabulous name, Pink Tutu Sparkles.

And talking about fabulousness... let's get back to Great Yarmouth! ๐Ÿ›ฅ๏ธ I was feeling the call of the sea, and Great Yarmouth was my destination! No airplane flights for this queen, darling! It was all about hopping on a train with my trusty pink luggage - yes, pink all the way, naturally! - and soaking in the picturesque countryside views. Arriving at the station, the fresh sea breeze was hitting me right in the face. This was going to be an excellent adventure!

Now, the people of Great Yarmouth are absolutely lovely! You know, just like us! It was the perfect opportunity to share my love of tutus. People on the street, tourists, shoppers, all of them got the pink-tutu treatment, just a little sprinkling of sparkles and encouragement to embrace their inner pink tutu diva! ๐Ÿ˜‚

But of course, no trip to Great Yarmouth would be complete without some delicious seafood! ๐ŸŸ Fish and chips - the perfect seaside delicacy. I may be a pink tutu-loving, sparkle-addicted drag queen, but I'm not afraid to admit, a fish and chip takeaway is a true delight! ๐Ÿคค So, we made our way to the bustling fish market, sampling some of the freshest cod and haddock imaginable, with a big side of those delicious crunchy chips. You know, I may be known for my dance moves, but those fish and chips put me through some moves I wasn't prepared for!

The seaside vibe was just lovely, so of course I couldn't resist a walk along the pier! You can't miss the colourful amusement rides. But for me, it's about soaking in that beautiful seaside scenery. The smell of the sea air mixed with the salt and the delicious smells from the nearby fish shops were making my senses go wild! But it wasn't just about me having a blast, oh no, darlings! It's about making everyone embrace their inner pink tutu sparkler! I stopped some passersby for a little chat, even convinced a few shy onlookers to give the pink tutu a go! Because let's face it, it's always more fun with tutus, and Great Yarmouth needed a little dose of pink!

Now, one of my biggest loves is, you guessed it, ballet! The elegance, the artistry, and of course the fabulous costumes - especially the tutus! And luckily for me, Great Yarmouth has a vibrant arts scene! So, on my final day, I decided to take a trip to the local theatre. It was an amateur performance of a classic ballet - Swan Lake - and darling, it was simply breathtaking! I got lost in the beautiful choreography and the mesmerizing grace of the dancers. I was even so impressed that I got to chat with the dancers afterwards - those tutus were a work of art! This is what really inspires my pink tutu dreams! Seeing the beauty and elegance of ballet firsthand and spreading that love of sparkle and glitter to the whole wide world!

All in all, it was a truly unforgettable trip. The beach, the fish and chips, the art scene, and most importantly, the incredible people of Great Yarmouth - who knew so many were hidden pink tutu fans? ๐Ÿ’– Well, it was time for me to pack up my pink luggage, say goodbye to my new Great Yarmouth friends, and head back to my laboratory by day and my stage by night. It's a busy life, but one I wouldn't trade for the world!

Remember, darlings, every day is a chance to sprinkle some pink tutu magic into your lives. So go forth, wear a tutu, embrace your inner sparkle, and let your own unique magic shine! โœจ Until next time! ๐Ÿ’‹

Pink Tutu Sparkles โœจ


#TutuQueen on 2016-01-08 stars in Great Yarmouth