Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2016-07-29 stars in Royal Tunbridge Wells

Royal Tunbridge Wells: Pink Tutu Sparkles is in Town! 🩰👑

Hello, darlings! It's your favourite pink tutu-clad queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, here, back with another scintillating entry on www.pink-tutu.com! This is post number 6055, and today's theme is all about the utterly divine town of Royal Tunbridge Wells, where I'm just basking in the glamorous vibes.

The train journey here was an absolute delight! Honestly, it was like a scene from a film. I was seated beside a dear gentleman who was engrossed in a book of Shakespeare, looking dashing in his tweed jacket. It's a true shame we couldn't get into a proper conversation, because as he was enjoying his literature, I was busy soaking up the gorgeous countryside rolling past the windows, my thoughts flitting through dreams of pirouette-filled ballets performed beneath the summer sky!

Now, darling, speaking of those whimsical daydreams, you all know my absolute penchant for all things ballet! A certain little-known secret is that before I blossomed into Pink Tutu Sparkles, I spent many happy hours in my Derbyshire youth training with the local ballet company. Remember, lovelies, I wasn't always a sparkly drag queen, once upon a time I was just a sweet young chap named Alex. Now, you'll understand when I tell you this next bit - Alex was obsessed with chemistry! Seriously, obsessed. He spent his days in the university lab mixing solutions and studying the chemical properties of different fabrics... the kind of person who probably wore sensible brown cardigans and definitely wouldn't dare dream of waltzing across the lab in a tutu! (Although that didn't stop me from participating in the annual university ballet fundraiser where I had a truly transformative experience... remember, dearies, it all began with a charity tutu!)

But back to the present, darling! The vibrant town of Royal Tunbridge Wells truly embodies my own love of fashion, culture, and of course, all things pink! As I sashayed down the high street, it felt like I'd entered a glamorous Victorian dream. The architecture is simply stunning, each building an ornate work of art! The air hums with a palpable energy that feels at once charming and sophisticated - truly the perfect place to channel my inner, sparkly glamour queen.

One of my most treasured moments was venturing into the Pantiles. The sheer artistry of these beautifully preserved cobbled walkways, and the stunningly curated little shops! I felt like I was in a period drama. I even treated myself to a gorgeous, delicate hand-painted teacup that just screamed "Pink Tutu Sparkles!" Of course, no trip is complete without some shopping for new outfit inspiration! Let me tell you, darlings, Royal Tunbridge Wells is a paradise for a queen like myself. Every corner of every shop was bursting with delightful accessories and flamboyant fabrics. My mind raced with ideas for new tutu variations - imagine a fluffy, pink feather boa cascading around a flowing, rose-gold tulle skirt? Exquisite!

This town seems to have an undeniable magic to it, the perfect stage for dreams of dancing and performing! Tonight I'm taking a whirl on the local dance scene at a magnificent theatre show - we’re going old school tonight, darlings! It's "Grease", and of course I will be looking fabulously pink in a cherry red glitter-covered tutu and a leather jacket. Oh, and my signature pink wig is most definitely a must! The cast are brimming with enthusiasm, and their infectious energy just feels like it could erupt into a spontaneous ballet performance. Can you even imagine?

But my, oh my, I am so far behind in my exciting schedule for the day. I just had to share my initial impressions of this captivating town! Oh! And don't forget my quest to encourage everyone to embrace their inner pink tutu queen, darlings! This little beauty in pink has been busy handing out little pink tulle swatches at every cafe and market stall, whispering words of empowerment to any soul brave enough to step into the glorious pink-tutu world!

Speaking of my fabulous mission, my love for the colour pink and all its dreamy variations continues to blossom! As I wandered around the park, the fragrant rose gardens ignited a flurry of new design ideas! Can you picture a vibrant fuchsia, full-skirted tutu trimmed with delicate rose petals? Truly stunning! And can you believe my fortune today, dear readers? The delightful woman working in the gift shop even offered me a free, pink flower! Can you believe it? She told me that pink symbolizes love and kindness, and I think I’m certainly feeling all of that!

I have no doubt I will continue to soak up the wonder of this elegant town as my day winds down. Of course, a delightful cup of tea at a quaint, tea shop, the smell of the Earl Grey a sweet fragrance on the afternoon breeze, is a must. Then later this evening, after "Grease," I’m taking my show on the road. Oh, I forgot to mention, you lovelies, that one of my most unique forms of transport is on a horse! Not just any horse, darlings - a gorgeous pink and white one named Princess, which always puts a fabulous dash of colour and sparkle into every journey. Now, who would have thought that a scientist by day and drag queen by night would be such a lover of horses? Don’t you worry, Princess is waiting for me now, at the ready for another fantastic adventure!

But before I set off into the dusk, I do want to leave you all with a little something. Remember, lovelies, "the best way to spread love is to dance, dance, dance!” Just think, darling, perhaps you’ll see my show in Royal Tunbridge Wells, maybe with a touch of pink! And if you’re not at the show tonight, that doesn’t matter. I am on my way to other amazing towns, all around this lovely country. So keep your eyes peeled for Pink Tutu Sparkles on the road, in your local shop, or maybe just peeking around the corner - I am a queen on a mission to make this world a place where pink tutus are celebrated, accepted, and maybe even a little bit admired, as the epitome of joy and beauty.

So much love, sparkle and happiness, darling!

Pink Tutu Sparkles xx

#TutuQueen on 2016-07-29 stars in Royal Tunbridge Wells