Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2017-01-13 stars in Harrow

Harrow, Harrow, Harrow - My Pink Tutu Adventures Continue!

Post Number 6223

Hiya darlings! Your favourite Pink Tutu Queen is back, and this time, we’re heading to the delightful town of Harrow. You know I love a good train journey, so a first class carriage to this picturesque spot was definitely in order. Let me tell you, the views whizzing by were as dreamy as a ballet scene!

Before I head off into the sparkling pink heart of Harrow, let’s rewind a little… you see, my passion for all things pink tutu-licious started way back when I was just a cheeky science student at the university. Don’t laugh, darling, because being a scientist doesn't mean you can’t have a flair for the fabulous! I was a part of the ballet club back then, and remember that year they were doing a charity fundraiser? Oh, my darlings, it was all about trying on a tutu! One little twirl later, I knew this pink world was for me. My heart, dear readers, had been tutu-fied for life!

Now, by day I’m a real-life fabric whizz - you know, testing to make sure all the lovely garments we wear are strong and stylish - but by night, I'm transformed into your very own Pink Tutu Queen. This gorgeous world of colour, twirls, and sparkle is what keeps me going!

A Harrow Adventure - Shopping and Dancing!

Right, back to Harrow! The shops were calling me, and you know how I love a good retail therapy session. This little town has some real gems – boutique shops bursting with bright colours, quirky vintage boutiques (where I nabbed the cutest pink beaded belt, darling), and of course, the obligatory posh department store! I must confess, I went a bit crazy trying on all those fab frocks and shoes. I think my purse may be feeling the strain, but, oh honey, the joy! The joy!

I wasn’t in Harrow to just shop though, oh no! Ballet and a fabulous theatre show were top of the agenda, and let me tell you, I was ready to dance the night away. The ballet performance I saw was utterly sublime - all swirling tutus, graceful moves, and oh-my-word, the choreography! It was just divine! You see, darlings, my dream is to bring a little bit of the magic of ballet into every life. Imagine, the world, full of pink tutus, twirling, and a little sprinkle of fairy dust?

Now, the theatre production was something special. This local production had a unique blend of humour and poignant moments – they even had a flash mob of dancers at the interval, who naturally, had me jumping to my feet! A touch of glitter never hurts, does it, darling?

Horseback Riding in Harrow

After my whirl around Harrow, my heart yearned for adventure. So I packed my little Pink Tutu Queen handbag and set off on an unexpected horseback ride. Now, don't go thinking this was any ordinary steed. This beauty, named Willow, was the perfect pink princess! She wore a pink ribbon woven into her mane and a pink saddle blanket. This majestic beast was the perfect transportation for this Pink Tutu Queen! As I rode through the beautiful fields and countryside surrounding Harrow, Willow and I were one - feeling the freedom of the wind in our faces! We felt, like true partners in pink.

From Harrow to the World

The evening came and my heart, brimming with happy Harrow memories, headed back to the train station. As the train took me away from this delightful town, I thought of all the wonderful things I'd seen and experienced – the twinkle of shop windows, the joy of dance, the freedom of the countryside and of course, Willow’s pink ribbons. This is just the beginning of my journey! Every day, I spread the Pink Tutu gospel across the world, and each one of you, my darlings, is a vital part of the mission!

So keep wearing your pink tutus, keep dancing to your heart’s content, and keep dreaming, keep travelling, and keep loving, like this Pink Tutu Queen!

Remember, every day is a new adventure with a little bit of sparkle! And remember, darlings, never forget that "You’re always beautiful in a Pink Tutu!”

Don’t forget to head to www.pink-tutu.com for even more twirly adventures and follow my journey, I post a new blog daily!

Until next time! Love,

Your Pink Tutu Queen

P.S Have you got any tutu tips to share, or have you seen a particularly wonderful performance? Let me know! Let’s get this Pink Tutu World twirling together!

#TutuQueen on 2017-01-13 stars in Harrow