Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2016-05-27 stars in Bath

Bath, Oh Bath, You're Just So Grand!

Hello, darling! Welcome back to Pink Tutu Sparkles, the blog where tutus are always in bloom and life is always a grand, sparkly celebration! It's me, your favourite pink-loving, tutu-obsessed drag queen, and I'm just back from the most glorious weekend in Bath, the city that whispers "history" with every cobblestone and echoes with elegance around every corner.

This post marks a very special occasion – number 5992! Honestly, darlings, I can’t believe how fast this blog has taken off! It seems like only yesterday I was a shy science student, hiding away in my lab, surrounded by chemicals and microscopes. And then I tried on that pink tutu! A moment that changed everything. And who knew, eh? Turns out, I'm destined for the spotlight!

But enough about me and my big, flamboyant life, let's get to Bath! It was a bit of a dream come true, a delightful adventure that unfolded with the grace of a ballet dancer and the colour of a rose garden. The city's streets were absolutely bursting with beauty, so much history tucked into every little alley and cafe! And let's not forget about the thermal baths! The steaming waters seemed to whisper tales of ancient Romans who, even way back then, were obsessed with well-being and, you know, a good splash in some warm water!

Taking the Scenic Route to Sparkle

To get to Bath, I took a glorious, relaxing train ride. You see, darlings, I have a soft spot for the iron horse! It's all about those grand carriages, the gentle rhythm of the rails, the sheer elegance of travelling like they did back in the good ol' days!

Once I arrived, I felt like a character in a novel. Every step I took was a page-turner! The air itself was electric with excitement.

Fashion Finds in a City of Charm

As any true drag queen knows, fashion is paramount! And let me tell you, darling, Bath was a treasure trove! From independent boutiques bursting with vintage charm to the grand department stores with everything under the sun, Bath is a shopaholic's dream. I found the most adorable hat in a shop hidden away on a tiny street - just the thing to add a bit of extra sass to my Pink Tutu Sparkles persona. And, of course, a new pair of dancing shoes! A pair of delicate, ballet-inspired pumps in a blush pink, perfect for twirling around Bath's majestic architecture.

A Little Ballet Magic

Of course, no trip to Bath is complete without a bit of ballet. The Theatre Royal, a magnificent building, steeped in history, hosted an absolutely sensational performance of "Swan Lake". It was pure magic, the ballerinas moving like clouds, the dancers a symphony of movement. As the curtain fell, I couldn't help but dream of gliding across the stage, my own pink tutu catching the stage lights, making hearts flutter and bringing a touch of joyful sparkle to the world.

The Heart of Bath - A Delightful Surprise

My next stop was Bath Abbey. Now, I'll confess, I'm not the biggest fan of churches, I do like a good splash of sparkle! However, Bath Abbey is more than just a place of worship. It's a historical wonder, the acoustics are like nothing I've ever experienced. You could feel the power of the centuries resonating in every archway and every stone!

But the highlight? Well, that has to be the view from the roof. Oh my goodness! Bath was laid out before me like a grand dollhouse, a patchwork of stone buildings and emerald-green lawns, all bathed in the golden glow of the afternoon sun. And I couldn’t help myself! I pulled out my very special pink tutu, and twirled a little dance with the cityscape! It was a moment to cherish.

Pinks and Sparkliness, A Drag Queen’s Delight

The real reason I love travelling is because it helps me see the world in new and sparkly ways! Every new place adds a fresh burst of colour to my life, inspires new looks for my drag persona! And believe me, Bath was an absolute feast for the senses!

I just adore how this city celebrates elegance and history, yet it also has a modern, lively edge. There’s something magical about how they balance tradition with a sense of playfulness. And the people, oh the people! Friendly, full of charm and utterly delightful, every conversation seemed to crackle with wit and humour! It was like walking into a vintage film, only with tutus and glitter!

From Pink Tutu to Science Lab

Of course, I couldn’t stay in Bath forever, even if I'd like to. There was science to be done! Yes, darlings, my life is a little bit of a dichotomy - Pink Tutu Sparkles on the stage, and then Alex, the scientist, in the lab! While I dream of glittering stage lights and performing before adoring crowds, I also spend my days in a lab coat, surrounded by fabrics and scientific tools, analysing their resistance to everything from rain to sweat to spilled cocktails! You never know when the most interesting fabric breakthroughs could occur, and wouldn't it be fantastic to be the queen of shimmering, glitter-infused, sparkly textiles!

A Tutu For Everyone

And that's the thing about life, isn't it? There's beauty and magic in every corner, even in a science lab! I like to believe that life is like a beautiful pink tutu, it's meant to be twirled, shared, and embraced with gusto! Just like a pink tutu, we’re all about expression, freedom, and finding that perfect, joyous sparkle.

So darlings, why not put on a tutu? Even if it’s not pink (but really, why not?) We all have a bit of a sparkle within us. Don't you think? And for all those who love bright pink and twirling tutus? Why not pop on down to Pink-Tutu.com and join the fun! Let’s paint the world with pink, and let everyone know that we can all twirl through life with style, grace, and a dash of joy.

Until next time, darlings!

Love and sparkles,

Pink Tutu Sparkles xx

#TutuQueen on 2016-05-27 stars in Bath