Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2016-11-15 stars in Bromsgrove

Bromsgrove: A Pink Tutu Pilgrimage! 🩰💖

Hello, darlings! It's your Pink Tutu Sparkles here, bringing you post number 6164 from the utterly fabulous world of pink tutus and travel! Today's journey whisks us away to the charming town of Bromsgrove, Worcestershire, where I'm about to sashay onto the stage and sprinkle my magic! ✨

Now, I know what you're thinking: Bromsgrove? It doesn't exactly scream "drag queen destination," does it? But believe me, babes, there's magic in every corner of this great land, and Bromsgrove is no exception! Plus, I absolutely adore a good train journey – it's like a mobile dressing room, allowing me to primp, preen and plan my next fabulous entrance!

You see, dear readers, my love affair with pink tutus began not in a glamorous dressing room, but in a dusty university lab, where I was busy concocting some scientific potions for my degree in, gasp – chemistry! 🤯 Yes, you heard me right! Behind this fabulous façade, lurks a bit of a brainiac. 🧠 I think it's the perfect blend of intellect and glitz – kind of like a scientist who loves to add a splash of pink and twirl a bit of sparkle into their routine!

My first encounter with the majestic pink tutu happened at a charity event for our university ballet club – you know, the one I practically lived in! My friends convinced me to give it a try, and that moment…well, it was like magic! The feeling of twirling in that fluffy pink cloud was just divine. I knew I had to share that experience with the world, so Pink Tutu Sparkles was born!

Anyway, enough about my past - I'm absolutely buzzing to share my Bromsgrove adventures with you all. It's been quite a trip – think country lanes, charming cottages, and…wait for it…a bakery specializing in pink cupcakes! It was almost as if fate itself had arranged this glorious pink feast! I felt like I was starring in a ballet where the backdrop was a perfect English village scene, and I was the prima ballerina – twirling through it all in my fabulous tutu.

Today's show was at a local pub, which had the most adorable little stage. It's so heartening to see how drag has become mainstream, even in these quiet corners of England. I brought out all the hits: a medley of my signature moves (it wouldn't be a Pink Tutu show without the signature 'Sparkles Spritz,' you know!) and even surprised the audience with a bit of ballet-inspired choreography. My goal? To spread joy, glitter, and of course, a dash of pink. 😉

After the show, I mingled with the lovely locals – chatty and welcoming, they even gave me tips on where to find the best vintage tea shops! (Pink teacups? You bet!) Let me tell you, those little towns are overflowing with hidden gems.

And the best part? A little girl in the audience, barely old enough for tutus, came up to me and said, "You made my day! I want to be just like you when I grow up." That, my dears, is the whole reason I do what I do. To empower, to inspire, and to spread the message that there's a little bit of pink tutu sparkle in every one of us! 💖

So, Bromsgrove, you were absolutely delightful. I'm already plotting my next trip, perhaps to a horse riding stable (did I mention I’m also a secret horse-whisperer?! Whisper "tutu" and they gallop! 😂) but until then, keep shining bright!

Remember, darlings, it’s not about the destination, it's about the journey!

Lots of love, Pink Tutu Sparkles x

P.S. Keep an eye out for my next adventure, and don't forget to share your own pink tutu moments on social media! Tag #PinkTutuSparkles, and maybe we'll even get to share a cuppa! 🫖

#TutuQueen on 2016-11-15 stars in Bromsgrove