
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2016-10-07 stars in Whitley Bay

Whitley Bay Whirlwind: A Pink Tutu Sparkles Adventure!

Pink Tutu Sparkles here, bringing you a blast of sunshine and sparkles from the ever-fabulous seaside town of Whitley Bay! Itโ€™s Friday, and you know what that means - it's time to shimmy into another glittering adventure! This is Post #6125 on the ever-growing pink-tutu.com - your daily dose of tutu-licious inspiration.

Today, I'm whisking you along on a journey that began with a train ride, a whole lot of sunshine, and of course, a glorious pink tutu. This, my darlings, is the very essence of the Pink Tutu Sparkles lifestyle: chasing dreams, embracing adventure, and making the world a little more sparkly, one tutu at a time.

Whitley Bay, you are a beauty! I swear, this seaside gem is full of character and charm. I always get such a warm fuzzy feeling when I see that beautiful North Sea sparkling in the distance - makes my heart skip a beat, especially when the sun is shining!

The journey here was delightful. I love a train ride! There's just something magical about being whisked away by the iron horse, surrounded by so many people going about their lives. And the scenery, oh my! Rolling hills, sleepy towns, a flash of sunshine through the window...it's so wonderfully peaceful, you just can't beat it. And let's not forget the perfect opportunity to get some serious "look at me, I'm a travelling pink tutu princess" reading done!

Now, you know me - always ready to take on the world in my best outfit! For this escapade, I opted for a flowing lavender tutu - the kind that swishes and sways with every graceful step. I topped it off with a vibrant turquoise bodice, studded with silver sequins and a dash of iridescent feather boas for good measure.

It's not just about the sparkle, though. The real joy comes from the journey, from sharing the magic with others. I feel like a tiny sparkle in a giant sea of human kindness. From the locals' warm smiles to the sweet faces of the children watching my show, I see a reflection of that infectious joy right back at me! And that's what makes the whole thing so incredibly special.

My performance was held in the lovely, grand, old Whitley Bay Theatre. I just love those beautiful old theaters with the plush red seats and ornate ceilings - they have so much history. My audience tonight was so receptive, clapping along to all the classics and giving me encouraging shouts as I strutted and twirled my way through my set.

This town has some fantastic history. After the performance, I spent a good chunk of time just walking around the bay, taking in the scenery. I visited the iconic Whitley Bay lighthouse โ€“ always a beautiful reminder of that steadfastness and hopefulness within us all - and was surprised by a whole collection of historic Art Deco buildings that I just hadnโ€™t expected! What a charming mix of history and modern energy!

I ended the day by indulging in some classic fish and chips and ice cream right by the sea. Watching the sunset bathe the town in soft pink and orange hues while indulging in such delights... I think you get it โ€“ absolute perfection!

The real takeaway for me is this: life, just like this gorgeous seaside town, is full of beautiful surprises. So get out there, embrace the unexpected, and, of course, do it all while wearing a glorious, pink tutu. Thatโ€™s how we keep the sparkle alive, my darlings.

Until next time, remember to dance like nobody's watching (because when you're in a pink tutu, everyone is watching)!

Your ever-sparkling friend,

Pink Tutu Sparkles

#TutuQueen on 2016-10-07 stars in Whitley Bay