Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2017-02-05 stars in Worcester

Worcester, darling! Pink Tutu Sparkles brings the sparkle to the Midlands.

(Post #6246)

Oh my darlings, buckle up your sequins and get ready for a pinktastic adventure! Today, Pink Tutu Sparkles is hitting the cobbled streets of Worcester, and I'm bringing my signature brand of fun and frills along for the ride. This gorgeous city is steeped in history and has a bustling heart. So, naturally, I had to bring the pink sparkle, don’t you think?

You might be wondering how this pink tutu-loving diva makes her way around the UK? Well, darling, a Pink Tutu Sparkles journey isn’t complete without a sprinkle of vintage glamour! Forget the stuffy trains (unless they’re covered in pink, of course!) – I always prefer a leisurely jaunt in a horse-drawn carriage. It allows me to soak in the beauty of the English countryside, all while looking absolutely fabulous. Let’s be honest, how else would one arrive in style at a quaint country inn for a spot of afternoon tea?

You see, the heart of my drag persona, my life’s mission you could say, is getting everyone, absolutely everyone, to embrace the power of pink! And what better way to do that than with a fabulous, fluttering tutu? Don’t even get me started on those sparkly tutus, just pure perfection!

Remember my sweet, precious darlings, wearing pink is about so much more than just a colour. It's a statement of joy, it's a beacon of self-expression, and it's a constant reminder that we're all unique, shining, glorious individuals, even if I am the most fabulous one of the lot!

So, back to Worcester, this charming little city truly has my heart racing! With its magnificent cathedral towering over the medieval streets, I've already been inspired to weave a fabulous performance for my upcoming show at the town hall. I must tell you, it will be nothing short of fabulous! Expect stunning dance routines, some heartfelt tunes, and maybe even a pink-tastic confetti shower!

This being Worcester, how can I not indulge in a delicious local cream tea? After all, tea is one of life's most perfect rituals, especially when it's enjoyed with finger sandwiches, fluffy scones, and enough clotted cream to fill a ballet shoe! Oh, and did I mention the beautiful china? I swear they serve the tea in genuine bone china with hand-painted floral patterns!

Speaking of beautiful things, let’s chat a little about ballet, darlings! It's simply my happy place. Those fluid movements, the intricate steps, and the breathtaking costumes are an endless source of inspiration! I was a bit of a wallflower back in the day (when my real name was still Alex!) but a bit of pink sparkle seemed to work wonders and now you can see me flaunting a dazzling performance on the stage or having fun at ballet class. My personal style is so inspired by ballet that, frankly, I even dream in tutus!

Now, back to the point, where does a Pink Tutu Sparkles go after a fantastic cream tea and a whirlwind tour of the beautiful historic sites of Worcester?

We go to a delightful little boutique for a little retail therapy, of course! My darlings, it’s no secret, I live and breathe for beautiful fashion. Whether it’s sourcing new pink accessories, a fabulous feather boa to complete a dazzling ensemble, or just an elegant and eye-catching dress that makes you say, "Darling, that’s simply gorgeous!" There’s just something exhilarating about shopping that's guaranteed to brighten my day ( and of course make me think about pink! )

After the shops, a gorgeous candlelit dinner with some of my wonderful fans. Nothing makes me happier than connecting with the kind souls who embrace my world of glittery pink. We have some bubbly, exchange some fashion tips and talk about my upcoming show at the fairground. Of course, no gathering of mine is complete without a surprise flash-mob where I unleash a vibrant tutu-inspired dance routine! Oh the chaos and sparkle! It is sure to send everyone running to their own dressing rooms in search of a pink tutu or a matching feather boa.

This little bit of joy leaves my fans inspired to spread their own sparkle in their everyday lives, and, well, that's the Pink Tutu Sparkles magic. Remember, dear ones, we’re all destined to sparkle!

But enough about the amazing day, my dear followers, there are so many other magical journeys to go on and pink tutus to be shared. Until next time, let your true colours shine, remember to embrace the fun, and always stay pink, darlings.

Now off I go, to find myself the most stunning pink tutu for tomorrow’s show. If you can’t catch me in the beautiful city of Worcester this time around, then keep an eye out for me on the Pink-tutu.com website and you never know, I might just be dazzling my way to your neck of the woods next week!

Stay beautiful!

Lots of Pink love,

Pink Tutu Sparkles! 💖

#TutuQueen on 2017-02-05 stars in Worcester