Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2016-03-08 stars in Ashington

Ashington Adventures: Pink Tutu Sparkles Takes On The North East!

Post Number 5912

Darlings! Oh my goodness, it’s been such a whirlwind few days in the glorious North East! I, Pink Tutu Sparkles, your very own pink-tutu-loving blogger extraordinaire, am finally back on the fabulous www.pink-tutu.com, and oh honey, do I have tales to tell! This trip, darlings, was a journey that went straight to my glitter-dusted heart. Let’s rewind the tape and get into it!

It all started with a dream

You know I’m all about chasing my dreams, and this week, Ashington, you were the dream destination. The moment I heard about a fancy-dress gala going on, my fabulous inner diva knew it was time to set off on my grand adventure. Now, we all know, travelling in a pink tutu is no walk in the park!

First off, let’s address the elephant in the tulle, darling - my mode of transport. My dear friends, I took a train! A long, long journey that turned into a glamorous, glitter-filled performance. I managed to convince a charming young man in a suit, completely oblivious to my pink tulle situation, to “carry” my bag… well, to put it delicately, he looked like he had accidentally signed up for the “hold-my-extra-large-handbag-of-sparkles-and-sequins-and-what-might-possibly-be-feather-boa” challenge. Bless his cotton socks!

But the journey was well worth it, oh darling! When I finally arrived in Ashington, let me tell you, it felt like a magical pink fairytale land.

Meeting my new Ashington family

You know me, love, I’m always looking to make new friends, spread my message of love and acceptance, and convince everyone to embrace the glory of pink tutus. And wouldn't you know it, the people of Ashington were an absolute delight! I bumped into the most amazing woman in the street who told me about a local dance troupe and all the fabulous classes they ran. Imagine, love, learning ballet moves in my pink tutu? Now that’s what I call divine inspiration!

The grand gala: Sparkle central

Oh darling, the gala was truly everything! They had a magnificent stage and a backdrop that wouldn't look out of place in a glittering Vegas casino, perfect for Pink Tutu Sparkles to unleash her inner-diva. I brought the house down with a performance so vibrant and full of pink power that the crowd was left breathless. There were gasps, whoops, and cheers galore – honestly, they just couldn’t get enough! I even had a young girl tell me she’s starting a pink tutu club! See, darling, I'm already inspiring the next generation of tulle-tastic wonder.

Sharing the pink tutu love

Throughout the evening, darling, I had a chance to connect with people who loved all things sparkly, fun, and fabulous. We discussed all things fashion, the latest ballet trends, and of course, how to incorporate more pink tutus into their everyday lives! One delightful gentleman (dressed as a very dapper knight in shining armour, I might add) was actually thinking of starting a new fashion range inspired by… well, guess who?! My pink tutu and its wonderful, vibrant glory, darling! You can be sure he's got my number on speed dial.

Back to Derbyshire and more dreams on the horizon

Back in Derbyshire, darlings, I'm back in my lab, doing my daily dance amongst fabric swatches and petri dishes. But this time, my experiments are fuelled with the electric excitement of the weekend’s adventures.

Ashington, you have captured my heart, my darling! From the warmth of your community, the enchanting charm of your streets, to your welcoming embrace, I've had an adventure I’ll cherish forever. And let’s be honest, it was the perfect excuse for me to showcase my love for tutus!

But rest assured, darlings, my journey in pink is only just beginning! This isn't the last you've seen of Pink Tutu Sparkles! I'm planning my next big adventure even as I type this blog. I've got new goals, new shows to plan, new dance moves to master, and I can't wait to share every sparkly moment with you!

So stay tuned for more fabulous fashion fun and exciting updates here on www.pink-tutu.com! I’m off to find the perfect pair of pink shoes for my next show… until next time darlings, stay beautiful and embrace your inner tulle!

Lots of pink love,

Pink Tutu Sparkles x

#TutuQueen on 2016-03-08 stars in Ashington