Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2016-03-24 stars in Bloxwich

Bloxwich Bound: Tutu Travels Take to the Tracks!

Post Number: 5928

Hello, darlings! It's your girl Pink Tutu Sparkles here, and oh my, are you ready for a story that's pinker than a flamingo in a bubble bath?! Today's adventures take us to the delightful, charming, and completely unexpected town of Bloxwich!

Train Tracks and Tutu Tracks

Yes, you heard right, my dears. This Tutu Queen is trading in the high heels for high-speed travel today. The train journey is something I do quite often, but that doesn't mean I don't absolutely relish every moment. The rhythm of the train wheels against the tracks, the whirring and groaning of the carriage, it all evokes a sense of theatre and travel for me! Especially when I'm sporting this utterly fabulous pink tulle tutu that I picked up in a charity shop this week!

There's something magical about train journeys. You never quite know who you're going to meet on the way, who might strike up a conversation about a favourite ballerina, or who will be captivated by my glorious tutu, a beacon of pink against the steel grey seats. It reminds me of my very first adventure, all those years ago in Derbyshire.

From Labs to the Stage: Tutu Dreams and Science Delights

Now, I bet you're wondering how a girl who's absolutely crazy for pink tutus ended up rocking the stage? Well, the journey is almost as colorful as the fabric I'm wearing today! You see, back in my days at university, when I was busy mixing potions and pipettes in the lab, I was also mixing in some magic with the university ballet club! I can remember it as if it were yesterday, standing at the costume party, hesitant, wondering, then taking a leap of faith, trying on a tutu for the first time for charity! I can't believe how I had lived my whole life without one! From that moment, darling, I was hooked, like a butterfly trapped in a beautiful pink spiderweb. The world shifted. The pink tutu became my anchor, my compass, my reason for being. But hey, even as I found myself on the stage, I couldn't resist the siren call of science! So, by day I mix, analyze, and test fabrics in my science lab (not with my tutu, though!). By night, I twirl, dance, and inspire with Pink Tutu Sparkles. But, shh, don't tell anyone my day job. Science and sparkle? It's not as weird as you think! After all, we're talking fabrics, colours, patterns... what's more magical than that?

Bloxwich Blooms: A Pink Tutu Princess in the Making

As my train arrives, the magic begins! Bloxwich might not be the first town you think of when you imagine glittering glamour, but trust me, dear readers, every town has its hidden charm! And Bloxwich is ready for its pink tutu moment. It's all about finding the sparkle in the unexpected. This evening's show is a lovely little fair, buzzing with energy and local talent, and guess who's going to bring the fabulous? This little Tutu Queen, naturally!

The setting for the show is delightful - a lovely open space near a town hall. It's the perfect backdrop to spin and shimmy under the setting sun.

You know I can't go to a show without indulging in the local food and drink. Today I’m sampling Bloxwich's local special: Black Country pudding, and oh my, is it delicious! A true local treat, served piping hot, like a big hug on a chilly evening. The flavours blend with the gentle crunch of a Bloxwich bun and the refreshing zing of a local soda. Such delicious and surprisingly complex flavour for such humble ingredients.

Now, I must confess, darling, that my journey wasn't entirely smooth sailing! That's where the power of positive thinking comes in. On the way to Bloxwich, my train was delayed - a situation that's definitely not tutu-ally fabulous. I found myself stuck in a tiny waiting room with the most amazing lady - an octogenarian ballerina who was travelling to London for a gala performance. We bonded over our love of tutus and her passion for classical dance. It reminded me, even when you’re stuck, the most delightful, life-changing interactions can come at the most unexpected moments. A true reminder to see the magic in everyday situations! She even let me wear her antique tutus. They weren’t pink but still wonderful! It’s so easy to get wrapped up in the pink cloud that is Pink Tutu Sparkles but the true joy comes from these unplanned adventures, sharing my passion for everything pink with like-minded folks.

And so, my darlings, as I settle down for another performance, with the cheers of the crowd buzzing around me, I’m reminded that it’s not just about tutus and twirling. It’s about finding the joy in every moment, making every town glitter, every train journey sparkle. And you know what? I’d encourage everyone to try it, even just for one day, let out the little tutu princess inside you and go and find your own unique pink moments.

Stay fabulous, my loves.

Lots of Pink Tutu Sparkles, Alex

#TutuQueen on 2016-03-24 stars in Bloxwich