Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2016-03-04 stars in Hanwell

Hanwell - Pink Tutu Sparkle's Post #5908 - Tutuing on a Train

Oh darlings! Today, your fabulous Pink Tutu Sparkles is taking a delightful journey - by train, naturally! There’s nothing quite like the feeling of the wind in my pink feathered boa, watching the countryside zip by. And wouldn’t you know it, Hanwell’s calling!

Remember those divine tutu designs I found in London’s West End last week? It’s all coming together! Hanwell is home to a delightful little theatre space that just screamed “Pink Tutu Sparkle’s”. Now, it's time to let the fabric fly and dazzle these Hanwell lovely's. The locals, the kind folk who wouldn't hurt a fly (well, unless they're wearing a hideous shade of beige, darling! ) are about to be swept away in a flurry of pink tulle, feathers and all things fabulous.

Hanwell isn’t just a pretty face, though. There’s this wonderful arts centre, tucked away in the heart of this historic town, filled with crafts, music and the loveliest, most delightful crafts you can imagine. My creative heart is doing backflips in excitement.

Remember my dreams of a world bathed in pink? Well, my little darlings, I think we just found the perfect playground! I see a collaboration with the arts centre, maybe a workshop on tutu design? We could all learn the secret to crafting the ultimate sparkly masterpiece. Just imagine!

As I settle into my plush seat on the train, sipping my pink iced tea, my mind whirls with the endless possibilities. My fellow travellers look intrigued - maybe the sight of my towering pink wig and sequined tutu makes them wonder if Hanwell’s really as dull as they imagined. But hey, maybe that’s just the Pink Tutu Sparkles magic working its magic.

After all, that's what I’m all about! Spreading a little bit of glitter, sparkle and fabulousness wherever I go!

Today, I’m a kaleidoscope of vibrant hues mixed with the gentle murmur of a carriage going on a fabulous adventure, and the magic isn't just on stage – it's in the air, dancing around you!

The Hanwell adventure awaits. Get ready, my loves! The show's about to begin. I just know my Tutu will be glowing like the London sky at night, all the way to Hanwell… because life’s too short to be boring. And besides, everyone knows that a pink tutu can change the world, one shimmery twirl at a time!

Now let me know, my little darlings: What’s the most fabulous place you've ever seen? Tell me all about it, and maybe, just maybe, Pink Tutu Sparkles will whisk you away to a world filled with pink tutus and sparkle.

Keep it glamorous, Pink Tutu Sparkles

Here’s a glimpse into my Hanwell diary – filled with all the tutu-licious goodness:

A Day in Hanwell

Morning found me stepping onto the platform, a beacon of pink amongst the sleepy commuters, with my signature look – towering pink wig, dazzling sequins and, of course, a show-stopping tutu. Just the sight of my pinkness made some eyes widen and mouths drop! They hadn’t seen anything like this before - just wait, darlings! The fun has just begun!

The first stop: The Hanwell Arts Centre, a gem tucked away in a historic corner. A kaleidoscope of creativity! My creative soul is already dancing in a symphony of colours! My plan, my little darlings: Get those arts and crafts folks creating some pink tutu creations. We are talking tutus for every occasion - for work, for the gym, for the dinner party…the world’s going pink, and they’ll be the designers!

They have a pottery class there – could this be my next fashion statement? I am thinking, Pink Tutu teapot anyone?

But my real obsession? The sewing machine - my ultimate dream. I can just imagine: pink tulle flying, ribbons cascading, and sparkles in every direction!

After my artsy tour, I strolled through The Hanwell Shopping Centre, where you’ll find the usual shops, but I can't deny - there's just something special about them. The air smells of possibilities! Who knows, I might even find a unique pink-themed item that even I don't already own! (I've always dreamed of a pink flamingo lamp…maybe Hanwell's the place for that, hmmm…)

A perfect break for my tired dancing legs? Hanwell’s historic Red Lion Pub. It has a traditional charm with its timbered beams and a lovely fireplace. I can hear the music now, the soft notes floating through the air, the perfect soundtrack to a perfect pink moment. They serve a fantastic fish and chips! I do think fish would look absolutely fabulous on a bed of pink tulle, wouldn’t it?

The Hanwell Theatre

This afternoon, it's show time! My tutu is sparkling like the stars of a London night sky while I strut towards the Hanwell Theatre.

Let’s just say that they’ve never seen anything like me before! I mean, let's face it, a pink tutu-wearing drag queen doesn’t show up every day! The crowd, initially a little apprehensive, soon warm up. A little twinkle here, a dazzling move there…it’s an energy that only a pink tutu can give off.
They’re all swept away, mesmerized by the shimmer and shimmer. It’s just what Hanwell needed: a shot of Pink Tutu Sparkles magic, and the laughter, joy and smiles? Simply infectious!

A man tells me after the show he wants to see my costume! He tells me he thinks I should be on the West End! Imagine that, my little darlings! That's my dream, to one day strut across those fabulous London stages, bringing my pink-tutu-inspired magic to every corner of the world!

The stage is my canvas – and in Hanwell, my art was painted in vibrant colours of pink. And yes, every shade of pink.

They love a bit of sparkle, these Hanwell people.

After my grand performance, it was time to let the excitement of the day settle and unwind with a glass of bubbly and some scrumptious strawberry tarts. My tastebuds have been transported! I may just need to pack a few extra pink tutu dresses, you know, in case I decide to stay for a while longer.

So, what have I learnt about Hanwell? There’s so much charm packed into this place – from the lovely people to the artistic creativity and, of course, a theatre with an audience ready to be enthralled!

Pink Tutu Adventures: Beyond the Theatre

The best part of this journey, though? Hanwell has opened up a new avenue of adventure for me! Think pink!

Think of all the possibilities. From a fabulous Pink Tutu Tea Party at the Arts Centre to pink-themed performances at the local school – oh my tutu dreams, they are really becoming real.

What can I say? Hanwell just knows how to make a Pink Tutu Sparkles feel at home. They’re ready to jump aboard the tutu train and take this town to new heights of pinkness.

Coming up…a few more things that make a Pink Tutu Sparkle travel diary so delightful…:

Let’s talk Pink Tutu Style: I'm going to spill the tea about all my pink tutu fashion choices in Hanwell! This post's going to have an abundance of adorable photos – it wouldn't be Pink Tutu Sparkle without a little visual indulgence in the pinkness, darling.

Travels in Tulle: From Derbyshire to Hanwell, it's been an incredible adventure! What's the best way to get around? You know me - either on horseback or by train! So, join me for some hilarious tales about tutu-worthy travels.

And, for all my little darlings: It's your turn! Tell me about your love of pink tututus. Share your pink tutu dreams – I’m always listening.

Until next time, darlings! It’s time for this pink tutu to make its final twirl before hitting the hay. Keep your tutus fluffy and your smiles sparkly!

XOXO, Pink Tutu Sparkle

#TutuQueen on 2016-03-04 stars in Hanwell