Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2016-10-21 stars in Letchworth

Letchworth: Pink Tutu Sparkles Takes On The Garden City

Hello darlings! Welcome to Pink Tutu Sparkles' Daily Diaries, Post #6139, coming to you live from the heart of Hertfordshire - the ever so charming Letchworth Garden City! Buckle up your fabulous stilettos, darling, because it’s a big one!

First things first, Letchworth is gorgeous! Imagine the most adorable little town you could possibly conceive. Now add some fabulous Victorian architecture, winding streets, and a sense of tranquility that makes your soul sigh with relief. Then add in some breathtaking parkland where every corner seems to unfold into something new and magical, and you have Letchworth, darlings! Honestly, it’s like stepping into a painting of pure whimsy and I am loving it!

This adventure all began with a chance meeting at the Whitby Goth weekend, darlings. A delightful soul named Mrs. Violet Vanderboom told me all about Letchworth Garden City and it sounded utterly divine – charming shops, a vibrant art scene, and all the fresh air I could ever dream of! So, after another dazzling performance at the festival (it goes without saying, I absolutely slayed in my pink, leopard-print tutu, topped off with my signature glittery cat eye), I hopped on the trusty steam train from Whitby to Pickering and voila! My journey began!

For you fabulous fashionistas, the dress code is "comfortable" and "travel-ready" darlings. That means, for me, an explosion of pink - a floaty floral printed dress from my favourite vintage shop (you know the one!), adorned with layers of tulle netting, my trusty sparkly cardigan (always prepared for the English weather), and of course, a bright pink wide-brimmed hat. After all, we never want to forget about the sun protection, even when we are "garden"ing. Don’t worry, the rest of my wardrobe was hidden in my suitcase! The main rule? If it's got pink in it, I'm packing it.

Now, darling, I’m a firm believer in the magic of a good journey. My first destination was the fabulous Letchworth Garden City Heritage Centre. Did you know it’s the very first planned garden city in the UK? Isn't that just wonderful? I wandered through the lovely rooms and learned all about the history of Letchworth. They had these stunning old photographs of people and places from way back when – it really made you feel like you were stepping back in time, right to the heart of the founding moment.

But my biggest love for this magical town, darling, is the incredible range of parks and gardens! Every turn you take, it seems like there’s a new beauty to uncover. Now, when you imagine the ideal park , don't you picture perfectly manicured grass lawns, dappled light spilling through the trees, and winding paths beckoning you forward? Letchworth delivers this in spades! Oh, I'm not even going to get started on the sheer amount of daffodils they have here in the spring – a sea of sunshine as far as the eye can see, it’s truly a dream.

But even for this pink-loving, tutu-touting drag queen, there is a time for some serious indulgence. And that means… Shopping! Letchworth's high street is absolutely brimming with unique little shops - antique stores, vintage clothing, local artists selling their wares. Let me tell you, I spent an embarrassing amount of time in one store (they had this divine collection of velvet shawls, darling!). Honestly, I nearly bought it all!

After an afternoon of bliss shopping and garden-walking, it was time for my show, and it was an absolute blast! The performance space was adorable, nestled in this charming courtyard behind a little tea shop. Now, I love a good themed show, and Letchworth provided the perfect inspiration. Think pink floral prints, dainty lace gloves, tutus fluttering in the summer breeze, and a smattering of local history woven into my act - pure delight!

The crowd was just fantastic, darlings! We had the local artsy crowd, a sprinkling of young children in their sparkly shoes and fairy wings, a gaggle of elderly gentlemen (who you could tell were just happy to see a touch of pink sparkle), and my favorite - a gaggle of tutu-wearing ladies who joined in on the dance party. Truly the epitome of “everything’s more fabulous in pink.”

So as the sun dipped below the horizon and the twinkling fairy lights were strung up around the square, my Letchworth adventure drew to a close. And as I boarded the train, ready to begin my journey home, one thing was certain – this town has earned a place in my pink heart.

Next week, I'm heading down south! I'll keep you updated on all the fabulousness, darling! But for now, until we meet again… don't be afraid to unleash your inner pink, wear a tutu, and have the best of times!

With all my love, Pink Tutu Sparkles www.pink-tutu.com

#TutuQueen on 2016-10-21 stars in Letchworth