Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2016-12-07 stars in Bloxwich

Bloxwich: Where Dreams Take Flight (And I Did Too, On a Train!)

Hello darlings! 💅✨ It's your favourite pink-tutu-toting drag queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, checking in from the vibrant streets of Bloxwich! This is post number 6186 on the ever-growing adventure that is www.pink-tutu.com, and it's a particularly exciting one, as today marks my very first performance in this charming town!

Bloxwich, you may not know, is nestled in the heart of the West Midlands, a place of proud industrial heritage and, as I've discovered, a wonderfully warm and welcoming community. I journeyed here by train, of course! What's a queen without a love affair with rail travel? It's so elegant, so nostalgic, and perfectly allows for admiring the countryside with a cheeky glass of champagne, while rocking my latest fabulous pink tutu outfit, you see, my lovelies!

Speaking of tutus, oh, where to begin?! This performance outfit is a masterpiece – a blush-pink, feathered masterpiece! It practically begs to twirl, and let me tell you, it twirls beautifully! It was a splurge, but honestly, I simply couldn't resist its charm! The sparkle of a million sequins catches the stage lights, reflecting my sheer delight at being here. Honestly, I don't think Bloxwich has seen such a fabulous display of pink since… well, since forever! 😂 But trust me, darlings, pink tutus are the perfect vehicle for bringing joy to any community.

Science and Sparkles: My Daytime Life!

Before the magic of the stage transforms me into Pink Tutu Sparkles, you'll find me donning my lab coat, back in my everyday world of science. I spend my days meticulously testing fabrics, working in a lab hidden among the fields of Derbyshire, far from the glitter and glamour! It's a far cry from the world of sparkly tutus and show tunes, but I cherish the challenge and the knowledge I gain from my scientific work.

You might be surprised, but it was actually during my science degree that my passion for pink tutus was ignited. I was part of the university ballet club (we had some AMAZING routines, by the way!), and they held a fundraiser where we got to try on tutus for charity! It was just the nudge I needed to step into the wonderful world of dance, drag, and most importantly, the joy that only a perfect pink tutu can bring.

Bloxwich: Beyond the Tutu!

Now, let's get back to the charm of Bloxwich. It's more than just a stop on the railway line for me; it's a journey of discovery. Before the show, I treated myself to a spot of lunch in the quaint market square, surrounded by friendly locals and the aroma of fresh, home-baked goodies. And my dear readers, I discovered a delightful independent boutique nestled in a cobbled alleyway, filled with an eclectic mix of vintage treasures!

Naturally, I had to indulge my love for the finer things – let's just say I snagged a gorgeous silk scarf to match my outfit! It's a true testament to the magic that happens when you embrace the spirit of a town. This town has such heart and character, and it definitely shows in the welcoming embrace they’ve offered me.

Ballet Fever: An Eternal Love Affair!

But it's not just the people and the places that make Bloxwich so special, it’s the sense of artistry, of beauty, and yes, a whole lot of elegance! You wouldn't believe the amazing ballet show I caught before heading to the venue for my performance. Ballet and pink tutus? The perfect combination, don't you agree? And while watching, my heart filled with joy. The graceful dancers on the stage filled Bloxwich's town hall with magic, leaving a lingering air of inspiration in its wake.

Seeing ballet has always been a passion of mine. Ever since I was a young girl, I'd go with my family and watch, entranced, as the dancers pirouetted and leaped, their graceful movements so expressive. But I wanted more! And you know what? I enrolled in a beginner’s ballet class! Oh, the joy of pirouette lessons! They say you’re never too old to learn. I may not be the best at the fouette or pas de bourrée just yet, but that doesn’t matter – I’m having fun and feeling the thrill of pushing my boundaries.

Pink Tutu Power: Let's Make the World Twirl!

So, my lovely readers, let’s spread a bit of pink tutu love wherever we go. Because it’s more than just a dress! It’s a statement, a feeling, and an opportunity to spread joy and confidence! I encourage you, wear a pink tutu. Embrace the sparkle. Be a little bolder. Do something you love, because when you find that passion, you’ll discover you have more in common with the amazing people of Bloxwich than you thought!

As for me, I’m off to grace the stage tonight and share some glitter and smiles with everyone who's gathered in the beautiful town of Bloxwich. Stay tuned for more updates from my travels and performances.

Remember, darling, life's too short to wear dull colours! Embrace the sparkle, twirl with confidence, and join the pink tutu revolution! 💖 🩰 ✨

Keep it fab! 💋

Pink Tutu Sparkles

(And Alex, behind the sparkly veil!) 😉

#TutuQueen on 2016-12-07 stars in Bloxwich