Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2016-09-05 stars in Morley

Morley Mayhem: Tutu Queen in Action!

Hello darlings! It’s your favourite pink-loving Tutu Queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, here, signing in live from the glorious city of Morley! Buckle up buttercups, because today’s blog post is jam-packed with fabulousness and tutus aplenty. You know the drill – pink-tastic, whimsical adventures and all things tutu-rific. Don’t forget to grab your fanciest pink-hued lip gloss and your most dazzling highlighter because this post is sure to be a showstopper!

Oh, before we get started, darlings! A little something special to thank you for all your lovely support - this post is officially number 6093! How incredible is that?! I’m positively thrilled, you lovely lot. If it wasn’t for your fab feedback, your constant love, and of course, those incredible comments (especially the ones filled with pink sparkles and exclamation marks!), I couldn't keep doing this!

Right, enough of the mushy stuff! Let's get back to the fabulous. So, where do we begin? A thrilling journey to Morley by, well, let’s just say it wasn't a unicorn. Sadly, unicorns are currently a little out of my budget. (But don't worry - it's on my dream board for the "When I Win The Lottery" page!). In all seriousness though, it was actually a wonderful old steam train. Imagine the glamorous carriages - all mahogany and velvet - and the delicious whiff of freshly baked pastries, plus the excitement of steam rising above the rails. What's not to love? You see, sometimes the journey is just as fabulous as the destination, and for me, the old-school way is certainly more enchanting.

Anyway, enough reminiscing. Morley itself was absolutely divine! A delightful town with a real energy – and where do you think my pink tulle found a lovely home, darlings? Why, at a local ballet performance! Now, you're all well aware that I'm a ballet fanatic - I even spend my days as a scientist (testing the fabric in those tutus, of course) but it is in the evenings where my real tutu dreams come to life. And in Morley, the ballet company was beyond exceptional! Their rendition of Swan Lake had my feathers fluttering, and those ballerinas were just magnificent - they truly floated like swans across the stage! And the costume designers – they deserve all the applause and confetti! Talk about fabulous, they took my love for tulle and pink and ran with it! Those tutu skirts - they practically begged to be spun!

Oh, but there’s more. Not only did the local theatre group enchant my soul, but Morley’s shops, too, provided a fantastic array of sparkly frock heaven. Now, as you all know, shopping for the perfect outfit is a serious passion. You simply can't skip it when you are in a new town - you simply cannot miss those glorious gems in each town’s boutique heaven. The streets were brimming with shops displaying glorious outfits that practically begged to be adorned, and it was almost impossible to control my impulse buying frenzy. I’m talking dazzling heels, statement jewellery, and let’s not forget - I stumbled across a tiny boutique, tucked away like a secret, filled with the most exquisite tulle! My new pink sparkly tutu, my darlings, was a true find - a gift to myself, a tiny reminder to stay fabulous and, of course, spread that pink-tutu magic.

But even before my ballet extravaganza and shopping sprees, I had a rather enchanting encounter on the journey. And by enchanting I mean… a rather handsome stallion, draped in his own gorgeous saddle cloth - the colour of rose petals, with a shimmer like gold dust! That is right - he had his very own pink-tinged saddlecloth. Talk about fashion forward! He and I – well, we seemed to strike up a mutual appreciation, if you know what I mean. You see, nothing can compare to the elegant beauty of a majestic horse and their undeniable grace.

So, you see, Morley really did steal my heart - it was bursting with wonder and delight. The journey, the performance, the town – each element of my adventure truly radiated that pink-tutu sparkle! The memories, I can promise, will stay etched on my heart. Until my next big adventure - remember darlings - wear pink, wear tulle, wear tutus, and above all, spread a sprinkle of pink-tutu sparkle wherever you go! Until next time, darlings, stay fab!

And now - don't forget to check out all my fabulous photos from my Morley trip! There's a full gallery of my pink-tastic adventures on my website www.pink-tutu.com. I just know you will adore the tutu and ballet photos! You can also keep up with all the latest from your beloved Tutu Queen on all my social channels. I love connecting with you amazing humans!

See you all soon! Love, Pink Tutu Sparkles! xxx

#TutuQueen on 2016-09-05 stars in Morley