Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2016-07-03 stars in Walton upon Thames

Walton Upon Thames: Pink Tutu Sparkles Takes Flight!

Post Number: 6029

Hello darlings! It’s your favourite pink tutu wearing queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, here and boy oh boy, are you in for a treat! This week, I took my sparkly, twirling self to the delightful town of Walton upon Thames, a real hidden gem if ever there was one! I swear, even the air itself seems to sparkle a little more brightly down there.

I know, I know, what could a pink tutu wearing, ballet-loving queen possibly find to do in a place called Walton upon Thames? Well, you wouldn't believe the surprises I found!

It all started as usual, packing my dazzling array of tutus – it’s never too much pink you know – and carefully planning my sparkly look. My favourite thing about being a drag queen? I get to be as outrageously fabulous as I like! But then again, it’s not really a ‘job’, it’s more of a passion project… which I happen to be exceptionally good at.

You see, I love making people laugh and bringing a little bit of sparkle into their lives, and it all started when I was just a little Alex. Back in those days, it was a science degree for me – no tutus allowed in that particular lab! - and I was in the university ballet club. And then came the charity fundraising event... remember that fateful moment? They had a 'Tutu Throwdown' for charity – I'll never forget the feeling of the first layer of tulle cascading over my head and down to my knees. I knew at that very instant my life had changed forever.

And the best thing? Pink Tutu Sparkles is a fully funded adventure, thanks to all of you lovelies who come to see my performances! I perform at festivals, pubs, you name it! If they need a little sparkle in their lives, I'm your gal. But this trip was extra special, because this wasn't your typical drag show… oh no. This trip was about taking a leap of faith – a real literal leap, I’m going to be taking ballet lessons and a tour of a real ballet school - so exciting!

Now, getting to Walton upon Thames took a little bit of planning. You see, I don't drive. I wouldn't even know where to start! I much prefer to ride in style! This time it was a beautiful steam train chugging its way through the countryside, just a little like something out of a vintage fairytale – although, thankfully, without the dragon attacks! But sometimes I go by horse, imagine that – a horse-drawn carriage. Talk about arriving with panache, am I right?

I found my little nest of loveliness in a delightful bed and breakfast, full of chintz, roses, and charm. It was pure sunshine and pastel delights! Just imagine... a bed piled with a thousand frilly cushions, matching pink floral wallpaper, and even a lace doily on the coffee table. It was my personal fairytale!

And the first day dawned just like something from a ballet… I took myself off to a lovely little park and watched the children giggle and twirl, feeling so inspired by the pure joy on their little faces. Even the squirrels seemed to have their own little ballet routine! But more on this later...

My next stop was the amazing, magnificent, and magnificent ballet school - The Walton upon Thames Ballet School – such an absolute dream! I had a go at the barre – talk about a workout – and discovered the wonderful world of ‘Ballet in Heels'– you see, not everything about my pink tutu career is in actual tutus. My goal was to inspire the girls - yes, some boys, too, because ballet is for everyone – to be confident, express themselves and to go out there and dream big. We even had some tutu time, but no fancy spins just yet - that's my department!

You have to try 'Ballet in Heels' if you get a chance; the feeling of a pirouette in perfectly pink heeled boots - well, let's just say it takes “twirling” to a whole new level!

For lunch, I went to a charming tea room with flowery wallpaper and china teacups – definitely my style – and after that it was off for some retail therapy to replenish my supply of tutus, sparkle and lace! Don’t be shy now, come on! Give me all the tulle and pink sequins you have! The lady running the shop – let's just say she got into the spirit! Oh and you know I always have to buy a pretty new pink hat!

The best thing about Walton Upon Thames is its sheer beauty, the cobblestone streets and traditional British shops. But if you’re after something a little more dramatic – look no further, because this lovely town has got a fabulous, sparkling theatre! There is so much on offer, ballet, plays, music and so much more. My trip took me to the most amazing historical play… complete with swords and some fabulous dresses. I think it’s true what they say, a girl can never have too much history and lace!

And for my final night of adventures, I had a wonderful experience in the town square, enjoying a delightful plate of fish and chips, watching families relax in the evening light, and just letting all that lovely, sparkling atmosphere soak into me.

That evening I felt an amazing sense of fulfillment – the magic of Walton Upon Thames is all around! A true gem of a place, a little bit like me! So, here’s a big pink Tutu to all of you – embrace your sparkle, never stop dreaming, and maybe wear a pink tutu for a day.

Until next time, stay fabulous!

Your forever-in-pink friend,

Pink Tutu Sparkles

#TutuQueen on 2016-07-03 stars in Walton upon Thames