Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2017-02-08 stars in New York

Big Apple Brilliance: A Pink Tutu Dream Come True! (Blog Post #6249)

Darling Divas and Dapper Dudes!

It's Pink Tutu Sparkles here, ready to whisk you away to the glittery, glamorous streets of New York City! Buckle up, darlings, because this adventure is going to be as fabulous as a four-tiered pink birthday cake topped with sparkly sprinkles!

My journey began in the quaint countryside of Derbyshire, where my real name is Alex, a scientist who dreams of fabric and tutus in equal measure. After years of testing the texture of every material under the sun, my nights are filled with the joy of transforming into the dazzling Pink Tutu Sparkles! I found my calling whilst at university, trying on a tutu for a charity fundraiser. My science degree might have been all about equations and experiments, but it was that moment that my life truly began. From that point, I realised that there's no experiment more thrilling than crafting the ultimate Pink Tutu Sparkle persona!

Now, onto New York, my dears! My recent trip was a dream realised – I just adore that city! And what better way to get there than on a grand, elegant train? The wind whispering through my tutu and the gentle sway of the carriage transported me right into a Broadway show, complete with a grand finale of me emerging onto the platform in a fabulous outfit! I just love a bit of glamour and grandeur, even if it means a slight delay due to a cheeky carriage inspection. The joy of train travel, dear friends, cannot be understated! It's like travelling back to a more elegant era.

Arriving in New York was just like stepping onto the stage! You know how much I adore theatres, and there's no city more suited for dazzling lights and sensational acts than New York! The Big Apple welcomed me with open arms – even the street performers had a bit of sparkle in their eyes! My fabulous pink tutu got a lot of admiring stares. Even the pigeons cooed in approval. And those incredible yellow taxis, darling, they're just begging for a sprinkle of Pink Tutu Sparkles magic!

You can find me dazzling all those New Yorkers and performing my acts anywhere from bustling Times Square to hidden speakeasy bars. That’s right, from elegant hotels to fun, buzzing local markets, Pink Tutu Sparkles was strutting her stuff across every venue, showing everyone what a proper, well-turned out lady should look like. After all, a proper pink tutu is never out of place. Not even when you're surrounded by yellow cabs and bustling crowds. It’s a great place to get ideas for my wardrobe too! New Yorkers really know how to dress – fabulous hats, stylish scarves, chic shoes. They are true champions of self-expression.

Speaking of self-expression, dear friends, let's talk about my favourite ballet show - "The Nutcracker"! You can't travel to the city that never sleeps and not catch a ballet, darling! My jaw was on the floor as the dancers glided effortlessly, and the entire audience held its breath as the Sugar Plum Fairy waltzed onto the stage! It just goes to show that there's a bit of magic in everything, darling – even a humble tutu can transport you to a wonderland of swirling, twirling, pink joy!

My stay in the Big Apple wasn’t all about fancy shows, darlings. I am, of course, a woman who appreciates fine clothes and lovely stores, and New York had just the thing! I discovered the most amazing vintage dress shop. I spent a good two hours, darting from rack to rack, sniffing at vintage perfume and searching for something fabulous. I can’t spoil the surprise for you all just yet, darlings, but let’s just say I found the most gorgeous piece to add to my pink tutu collection!

Oh, and I just had to try New York's famous horse and carriage rides! Honestly, the moment I saw the graceful black horses I knew I was in for a treat! This wasn’t your average horse and carriage, darling - oh no, this one was all elegance and style, complete with a velvety black carriage and shimmering pink ribbons! Of course, I wasn’t allowed to bring my own pink tutu for the ride. However, you can bet your bottom dollar I was wearing it once the journey finished and we reached the picturesque Central Park!

The sheer grandeur of New York, the delicious aromas of freshly baked pretzels, the iconic yellow taxis... My adventure in this phenomenal city is one I’ll never forget! It's more than just a place, it’s an experience, an energy, a vibe, an atmosphere! It's the city that never sleeps and certainly the one that gets you thinking – not just about the next glamorous outfit or dazzling show, but about life, joy, and self-expression! And to anyone wondering, YES, I’ve found some new additions to my tutu collection - a magnificent fluffy pink creation from a charming boutique tucked away in Brooklyn, as well as a delicate pink silk creation with exquisite beading - a real gem from a tiny vintage shop hidden behind a roaring Broadway theatre!

Now, my dears, if there's anything more you would like to know, please just drop a comment in the box below and let’s have a little chat! After all, spreading the joy of pink tutus and celebrating life's magical moments with each and every one of you is my most cherished pursuit!

Until next time, darling divas and dapper dudes, remember - even the smallest spark of Pink Tutu Sparkles can brighten your day!

Keep twirling, Pink Tutu Sparkles www.pink-tutu.com

#TutuQueen on 2017-02-08 stars in New York