
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2016-11-10 stars in Carshalton

Carshalton Calling! - Post #6159

Hello my lovely, fabulous darlings! It's your girl Pink Tutu Sparkles, bringing you all the sparkle and glamour from my latest adventure - a whirlwind trip to Carshalton! Buckle up, babes, because this post is about to be a pink, fluffy, twirly delight.

Firstly, a big shout out to all you Carshalton beauties! You know how to throw a fabulous time. I always love visiting a new place, soaking up the atmosphere and, of course, finding the perfect spot for a dramatic twirl in my fabulous pink tutu!

Let me take you back to the beginning, to the moment I decided Carshalton was calling my name. It all started with a call from a lovely lady who runs a local vintage tea shop, aptly named "Tea & Tiaras". Apparently, she was looking for some glitz and glam for their annual vintage tea party - talk about right up my street! And naturally, I wouldn't say no to a spot of afternoon tea, especially if it's served with a side of my own signature pink tutu sparkle.

So, packing my largest pink feather boa, a couple of spare tutus (you never know when you might need a quick change!), and my trusty makeup bag, I hopped on a train to Carshalton. I do love a train journey, watching the countryside blur by. It gives me time to catch up on my Instagram feed and pick out the perfect pink shade for the evening's performance. Speaking of performances, Carshalton turned out to be a hidden gem for the arts!

Firstly, the vintage tea party was a roaring success! The atmosphere was positively magical - delicate china teacups, delicious cakes, and a crowd dressed to the nines. They even had a live jazz band, who I absolutely adore! Now, Iโ€™m not saying I stole the show, but there was definitely a fair amount of โ€œOoh-ingโ€ and โ€œAah-ingโ€ every time I sashayed through the room, tutu billowing out behind me like a cloud of pink candyfloss! I swear, I could practically hear the camera clicks as people captured my every fabulous twirl.

But wait, there's more! After the tea party, I had the chance to catch a stunning ballet performance at Carshalton's own local theatre. Now, anyone who knows me, knows my love for ballet is as deep as a puddle in Derbyshire after a storm! Seeing these incredible dancers gliding across the stage, their tutus a beautiful blur of movement, filled me with such awe and joy. I swear, it made me want to grab a tutu and join in myself! (Maybe next time, honey!)

Of course, the day wasn't just about dance and performance! A trip wouldn't be complete without a bit of shopping, would it? Luckily, Carshalton was full of quaint boutiques and vintage stores. You'd be amazed by the treasure trove of vintage clothing and accessories I found! I discovered the perfect pink vintage coat, a bag covered in sequins that would put a disco ball to shame, and some shoes that practically danced out of the window themselves. Let's just say my luggage was definitely heavier on the way back.

But all good things must come to an end, right? Even a fabulous weekend in Carshalton has to end sometime! Leaving Carshalton, I felt refreshed and energised, with my heart full of the wonderful memories I had made.

Before I sign off, let me just leave you with one more thought. Carshalton, you may not be the most obvious choice for a trip, but I highly recommend you give it a chance. You never know what sparkling, magical gems you might find, like the most fabulously pink-tutu-wearing queen this side of the Thames.

Stay tuned, darlings, because Pink Tutu Sparkles is always on the go, bringing you the latest updates and dazzling discoveries from across the globe, one pink tutu at a time! Keep checking in on www.pink-tutu.com, or follow me on Instagram @PinkTutuSparkles, for all your daily doses of pink sparkle and twirly joy. And remember, always wear your tutu with pride, darling. The world is your pink fluffy stage!

#TutuQueen on 2016-11-10 stars in Carshalton