
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2017-01-09 stars in Maidstone

Maidstone - All That Glitters!

Hey sweeties! Welcome to Pink-Tutu.com, post number 6219!

Can you believe it's already January 9th?! Where has the time gone?! Oh well, it just means itā€™s time for me to sparkle and shimmy my way across the country to some more fabulous fun! Today, my loves, I'm taking a little trip to Maidstone.

I was so excited when I got the call for this gig. Apparently, Maidstone is known for its vibrant community, with lots of amazing theatre venues and spaces dedicated to performance art. Itā€™s absolutely right up my alley! So naturally, I couldnā€™t say no! Plus, I get to travel by train, which always adds an extra layer of glitz and glam to my journey. You know me, a tutu girlā€™s gotta make an entrance!

Now, this outfit? Darling, this is no ordinary outfit, oh no. It's a full-on Pink Tutu Sparkles masterpiece, custom designed for Maidstone's cultural heart. Weā€™re talking a dazzling fuchsia tulle tutu, cascading with fluffy pink feathers and sparkling with enough rhinestones to rival a royal crown. And of course, thereā€™s my trademark pink wig, blowing in the breeze as I strut across the station platform, head held high!

To celebrate the performance, Iā€™ve put together my top ten pink tutu tips for visiting Maidstone ā€“ because itā€™s all about making memories, darlings!

Top 10 Tips for a Pink Tutu Perfect Day in Maidstone!
  1. Ballet: A must-do in Maidstone! I hear there's a brilliant dance studio called "The Academy," with top-notch instructors. Imagine, you're doing your pirouettes while I'm performing on stage ā€“ that's true magic! I'll definitely try to squeeze in a class before the show.

  2. Let's Talk Theatre!: Maidstone has a fantastic local theatre scene, full of independent artists. Thereā€™s the Hazlitt Theatre and even the The Marlowe Theatre which looks just magnificent. Oh darling, it's all going to be so divine!

  3. Shopping: Donā€™t forget to pop into The Fremlin Walk Shopping Centre. A great place for all those fabulous little finds to make my wardrobe truly unforgettable. Itā€™s where I find those little accessories to give my outfits the ultimate sparkle! I mean, whatā€™s a Pink Tutu without the right embellishments?!

  4. Coffee with a Side of Glam: Now, Iā€™ve heard The Bakery in Maidstone is a hidden gem! Absolutely delicious, fresh pastries, a little touch of old-school charm and an excellent place for a lovely pot of tea ā€“ just what a tutu queen needs to keep going on a long performance day!

  5. Street Art with Sparkle: You just know a town with this much personality is gonna be full of unique, eye-catching murals! Oh, and I can't wait to show off my moves against these beautiful backdrops. I have so many tutu-worthy poses planned!

  6. A Spot of History: No trip is complete without a little bit of local history! The historic St. Pancras Church looks utterly magnificent. Iā€™m thinking some lovely tutu pics with a historic backdrop, a must-have!

  7. Park life, Park Life! The Mote Park and Gardens is apparently a little slice of nature's beauty right in the middle of the city! Picture this ā€“ a beautiful picnic, a pastel pink tutu and me doing a waltz for a couple of passers-by, now that's a postcard moment.

  8. Eat, Dance, Repeat: Maidstone is said to have some fantastic restaurants - the "Golden Flame Indian" looks amazing for a quick and delicious bite before the show. After all, we have to keep that energy high for the dancing!

  9. Night-time in Maidstone: The heart of the town pulsates at night ā€“ vibrant, full of music and laughter, I canā€™t wait to embrace the magic! Oh and for any aspiring queens who fancy a bit of a night out after my show, a good cocktail in a glitzy club is always a good idea! We gotta keep this magic going!

  10. Tutu Inspiration: A pink tutu is so much more than just an outfit - itā€™s a mindset! So letā€™s try to inspire at least one person to jump into their very own Pink Tutu and live their wildest dreams! After all, if I can do it, then anyone can! You got this, darling!

