
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2016-06-24 stars in Burton upon Trent

Burton upon Trent: A Tutu-ifically Pink Adventure! ๐Ÿ’–โœจ (Blog Post #6020)

Hello my lovely darlings! It's your favourite pink tutu-wearing queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, back with another dazzling post from the heart of England โ€“ Burton upon Trent! I've been dying to visit this historic town, and I just had to bring my glitter-infused tutu-liciousness along for the ride!

You know me, always chasing that rainbow of vibrant experiences. And let me tell you, this trip did not disappoint! From charming cobbled streets to majestic pubs with history oozing from every brick, Burton upon Trent truly captured my heart (and my camera, of course).

This adventure began, as usual, with a thrilling journey. This time, I ditched the train for a more regal experience: I took a horseback ride through the beautiful Derbyshire countryside. Picture it: a fluffy white steed, a sparkling pink tutu, and a wind whipping through my perfectly coiffed wig. Absolute bliss!

Once in Burton, the town's magic unfolded right before my eyes. First, a quick pit stop at the Burton Brewing Company was a must โ€“ gotta fuel those Sparkles with a pint of local brew! Then, the iconic National Brewery Centre, a testament to this town's rich history, was an absolute treat. Did you know that Burton upon Trent used to be known as "the brewing capital of the world"? Pretty cool, right?

And, of course, no trip is complete without some tutu-licious fun. My dear friend, Fiona, a fellow drag enthusiast, even surprised me with a stunning vintage pink tutu at a charming local vintage shop! Imagine my joy! It's so perfect, it's practically screaming my name โ€“ "Wear me, Sparkles, wear me!". I promise you all, I'll be flaunting it in my next performance!

The next day, it was time to indulge in my other love: ballet. Now, Burton upon Trent is blessed with a beautiful Victorian theatre โ€“ the Brewhouse Theatre, a treasure trove of creativity! Seeing a stunning performance of Swan Lake transported me straight into the world of tutus and twirls, filling me with inspiration. You can bet your bottom dollar that I'll be incorporating some of that elegant grace into my own performances.

My time in Burton wouldn't be complete without some delicious treats, and I was absolutely spoiled. My evening culminated with a magnificent feast at the River View, a delightful restaurant with views overlooking the Trent River. As I enjoyed a delectable dessert of raspberry cheesecake, my heart was filled with gratitude for the warm hospitality I experienced throughout my journey.

Of course, no trip is complete without a sprinkle of Sparkles! So, I decided to put on a special performance at the local fair. Can you believe they were delighted to have a pink tutu-clad drag queen grace their humble fairgrounds? I really am spreading my sparkle, one tutu at a time!

I must say, Burton upon Trent, you truly won me over with your warmth, history, and vibrant spirit. You've shown me just how captivating a town can be when it embraces its heritage with open arms. I can't wait to share more of my adventures with you lovely lot. Don't forget to keep checking back here on pink-tutu.com โ€“ because, darling, I'm only just getting started!

Until next time, stay fabulous and wear that pink tutu with pride!


Pink Tutu Sparkles โœจ ๐Ÿ’–

P.S. Want to join the pink tutu movement? Follow my adventures on social media and don't forget to use the hashtag #PinkTutuRevolution! Let's bring a splash of pink and joy to the world, one tutu at a time! ๐Ÿ’•

A Little Bit About Me

Hi lovelies, for those of you who are new to the world of Pink Tutu Sparkles, let me introduce myself! By day, I'm Alex, a scientist working in a lab. Testing fabrics, you know, the scientific stuff! But when the sun sets and the stars come out, it's time for Alex to shed his lab coat and transform into Pink Tutu Sparkles!

My drag journey started a few years ago, when I was studying for my science degree. I was in the university ballet club, and for charity, I tried on a tutu for the first time. I never looked back! The minute I slipped into that fluffy, pink confection, I felt like I found my true self. That's when Pink Tutu Sparkles was born.

Ever since, I've been spreading sparkle and joy across the globe, one dazzling performance at a time. It's my mission to show the world that life's too short to take ourselves too seriously โ€“ embrace the colour, embrace the fluff, and embrace your inner fabulousness! ๐Ÿ’–

I hope you enjoy following along with my journey, as I bring my unique brand of glittery joy to cities, towns, and everything in between!

Love always,

Pink Tutu Sparkles โœจ ๐Ÿ’•

#TutuQueen on 2016-06-24 stars in Burton upon Trent