Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2017-01-20 stars in Tottenham

Tottenham Calling! Pink Tutu Sparkles Takes On the Capital 💖

Hello darlings! It's your girl, Pink Tutu Sparkles, here! And guess what?! Your favourite tutu-wearing, glitter-bombing queen is heading south, all the way to Tottenham, for a right royal knees-up! This fabulous journey is part of my "Pink Tutu for Every Town" campaign, where I aim to spread a little sparkle wherever I go. It’s post number 6230, if you're counting! You can find it, as always, on my blog, www.pink-tutu.com - the ultimate tutu haven for anyone who dares to dream in pink. 😉

I have to say, Tottenham has a certain vibe about it, a kind of edgy elegance. It's got this amazing blend of old-world charm and modern vibrancy that I just adore. It's not too different from Derbyshire, actually - a lot of history and grit, but underneath, people are as friendly as can be. My heart feels a little lighter when I know I'm in for some good conversation, and Tottenham is looking promising already!

So, how did I get here? Well, dear readers, let's just say a little magic, a touch of glitter, and a LOT of love for tutus. After all, that’s what Pink Tutu Sparkles is all about! You see, this is the beauty of drag - it gives you a chance to channel your inner diva, to become a symbol of something bigger than yourself.

As always, I’m making this trip all about the journey! You know I love the countryside and being close to nature - it fuels my imagination. There’s something incredibly grounding about seeing the rolling green hills, and the fresh air is just perfect for coming up with those truly original outfit ideas, right?! So, it's a no-brainer that I hopped aboard the train for the trip! What can I say? Train journeys just have a certain charm, especially with a hot cup of tea and the calming sound of the railway tracks - so very elegant!

Oh, I must tell you about the train trip! I wore my beautiful shimmering fuchsia tutu for the journey! Yes, I am that confident. It shimmered as I waltzed through the carriage, leaving a trail of dazzling dust, or rather, glitter. And everyone just loved it. There were a few hesitant looks, but once they saw the pure joy and joy it brought me, even the most conservative people cracked a smile! A little pink can truly change your day! It just goes to show, pink tutus are for everyone! It’s all about wearing it with confidence, knowing that you can rock any colour, and any style. And I’m living proof!

Speaking of confidence, I’ve always had a good head for numbers, a good memory, and a sharp intellect, which is why I work in a lab by day, testing fabrics for durability, strength, and… you guessed it… colour! What can I say? Even science has its glamour! The secret's in the detail. But my real life starts after I put on my make-up. Let's face it, my alter ego Pink Tutu Sparkles knows how to put on a show! It’s a real blast, that is. So, when you see Pink Tutu Sparkles, know that behind that sparkly façade is Alex, a dedicated scientist. That double life is definitely something worth singing about, right? It's a journey of transformation, of expression, and it makes life truly, truly magnificent!

But this is Tottenham, the capital of cool! So what's a pink tutu-wearing diva going to do? Well, my darlings, that's a secret. The key, of course, is the anticipation, the excitement! Let's just say, Tottenham is about to get a pink, sparkling makeover! Expect a little bit of street-theatre, some serious moves, and maybe even a song or two! After all, who could resist the allure of a pink tutu dancing under the Tottenham lights? Don't worry, my dear readers, you'll get all the details on the website! You’re guaranteed to get a giggle out of my antics, maybe even get a little inspired.

You know me - Pink Tutu Sparkles never fails to make an impression! And this time is no exception. After a few fabulous train rides, I got to the venue. Let me tell you, the anticipation was palpable - it was almost like a stage buzz. You know what I’m talking about, right? When the crowd is expectant, it gives you the perfect adrenaline boost! As the audience settled, you could feel the hum in the room! It’s an energy that’s exhilarating, just magical, really! And then, the spotlight hits me! And with the sound of a beat and a twirl, the stage became my canvas! I poured my heart into the show - each twirl, every glance, and every glittering move, designed to make my fans smile. It felt like pure magic!

Tottenham has been a whirlwind of glitter and glam. I've been performing everywhere, from street fairs to local festivals - my tutus have truly spread the sparkle far and wide! Oh, I can't forget to mention the wonderful shops! London is just bursting with gorgeous clothing shops, and finding something fabulous just for Tottenham wasn't even a challenge. Imagine my delight, I found a whole rack of pink tulle! Honestly, it was like a dream come true, a dream draped in pink.

You can’t leave a capital city without tasting its flavours, can you? Oh darling, Tottenham really knows how to put together a plate! The local bakery made a custom-made pink cupcake. Can you believe that? They put on a little pink tutu and all! Now, who said you can't combine sweet treats with sparkle?

And, I simply couldn't leave without making a new friend, or two! My favourite encounter, however, had to be a group of children - about a dozen or so - dressed as little princesses! All those tutus… they even managed to create some little bouquets of pink glitter. It’s the future generation! Honestly, you could feel the magic in the air - they loved Pink Tutu Sparkles, and Pink Tutu Sparkles loved them. We talked about all things fabulous – tutus, dance, glitter – and for a moment, we all became part of something much larger than ourselves.

I must say, Tottenham, you really know how to welcome a queen. Your streets have felt like my runway! A girl just can't ask for more. And just as you think my visit has ended, you know what’s next, right?! I’ve already started planning my next adventure. I’m hoping to make it to somewhere exciting like Brighton, a city that radiates energy! It will be time to bring that seaside breeze into the mix! And as always, there will be more sparkle, more stories, and more pink. You can be certain of it! I have a feeling my sparkly adventures will never end.

But before I sign off, a little announcement: Remember that special giveaway I've been hinting at? It's time to reveal the secret, darling! It's a grand prize of your very own pink tutu, the most stunning piece you've ever seen, picked out specially for you by yours truly. How fabulous, right? All you have to do to enter is go to the "Pink Tutu Sparkles" website. Join the tutu revolution, lovelies!

And now, for one final, sparkly piece of advice – remember, every day is a chance to spread a little sparkle! Find the courage to wear your pink tutu, in all its glittering glory, and make the world a little brighter! Pink out, darlings!

Until next time, keep sparkling!

Your favourite Tutu Queen,

Pink Tutu Sparkles x

#TutuQueen on 2017-01-20 stars in Tottenham