I hope these top 10 tips give you a glimpse into my fun and fabulous time in Maidstone. Let me tell you, itā€™s always such a rewarding feeling to be able to bring my joy, sparkle, and of course, my Pink Tutu Sparkles magic to the stage! And thereā€™s nothing like seeing people get caught up in the magic of performance.

Until next time darlings! XOXO

My Big Maidstone Performance

Now letā€™s talk about the performance! This is what itā€™s all about, after all! As you all know, I love nothing more than a fabulous, heartfelt show ā€“ a little sprinkle of glamour, a whole lot of energy, and a story that speaks to everyone! So, when I saw the stage at my Maidstone venue, my creative juices were really flowing!

To create the perfect ambiance for my Maidstone show, I decided to take inspiration from a beautiful local garden. This is, of course, all wrapped up in that signature Pink Tutu Sparkle theme that everyone knows and loves! We're talking soft pastels, delicate flowers and a whole lot of sparkling fairy lights. Just think about it - a sprinkle of fairy magic and a little dose of whimsical Pink Tutu Sparkles. Thatā€™s the essence of it all.

To compliment the stage, I crafted a magical story ā€“ an enchanted fairy-tale set against the backdrop of a charming English village. I love telling stories ā€“ theyā€™re like magical threads, bringing people together and transporting them to a different place for a short while. I decided to tell the story of a young ballerina with big dreams ā€“ her heart yearns for a pink tutu! And throughout the journey of this tale, she learns the true meaning of self-acceptance and following your dreams. The whole performance was wrapped up with a heart-warming message of hope and friendship.

I was completely lost in the rhythm of the show, it really did feel magical! And everyoneā€™s laughter and energy was amazing! And seeing that wide-eyed delight in the little ones watchingā€¦ that was something really special! My favourite part, of course, was when I launched into my ā€œTutu Symphony.ā€ A vibrant mix of dance, ballet, and all the sass of my favourite Broadway musical. It's the perfect opportunity for me to unleash that inner ballerina! Oh, the audience just went wild! The applause just kept going, it was a fantastic feeling!

And thereā€™s always an important part to my shows ā€“ that opportunity to inspire and uplift, to empower the people watching to be themselves, whatever they may look like, wherever they come from, who they are. That, my lovelies, is truly the magic of the tutu!

As the show came to an end, I had this heartwarming feelingā€¦ a little wave of happiness that rippled through my whole being. And you know what? You canā€™t put a price on that. Thatā€™s the feeling of a good show! That feeling of being fully in your element.

The night ended on a real high. A bunch of beautiful people from Maidstone invited me to join them for some food and a little dancing at a local pub. The music, the company, and the laughsā€¦ it was a perfect ending to a truly perfect night.

As the night wound down, I knew that this magical day wouldn't be the last of Pink Tutu Sparkles in Maidstone! It's the beginning of a wonderful adventure and I just cannot wait to see what the future holds.

Back to My World...

And now it's back to reality, my dear friends! Time to say goodbye to the dazzling lights, the sparkling dresses and the thrill of being Pink Tutu Sparkles for a few moments. You know me - I am still Alex. Back in the lab. My regular workaday self. My trusty lab coat awaits!

As the sun rises over my Derbyshire hometown, the lab hums back to life. This time itā€™s fabric Iā€™m working with ā€“ stretching and analyzing every thread. I may not be in the limelight every moment, but the creative spark within me never fades. In fact, it fuels my passion! You see, all my scientific studies - chemistry, engineering, the whole lot - they all inform my shows, and give me that technical edge.

My job has given me such a fascination with color. The patterns in the fabric, the blends, the huesā€¦ It makes for such interesting art! So, even though Iā€™m back to my everyday routine, my mindā€™s still awash with colors, fabrics, sparkles, and, of course, those glorious tutus. Iā€™m already brainstorming my next performance and figuring out my new costumes!

So, darling, stay tuned. Weā€™ve only just begun! Xoxo

#TutuQueen on 2017-01-09 stars in Maidstone