
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2016-04-29 stars in Oxford

Oxford Sparkle: A Tutu-ful Adventure! (Post #5964)

Hello my darling Tutu-ettes! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, reporting live from the enchanting city of Oxford! Oh, my dears, this place is absolutely divine! I can practically feel the history swirling around me, just like the graceful movements of a prima ballerina!

As always, your girl Pink Tutu is on a mission: to sprinkle a little sparkle and a whole lot of pink wherever I go! And let me tell you, Oxford is practically begging for a dash of tutu magic. I mean, picture this: cobblestone streets, ivy-covered buildings, and me, Pink Tutu Sparkles, twirling in a pink tulle masterpiece under the watchful gaze of the grand old Oxford University! Itā€™s almost like a scene from a fairytale!

Before I whisk you away on a tour of this glorious city, let's talk about how I got here, shall we? Well, dear readers, this Pink Tutu loves a good train journey. There's something so whimsical about gazing out the window as the countryside whizzes by, and let's be honest, a train allows for a bit of glamorous pre-show primping! After all, a queen needs to arrive in style, especially when heading to a new city!

Iā€™ve always said, ā€œA pink tutu can take you anywhere,ā€ and that definitely applies to my drag career! As you all know, your Pink Tutu isnā€™t just a dazzling performer but also a dedicated scientist, which is how I'm lucky enough to see the world. The fabric-testing lab that I work in pays my bills, which then, quite fabulously, allows me to travel the globe, sprinkling my magic across each town and city I visit!

Anyway, back to Oxford! The second I stepped out of the station, my inner ballerina squealed with delight! There were charming little shops with windows brimming with exquisite outfits. And darling, let's just say, I might have indulged in a little window shopping for some future performance outfits. I found this absolutely divine pink velvet dress, and it just screamed, "Pink Tutu Sparkles in Oxford!"

Oxford itself feels so historical. It was almost as if I'd stepped straight into one of those lovely old movies with the elegant ladies and gents in their fine outfits. I had to find a proper Oxford pub for a bit of a pitstop. A good pub is a quintessential British experience, especially when accompanied by a plate of good old fashioned fish and chips! The pub, with its rustic wooden tables and twinkling lights, felt so charmingly cozy. The locals, they were just adorable. Of course, no good British pub is complete without a pint of lovely cold ale, which, of course, I indulged in before continuing my day. A delightful moment to enjoy!

Oh, but thereā€™s more! I discovered a little dance studio in a quaint corner of the city. Naturally, as soon as I saw that bright, vibrant studio, I just had to sashay inside for a quick pirouette! It's quite wonderful how a dance studio, anywhere in the world, can truly bring people together, no matter their background. As I twirled under the watchful eyes of the instructor, I couldn't help but wonder what these ballet classes would be like if I arrived in full Pink Tutu glory! Perhaps my next Oxford visit will be all about dance!

However, it was time for me to prepare for tonight's show. I decided to get glammed up at the absolutely exquisite ā€œThe Rose Theatre,ā€ a place full of theatrical history and captivating energy. I thought it fitting for my first night in this fabulous city. With its high ceilings and stunning Victorian-era charm, this theatre really resonated with me.

Oh, darling! You wouldn't believe the wonderful crowd at my show! Oxford definitely had the right energy to soak up my Pink Tutu magic! We had such a beautiful time together. They were dancing, they were laughing, they were twirlingā€¦ it was such a magnificent time! They all loved the way I weave storytelling into my performances. My current piece is about my journey in becoming a pink tutu wearing, drag performing, ballet-loving scientist. You can tell from my audienceā€™s expressions they really appreciated it.

But darling, I had one surprise for them. It wouldnā€™t be a true Pink Tutu Sparkle performance without a little extra flair! You see, I knew that if I could pull it off, it would make for a truly iconic evening in Oxford. I just had to include one final surprise. A ballet interlude, of course, with some of my darling tutu loving friends I had brought along for the evening! This was a wonderful culmination of the theme for my show. You canā€™t visit Oxford, a city of scholarly history, without celebrating a true symbol of scholarly excellence - Ballet. My tutu-loving, fabulous friends danced perfectly, of course!

My darling tutu-ettes, the rest of my journey through Oxford will have to wait for another day! But let me tell you, my next post will be all about the gorgeous gardens I explored and the magical Oxford pubs that kept me entertained between shows. Oh, the delightful chaos that surrounds us!

I just wanted to leave you all with a little pink inspiration before I sashay off into the Oxford night. Do you have your tutu ready to take on the world? No? Well, itā€™s time you do! We must always embrace our inner fabulousness! The world is waiting for us, darling, letā€™s twirl our way to happiness!

Yours in pink sparkles,

Pink Tutu Sparkles.

And do remember to check out my new song on my site: www.pink-tutu.com . This one's called, ā€œSparkle to the Starsā€ and I wrote it about the journey I have been on, from shy ballet dancer in Derbyshire, to fabulous travelling drag performer!

*[Image of Alex in his Pink Tutu Sparkles outfit in a street in Oxford, with a big smile on his face] *

#TutuQueen on 2016-04-29 stars in Oxford