Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2016-04-22 stars in Aberdeen

Aberdeen Adventures: Tutu Queen's #5957

Hiya darlings! It's your girl Pink Tutu Sparkles, signing in from the charming city of Aberdeen!

The journey was simply divine, the train chugging across the rolling Scottish countryside painted in shades of emerald and ochre. It felt like a scene from one of those whimsical period dramas, except, well, I was in a hot pink tutu. It's true, lovelies! One cannot be truly fabulous without a touch of tulle in one's life, don't you agree?

My aim, as you all know, is to spread the gospel of pink tutus. And believe me, my travels are definitely the best sermon I could ever preach!

Aberdeen has a certain… air, shall we say? There's something so undeniably chic about the place, a little bit rugged, a little bit sophisticated, and very much my kind of town. This was my very first visit to Aberdeen, and you know what, my darlings? I'm in love! It was the perfect combination of coastal breeze, historical charm, and an electrifying energy.

Aberdeen was truly an adventure in pink, with the streets lined with pastel coloured buildings. You just couldn't avoid that sweet cotton candy vibe, and trust me, Pink Tutu Sparkles was in her element!

Now, I'm not just about looks, you know? Aberdeen's ballet scene? Honestly, darlings, it's like nothing I've seen before. I found myself at the most stunning theatre, the kind that makes your jaw drop and leaves you in awe of the elegance and history that radiate through every corner. They held the most mesmerising performance, filled with grace and artistry that made me feel as though I was floating on a cloud of silk. The dancers, absolutely breathtaking, were dressed in gowns that swirled with every movement, like clouds of chiffon embracing the air. And the music! It transported me to a world where magic reigned, where dreams danced in a symphony of melodies that whispered secrets to my soul. It was pure enchantment, my dears!

Before I went on stage, I even managed to slip in a little ballet class at one of the local studios. You should have seen the looks on those lovely young dancers' faces as I turned up in my vibrant hot pink tutu! Oh, the joys of spreading joy through the medium of sparkles and tulle. The class itself? Exhilarating, to say the least! The teachers were absolutely lovely and helped me find my own kind of graceful movements. And you know, a good ballet class, followed by some tea and gossip with the fellow dancers - pure bliss!

Now, the journey couldn't have been more picturesque, you know. It was as if the journey was the real highlight! Imagine a vintage, sleek carriage pulled by the most beautiful horses, gleaming with perfect symmetry as they stepped with effortless grace. We were on the cusp of an elegant journey! But alas, dearies, the carriage had to be postponed!

So instead I opted for the trusty railway line and made my way to Aberdeen in true "Pink Tutu Sparkles" style! It was a journey through the heart of Scotland, taking me past landscapes that were both wild and breathtaking. It reminded me of my journey to Derbyshire, all those years ago when I started on my grand adventure. Back then, the sight of a bright pink tutu had simply captivated me! It was the day my science experiment took a turn towards the fab, as I danced in front of an appreciative audience! My fellow students and friends roared with laughter as I took a playful bow.

That's when I discovered what a transformative garment the tutu really is. Just a little touch of that fluffy pink joy can turn the world into a stage, the mundane into something magical. Every time I slip into one of those iconic tutus, it’s like wearing a reminder to embrace the bold, the bright, the audacious, and always have fun along the way!

Of course, after an afternoon of artistic immersion and dancing, I just had to treat myself to some shopping. I mean, one simply cannot go to Aberdeen without a proper splurge, can we? I stumbled upon this incredible shop that literally had every shade of pink imaginable! From bold magenta and bubblegum hues, to the softest pinks that reminded me of clouds on a sunny day - oh, my dearies, it was simply dreamy. You know me - Pink Tutu Sparkles couldn't resist a touch of pink! So, my darling readers, you can expect some fabulous updates on my blog about a whole array of pink accessories, darling!

Then it was off to the theatre for my performance! It was simply electric, my dears! The lights were bright, the audience buzzing with anticipation, the stage shimmered in a kaleidoscope of colours and a symphony of laughter and cheers rose from the audience, reaching for the heavens, and as my music kicked in I sashayed on stage, feeling that indescribable thrill that only comes with a pink tutu. Every performance feels like a personal journey - a quest to share a bit of pink magic and maybe, just maybe, to inspire a little sparkle in everyone’s hearts.

But hey, there’s more to life than dancing on stage, right? My life has evolved from performing, shopping, and sipping bubbly, but also into something more impactful. Yes, I love to entertain and spread a bit of pink joy with every step I take! And with every performance, I strive to uplift, empower and inspire every single individual! It's important to let people know that no matter their size, their age, or their background, we can all be bold, be brilliant, and wear our own personal sparkle!

So, Aberdeen, you’ve captured a little piece of my heart with your friendly smiles and charming, pink-filled city streets. I already know I'll be back! It was a truly fabulous adventure, my dears. Now, I must away to my next grand performance - perhaps a vintage tea party in Brighton? Or maybe a dazzling dance festival in Paris? Whatever awaits, my dears, one thing is certain - I'll be there with my trusty, sparkling pink tutu, ready to spread joy, love and a whole lot of fun wherever I go! Until then, keep those hearts open, embrace the unexpected, and never ever let the spark in you dim! Love you loads, my precious pink fans!

*Love, *

*Pink Tutu Sparkles *

*www.pink-tutu.com *

#TutuQueen on 2016-04-22 stars in Aberdeen